starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [a9a0d17ab5]:

To Artifact [62097bb5e5]:

    11     11   			local bracket = false
    12     12   			if self.combine then
    13     13   				str = string.format('[combine:%sx%s', self.w, self.h)
    14     14   				for _,i in pairs(self.atop) do
    15     15   					str = str .. string.format(':%s,%s=(%s)',,, i.img:render())
    16     16   				end
    17     17   			else
           18  +				for _,i in pairs(self.atop) do
           19  +					str = '(' .. i.img:render() .. ')^' .. str
           20  +				end
    18     21   				if str ~= '' then
    19     22   					str = str .. '('
    20     23   					bracket = true
    21     24   				end
    22         -				for _,i in pairs(self.atop) do
    23         -					str = '(' .. i.img:render() .. ')^' .. str
    24         -				end
    25     25   				str = str .. self.string
    26     26   			end
    27     27   			for _,e in pairs(self.fx) do
    28     28   				str = str .. '^[' .. e
    29     29   				-- be sure to escape ones that take arguments
    30     30   				-- correctly!
    31     31   			end
   120    120   				fx = lib.tbl.append(self.fx, {'transform' .. tostring(kind)})
   121    121   			})
   122    122   		end;
   123    123   
   124    124   		glow = function(self,color) return self:blit(self:multiply(color)) end;
   125    125   	};
   126    126   
   127         -	construct = function(file, w, h) return {
   128         -		string = file;
   129         -		atop = {};
   130         -		fx = {};
   131         -		combine = w and h and true or nil;
   132         -	} end;
          127  +	construct = function(file, w, h)
          128  +		return {
          129  +			string = file;
          130  +			atop = {};
          131  +			fx = {};
          132  +			combine = w and h and true or nil;
          133  +		}
          134  +	end;
   133    135   }
   134    136   return image