starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [b2784a81d4]:

To Artifact [c928629a64]:

    19     19   	persona = {
    20     20   		key  = 'starlit:persona';
    21     21   		type =;
    22     22   	};
    23     23   }
    24     24   
    25     25   local suitStore =
           26  +
           27  +local leds = {
           28  +	freeze = {
           29  +		icon = lib.image('starlit-ui-alert-temp-cold.png');
           30  +		bg = lib.image('starlit-ui-alert-bg-temp-cold.png');
           31  +		side = 'left';
           32  +	};
           33  +	overheat = {
           34  +		icon = lib.image('starlit-ui-alert-temp-hot.png');
           35  +		bg = lib.image('starlit-ui-alert-bg-temp-hot.png');
           36  +		side = 'left';
           37  +	};
           38  +	hydration = {
           39  +		icon = lib.image('starlit-ui-alert-hydration.png');
           40  +		bg = lib.image('starlit-ui-alert-bg-hydration.png');
           41  +		side = 'left';
           42  +	};
           43  +	nutrition = {
           44  +		icon = lib.image('starlit-ui-alert-nutrition.png');
           45  +		bg = lib.image('starlit-ui-alert-bg-nutrition.png');
           46  +		side = 'left';
           47  +	};
           48  +
           49  +	radiation = {
           50  +		icon = lib.image('starlit-ui-alert-rad.png');
           51  +		bg = lib.image('starlit-ui-alert-bg-rad.png');
           52  +		side = 'right';
           53  +	};
           54  +	fatigue = {
           55  +		icon = lib.image('starlit-ui-alert-fatigue.png');
           56  +		bg = lib.image('starlit-ui-alert-bg-fatigue.png');
           57  +		side = 'right';
           58  +	};
           59  +}
    26     60   
    27     61   starlit.type.user = lib.class {
    28     62   	name = 'starlit:user';
           63  +	leds = leds;
    29     64   	construct = function(ident)
    30     65   		local name, luser
    31     66   		if type(ident) == 'string' then
    32     67   			name = ident
    33     68   			luser = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
    34     69   		else
    35     70   			luser = ident
    38     73   		return {
    39     74   			entity = luser;
    40     75   			name = name;
    41     76   			hud = {
    42     77   				elt = {};
    43     78   				bar = {};
    44     79   				alarm = {};
           80  +				led = { left={}, right={}, map={} };
    45     81   			};
    46     82   			tree = {};
    47     83   			action = {
    48     84   				bits = 0; -- for control deltas
    49     85   				prog = {}; -- for recording action progress on a node; reset on refocus
    50     86   				tgt = {type='nothing'};
    51     87   				sfx = {};
    69    105   		}
    70    106   	end;
    71    107   	__index = {
    72    108   		--------------
    73    109   		-- overlays --
    74    110   		--------------
    75    111   		updateOverlays = function(self)
          112  +			-- minetest: because fuck you, that's why
          113  +			local engineGravity = starlit.constant.phys.engineGravity
          114  +			local targetGravity =
    76    115   			local phys = {
    77    116   				speed = self.pheno:trait('speed',1);
    78    117   				jump = self.pheno:trait('jump',1);
    79         -				gravity = 1;
          118  +				gravity = targetGravity / engineGravity;
    80    119   				speed_climb = 1;
    81    120   				speed_crouch = 1;
    82    121   				speed_walk = 1;
    83    122   				acceleration_default = 1;
    84    123   				acceleration_air = 1;
    85    124   			}
    86    125   			for i, o in ipairs(self.overlays) do o(phys) end
   372    411   			self.hud.elt.bat = self:attachStatBar {
   373    412   				name = 'battery', stat = batteryLookup;
   374    413   				color = C(190,0,.2), size = 100;
   375    414   				pos = {x=0.5, y=1}, ofs = {x = hbofs - 4, y=-48 - bpad};
   376    415   				dir = 0;
   377    416   				align = {x=1, y=-1};
   378    417   			}
   379         -			self.hud.elt.psi = attachBasicStat {
   380         -				name = 'psi', stat = 'psi';
          418  +			self.hud.elt.numina = attachBasicStat {
          419  +				name = 'numina', stat = 'numina';
   381    420   				color = C(320,0,.2), size = 100;
   382    421   				pos = {x=0.5, y=1}, ofs = {x = hbofs - 4, y=-24 - bpad};
   383    422   				dir = 0;
   384    423   				align = {x=1, y=-1};
   385    424   			}
   386    425   			self.hud.elt.time = self:attachTextBox {
   387    426   				name = 'time';
   477    516   				self.entity:hud_remove(
   478    517   			end
   479    518   		end;
   480    519   		updateHUD = function(self)
   481    520   			for name, e in pairs(self.hud.elt) do
   482    521   				if e.update then e.update() end
   483    522   			end
          523  +			self:updateLEDs()
          524  +		end;
          525  +		updateLEDs = function(self)
          526  +			local time = minetest.get_gametime()
          527  +			local function updateSide(name, ofs, tx)
          528  +				local del = {}
          529  +				for i, l in ipairs(self.hud.led[name]) do
          530  +					local idx = 0
          531  +					if time - l.origin > 3 then
          532  +						if l.elt then self.entity:hud_remove( end
          533  +[l.kind] = nil
          534  +						table.insert(del, i)
          535  +					else
          536  +						local xc = (idx*48 + 400)*ofs
          537  +						if l.elt and next(del) then
          538  +							l.elt:update('offset', {x=xc, y=1})
          539  +						else
          540  +							local tex = leds[l.kind].icon:blit(hudAdjustBacklight(leds[l.kind].bg))
          541  +							if tx then tex = tex:transform(tx) end
          542  +							if not l.elt then
          543  +								l.elt = self:attachImage {
          544  +									tex = tex:render();
          545  +									align = {x=ofs, y=-1};
          546  +									pos = {x=.5, y=1};
          547  +									scale = {x=1,y=1};
          548  +									ofs = {x=xc, y=0};
          549  +								}
          550  +							end
          551  +						end
          552  +						idx = idx + 1
          553  +					end
          554  +				end
          555  +				for _, i in ipairs(del) do
          556  +					table.remove(self.hud.led[name], i)
          557  +				end
          558  +
          559  +			end
          560  +			updateSide('left', -1)
          561  +			updateSide('right', 1, 'FX')
   484    562   		end;
   485    563   
   486    564   		---------------------
   487    565   		-- actions & modes --
   488    566   		---------------------
   489    567   		onModeChange = function(self, oldMode, silent)
   490    568   			self.hud.elt.crosshair.update()
   920    998   			if run then
   921    999   				run(self, ctx)
   922   1000   				return true
   923   1001   			end
   924   1002   			return false
   925   1003   		end;
   926   1004   
   927         -		alarm = function(self, urgency, kind, freq, where)
         1005  +		alarm = function(self, urgency, kind, minFreq)
         1006  +			minFreq = minFreq or 1.5
         1007  +			local time = minetest.get_gametime()
         1008  +			local led = leds[kind]
         1009  +
         1010  +			local ul =[kind]
         1011  +			if ul then
         1012  +				if time - ul.origin > minFreq then
         1013  +					ul.origin = time
         1014  +				else return end
         1015  +			end
         1016  +
         1017  +			if urgency > 0 then
         1018  +				local urgencies = {
         1019  +					[1] = {sound = 'starlit-alarm'};
         1020  +					[2] = {sound = 'starlit-alarm-urgent'};
         1021  +				}
         1022  +			   local urg = urgencies[urgency] or urgencies[#urgencies]
         1023  +
         1024  +			   if time - self.cooldownTimes.alarm > 1.5 then
         1025  +				   self.cooldownTimes.alarm = time
         1026  +				   self:suitSound(urg.sound)
         1027  +			   end
         1028  +		   end
         1029  +
         1030  +
         1031  +			local newLed = {
         1032  +				kind = kind;
         1033  +				origin = time;
         1034  +			}
         1035  +[kind] = newLed
         1036  +			table.insert(self.hud.led[led.side], newLed)
         1037  +
         1038  +
         1039  +		   self:updateLEDs()
         1040  +
         1041  +		--[[
   928   1042   			freq = freq or 3
   929   1043   			local urgencies = {
   930   1044   				[1] = {sound = 'starlit-alarm'};
   931   1045   				[2] = {sound = 'starlit-alarm-urgent'};
   932   1046   			}
   933   1047   		   local gt = minetest.get_gametime()
   934   1048   		   local urg = urgencies[urgency] or urgencies[#urgencies]
   954   1068   			   -- HATE. HATE. HAAAAAAAAAAATE
   955   1069   			   minetest.after(freq/2, function()
   956   1070   				   for k,v in pairs(self.hud.alarm) do
   957   1071   					   self.entity:hud_remove(
   958   1072   				   end
   959   1073   				   self.hud.alarm={}
   960   1074   			   end)
   961         -		   end
         1075  +		   end]]
   962   1076   	   end;
   963   1077   
   964   1078   		-------------
   965   1079   		-- weather --
   966   1080   		-------------
   967   1081   		updateWeather = function(self)
   968   1082   		end;
  1015   1129   	};
  1016   1130   }
  1017   1131   
  1018   1132   local clockInterval = 1.0
  1019   1133   starlit.startJob('starlit:clock', clockInterval, function(delta)
  1020   1134   	for id, u in pairs(starlit.activeUsers) do
  1021   1135   		u.hud.elt.time:update()
         1136  +		u:updateLEDs()
  1022   1137   	end
  1023   1138   end)
  1024   1139   
  1025   1140   -- performs a general HUD refresh, mainly to update the HUD backlight brightness
  1026   1141   local hudInterval = 10
  1027   1142   starlit.startJob('starlit:hud-refresh', hudInterval, function(delta)
  1028         -	for id, u in pairs(starlit.activeUsers) do u:updateHUD() end
         1143  +	for id, u in pairs(starlit.activeUsers) do
         1144  +	u:updateHUD() end
  1029   1145   end)
  1030   1146   
  1031   1147   local biointerval = 1.0
  1032   1148   starlit.startJob('starlit:bio', biointerval, function(delta)
  1033   1149   	for id, u in pairs(starlit.activeUsers) do
  1034   1150   		if u:effectiveStat 'health' ~= 0 then
  1035   1151   			local bmr = u:phenoTrait 'metabolism' * biointerval
  1092   1208   
  1093   1209   			if sp < 1.0 and minetest.get_gametime() - u.cooldownTimes.stamina > 5.0 then
  1094   1210   				u:statDelta('stamina', (u:phenoTrait('staminaRegen',1) * penaltyFromFatigue) / heatPenalty)
  1095   1211   -- 				print('stam', u:effectiveStat 'stamina', u:phenoTrait('staminaRegen',1) / heatPenalty, heatPenalty)
  1096   1212   			end
  1097   1213   
  1098   1214   			local morale, mp = u:effectiveStat 'morale'
  1099         -			local pr = u:phenoTrait 'psiRegen'
  1100         -			u:statDelta('psi', pr * penaltyFromFatigue * mp)
         1215  +			local pr = u:phenoTrait 'numinaRegen'
         1216  +			u:statDelta('numina', pr * penaltyFromFatigue * mp)
  1101   1217   		end
  1102   1218   	end
  1103   1219   end)
  1104   1220   
  1105   1221   local cbit = {
  1106   1222   	up   = 0x001;
  1107   1223   	down = 0x002;