starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [a141e7b70f]:

To Artifact [a805932fc9]:

   106    106   	social = {
   107    107   		empire = 'workingClass';
   108    108   		commune = 'metic';
   109    109   	};
   110    110   
   111    111   	startingItems = {
   112    112   		suit = ItemStack('starlit_suit:suit_survival_commune');
   113         -		suitBatteries = {battery 'starlit_electronics:battery_carbon_commune_small'};
          113  +		suitBatteries = {battery 'starlit_electronics:battery_carbon_commune_mid'};
   114    114   		suitChips = {
   115    115   			chipLibrary.survivalware;
   116    116   			-- you didn't notice it earlier, but your Commune environment suit
   117    117   			-- came with this chip already plugged in. it's apparently true
   118    118   			-- what they say: the Commune is always prepared for everything.
   119    119   			-- E V E R Y T H I N G.
   120    120   		};
   121    121   		suitGuns = {};
   122    122   		suitAmmo = {};
   123    123   		suitCans = {
   124    124   -- 			ItemStack('starlit_material:canister_small');
   125    125   			volume('liquid', 'water', 5);
   126    126   		};
   127    127   		carry = {
          128  +			battery 'starlit_electronics:battery_carbon_commune_small';
   128    129   			chipLibrary.compendium;
   129    130   			-- you bought this on a whim before you left the Empire, and
   130    131   			-- just happened to still have it on your person when everything
   131    132   			-- went straight to the Wild Gods' privy
   132    133   		};
   133    134   	};
   134    135   })