starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [d79dc9efc2]:

To Artifact [a2ac450e1c]:

   176    176   	-- player is in -30°C weather, and has an internal temperature of
   177    177   	-- 10°C. then:
   178    178   	--   κ  = .1°C/C/s (which is apparently 100mHz)
   179    179   	--   Tₚ =  10°C
   180    180   	--   Tₑ = -30°C
   181    181   	--   d  = Tₑ − Tₚ = -40°C
   182    182   	--   ΔT = κ×d = -.4°C/s
          183  +	-- too cold:
          184  +	--		x = beginning of danger zone
          185  +	--    κ × (x - Tₚ) = y where y < Tₚ
   183    186   	-- our final change in temperature is computed as tΔC where t is time
   184         -	local kappa = .05
          187  +	local kappa = starlit.constant.heat.thermalConductivity
   185    188   	for name,user in pairs(starlit.activeUsers) do
   186    189   		local tr = user:species().tempRange
   187    190   		local t =
          191  +
          192  +		do -- this bit probably belongs in starlit:bio but we do it here in order
          193  +		   -- to spare ourselves another call into the dark swamp of climate.temp
          194  +		   local urg = 1
          195  +		   local function alarm(kind)
          196  +			   user:alarm(urg, kind, nil, {
          197  +				   elt = user.hud.elt.temp, ofs = {x=100,y=0};
          198  +				   tex = 'starlit-ui-alert-'..kind..'.png';
          199  +			   })
          200  +		   end
          201  +		   local hz = user:tempHazard(t)
          202  +			local tr = user:species().tempRange.survivable
          203  +		   if hz == 'cold' then
          204  +			   if tr[1] - t > 7 then urg = 2 end
          205  +			   alarm 'temp-cold'
          206  +		   elseif hz == 'hot' then
          207  +			   if t - tr[2] > 7 then urg = 2 end
          208  +			   alarm 'temp-hot'
          209  +		   end
          210  +		end
          211  +
   188    212   		local insul = 0
   189    213   		local naked = user:naked()
   190    214   		local suitDef
   191    215   		if not naked then
   192    216   			suitDef = user:suitStack():get_definition()
   193    217   			insul = suitDef._starlit.suit.temp.insulation
   194    218   		end
   223    247   			end
   224    248   		end
   225    249   
   226    250   		user:statDelta('warmth', tgt - warm) -- dopey but w/e
   227    251   
   228    252   		warm = tgt -- for the sake of readable code
   229    253   
          254  +		-- does this belong in starlit:bio? unsure tbh
   230    255   		if warm < tSafeMin or warm > tSafeMax then
   231    256   			local dv
   232    257   			if warm < tSafeMin then
   233    258   				dv = math.abs(warm - tSafeMin)
   234    259   			else
   235    260   				dv = math.abs(warm - tSafeMax)
   236    261   			end