starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [bf764e9a62]:

To Artifact [2d3d2d3760]:

     1      1   local lib = starlit.mod.lib
     2      2   local scenario =
            3  +local log = starlit.logger 'scenario'
     3      4   
     4      5   local function makeChip(label, schem, sw)
     5      6   	local E = starlit.mod.electronics
     6      7   	local files = {}
     7      8   	local sz = 0
     8      9   	for _, e in ipairs(schem) do
     9     10   		local p = E.sw.findSchematicFor(e[1])
    10     11   		if p then
    11     12   			local file = {
    12     13   				kind = 'sw', name = '', drm = e[2];
    13         -				body = {pgmId = p};
           14  +				body = {pgmId = p, conf = {}};
    14     15   			}
    15     16   			table.insert(files, file)
    16     17   			sz = sz + E.chip.fileSize(file)
    17     18   		end
    18     19   	end
    19     20   	for _, e in ipairs(sw) do
    20     21   		local file = {
    21     22   			kind = 'sw', name = '', drm = e[2];
    22         -			body = {pgmId = e[1]};
           23  +			body = {pgmId = e[1], conf = {}};
    23     24   		}
    24     25   		table.insert(files, file)
    25     26   		sz = sz + E.chip.fileSize(file)
    26     27   	end
    27     28   	local chip = ItemStack(assert(E.chip.findBest(function(c)
    28     29   		return c.flash >= sz, c.ram + c.clockRate
    29     30   	end)))
    60     61   
    61     62   local battery = function(name)
    62     63   	local s = ItemStack(name)
    63     64   	starlit.mod.electronics.battery.setChargeF(s, 1.0)
    64     65   	return s
    65     66   end
    66     67   
           68  +local function volume(kind,name,mass)
           69  +	local sorted = {}
           70  +	for k,v in pairs(starlit.item.canister.db) do
           71  +		table.insert(sorted, {id=k, can=v})
           72  +	end
           73  +	table.sort(sorted, function(a,b) return a.can.vol < b.can.vol end)
           74  +
           75  +	local liq =[kind].db[name]
           76  +
           77  +	local can
           78  +	for i, v in ipairs(sorted) do
           79  +		if v.can.vol <= liq.density * mass then
           80  +			can = ItemStack(i)
           81  +			break
           82  +		end
           83  +	end
           84  +	if can == nil then log.fatal('failed to find canister size for gift %s', kind) end
           85  +
           86  +	local st = starlit.item.canister.meta(can)
           87  +	st.write('contents', {kind = kind, id = name, mass = mass})
           88  +
           89  +	return can
           90  +end
           91  +
    67     92   
    68     93   table.insert(scenario, {
    69     94   	id = 'starlit_scenario:imperialExpat';
    70     95   	name = 'Imperial Expat';
    71     96   	desc = "Hoping to escape a miserable life deep in the grinding gears of the capitalist machine for the bracing freedom of the frontier, you sought entry as a colonist to the new Commune world of Thousand Petal. Fate -- which is to say, terrorists -- intervened, and you wound up stranded on Farthest Shadow with little more than the nanosuit on your back, ship blown to tatters and your soul thoroughly mauled by the explosion of a twisted alien artifact -- which SOMEONE neglected to inform you your ride would be carrying.\nAt least you got some nifty psionic powers out of this whole clusterfuck. Hopefully they're safe to use.";
    72     97   
    73     98   	species = 'human';
    91    116   			-- came with this chip already plugged in. it's apparently true
    92    117   			-- what they say: the Commune is always prepared for everything.
    93    118   			-- E V E R Y T H I N G.
    94    119   		};
    95    120   		suitGuns = {};
    96    121   		suitAmmo = {};
    97    122   		suitCans = {
    98         -			ItemStack('starlit_material:canister_small');
          123  +-- 			ItemStack('starlit_material:canister_small');
          124  +			volume('liquid', 'water', 5);
    99    125   		};
   100    126   		carry = {
   101    127   			chipLibrary.compendium;
   102    128   			-- you bought this on a whim before you left the Empire, and
   103    129   			-- just happened to still have it on your person when everything
   104    130   			-- went straight to the Wild Gods' privy
   105    131   		};