starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [d82ba893dd]:

To Artifact [6d0114ddbf]:

   564    564   				'blob'; -- opaque binary blob, so 3d-pty mods can use the
   565    565                       -- file mechanism to store arbirary data.
   566    566   			};
   567    567   			drm = T.u8; -- inhibit copying
   568    568   			name = T.str;
   569    569   			body = T.text;
   570    570   		}, function(file) -- enc
          571  +			assert(E.chip.file[file.kind], string.format('invalid file kind "%s"', file.kind))
   571    572   			local b = E.chip.file[file.kind].enc(file.body)
   572    573   			return {
   573    574   				kind = file.kind;
   574    575   				drm = file.drm;
   575    576   				name =;
   576    577   				body = b;
   577    578   			}
   872    873   	end;
   873    874   	__index = {
   874    875   		read = function(self)
   875    876   			local dat =
   876    877   			return dat.files[self.inode]
   877    878   		end;
   878    879   		write = function(self,data)
   879         -			-- print('writing', self.chip, self.inode)
   880    880   			return E.chip.fileWrite(self.chip, self.inode, data)
   881    881   		end;
   882    882   		erase = function(self)
   883    883   			local dat =
   884    884   			table.remove(dat.files, self.inode)
   885    885   			E.chip.write(self.chip, dat)
   886    886   			self.inode = nil
   909    909   			then
   910    910   				for fl, inode in E.chip.files(e) do
   911    911   					if fl.kind == 'sw' then
   912    912   						local s = starlit.item.sw.db[fl.body.pgmId]
   913    913   						table.insert(sw, {
   914    914   							sw = s, chip = e, chipSlot = i;
   915    915   							file = fl, inode = inode;
          916  +							id = fl.body.pgmId;
   916    917   						})
   917    918   					end
   918    919   				end
   919    920   			end
   920    921   		end
   921    922   	end
   922    923   
   923    924   	for _, s in pairs(sw) do
   924    925   		if s.sw.cost.ram <= comp.ram and pred(s) then
   925    926   			table.insert(r, {
          927  +				id =;
   926    928   				sw = s.sw;
   927    929   				chip = s.chip, chipSlot = s.chipSlot;
   928    930   				file = s.file;
   929    931   				fd = E.chip.fileHandle(s.chip, s.inode);
   930    932   				speed = s.sw.cost.cycles / comp.cycles;
   931    933   				powerCost = s.sw.cost.cycles / comp.powerEfficiency;
   932    934   				comp = comp;