starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [cdaabd4e00]:

To Artifact [d79dc9efc2]:

     3      3   
     4      4   function
     5      5   	local days = minetest.get_day_count()
     6      6   	local year = math.floor(days / world.planet.orbit);
     7      7   	local day = days % world.planet.orbit;
     8      8   	return {
     9      9   		year = year, day = day;
    10         -		season = day / world.planet.orbit;
           10  +		season = day / world.planet.orbit + 0.5; -- begin summer
    11     11   	}
    12     12   end
    13     13   local lerp = lib.math.lerp
    14     14   
    15     15   local function gradient(grad, pos)
    16     16   	local n = #grad
    17     17   	if n == 1 then return grad[1] end
    18     18   	local op = pos*(n-1)
    19     19   	local idx = math.floor(op)
    20     20   	local t = op-idx
    21     21   	return lerp(t, grad[1 + idx], grad[2 + idx])
    22     22   end
    23     23   
    24     24   local altitudeCooling = 10 / 100
           25  +local heatRange = {min = -70, max = 70} -- translate mt temps into real temps
    25     26   
    26     27   -- this function provides the basis for temperature calculation,
    27     28   -- which is performed by adding this value to the ambient temperature,
    28     29   -- determined by querying nearby group:heatSource items in accordance
    29     30   -- with the inverse-square law
    30     31   function world.climate.eval(pos, tod, season)
    31     32   	local data = minetest.get_biome_data(pos)
    32     33   	local biome = world.ecology.biomes.db[minetest.get_biome_name(data.biome)]
    33     34   	local heat, humid = data.heat, data.humidity
           35  +	heat = lerp(heat/100, heatRange.min, heatRange.max)
    34     36   	tod = tod or minetest.get_timeofday()
    35     37   	heat = lerp(math.abs(tod - 0.5)*2, heat, heat + biome.nightTempDelta)
           38  +-- 	print('base heat', heat)
    36     39   
    37     40   	local td =
    38     41   	heat = heat + gradient(biome.seasonalTemp, season or td.season)
           42  +-- 	print('seasonal heat', heat)
    39     43   	if pos.y > 0 then
    40     44   		heat = heat - pos.y*altitudeCooling 
    41     45   	end
           46  +-- 	print('altitude heat', heat)
    42     47   
    43     48   	return {
    44     49   		surfaceTemp = heat;
    45     50   		waterTemp = heat + biome.waterTempDelta;
    46     51   		surfaceHumid = humid;
    47     52   	}
    48     53   end