starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [9accce5f34]:

To Artifact [1a0e392600]:

     6      6   --    client. it provides for initial signup and join,
     7      7   --    managing the HUD, skinning the player model,
     8      8   --    effecting weather changes, etc.
     9      9   
    10     10   local lib = starlit.mod.lib
    11     11   
    12     12   local function hudAdjustBacklight(img)
    13         -	local night = math.abs(minetest.get_timeofday() - .5) * 2
           13  +	local night = math.abs(core.get_timeofday() - .5) * 2
    14     14   	local opacity = night*0.8
    15     15   	return img:fade(opacity)
    16     16   end
    17     17   
    18     18   local userStore = lib.marshal.metaStore {
    19     19   	persona = {
    20     20   		key  = 'starlit:persona';
    66     66   starlit.type.user = lib.class {
    67     67   	name = 'starlit:user';
    68     68   	leds = leds;
    69     69   	construct = function(ident)
    70     70   		local name, luser
    71     71   		if type(ident) == 'string' then
    72     72   			name = ident
    73         -			luser = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
           73  +			luser = core.get_player_by_name(name)
    74     74   		else
    75     75   			luser = ident
    76     76   			name = luser:get_player_name()
    77     77   		end
    78     78   		return {
    79     79   			entity = luser;
    80     80   			name = name;
   113    113   		}
   114    114   	end;
   115    115   	__index = {
   116    116   		--------------
   117    117   		-- overlays --
   118    118   		--------------
   119    119   		updateOverlays = function(self)
   120         -			-- minetest: because fuck you, that's why
          120  +			-- luanti: because fuck you, that's why
   121    121   			local engineGravity = starlit.constant.phys.engineGravity
   122    122   			local targetGravity =
   123    123   			local phys = {
   124    124   				speed = self.pheno:trait('speed',1);
   125    125   				jump = self.pheno:trait('jump',1);
   126    126   				gravity = targetGravity / engineGravity;
   127    127   				speed_climb = 1;
   433    433   			self.hud.elt.time = self:attachTextBox {
   434    434   				name = 'time';
   435    435   				align = {x=0, y=1};
   436    436   				pos = {x=0.5, y=1};
   437    437   				ofs = {x=0,y=-95};
   438    438   				text = function(user)
   439    439   					local cal =[user.pref.calendar]
   440         -					return cal.time(minetest.get_timeofday())
          440  +					return cal.time(core.get_timeofday())
   441    441   				end;
   442    442   			}
   443    443   			self.hud.elt.temp = self:attachMeter {
   444    444   				name = 'temp';
   445    445   				align = {x=1, y=-1};
   446    446   				pos = {x=0, y=1};
   447    447   				ofs = {x=20, y=-20};
   527    527   		updateHUD = function(self)
   528    528   			for name, e in pairs(self.hud.elt) do
   529    529   				if e.update then e.update() end
   530    530   			end
   531    531   			self:updateLEDs()
   532    532   		end;
   533    533   		updateLEDs = function(self)
   534         -			local time = minetest.get_gametime()
          534  +			local time = core.get_gametime()
   535    535   			local function updateSide(name, ofs, tx)
   536    536   				local del = {}
   537    537   				local idx = 0
   538    538   				for i, l in ipairs(self.hud.led[name]) do
   539    539   					if time - l.origin > 3 then
   540    540   						if l.elt then self.entity:hud_remove( end
   541    541[l.kind] = nil
   605    605   			inv:set_stack('hand', 1, hnd)
   606    606   		end;
   607    607   
   608    608   		---------------------
   609    609   		-- intel-gathering --
   610    610   		---------------------
   611    611   		clientInfo = function(self)
   612         -			return minetest.get_player_information(
          612  +			return core.get_player_information(
   613    613   		end;
   614    614   		species = function(self)
   615    615   			return[self.persona.species]
   616    616   		end;
   617    617   		-- can the suit heater sustain its current internal temperature in an area of t°C
   618    618   		tempCanSustain = function(self, t)
   619    619   			if self:naked() then return false end
   687    687   
   688    688   			-- i feel like there has to be a better way
   689    689   			local posrng =[0x13f19] -- TODO player-specific seed
   690    690   			local cx = posrng:int(-500,500) --math.random(-500,500)
   691    691   			local iter, startPoint = 1
   692    692   			repeat local temp = -100
   693    693   				local cz = posrng:int(-500,500)
   694         -				local cy = minetest.get_spawn_level(cx, cz)
          694  +				local cy = core.get_spawn_level(cx, cz)
   695    695   				if cy then
   696    696   					startPoint =,cy,cz)
   697    697   					temp =,.5,.5).surfaceTemp
   698    698   				end
   699    699   				iter = iter + 1
   700    700   				if iter > 100 then break end -- avoid infiniloop in pathological conditions
   701    701   			until temp > -2
   705    705   		onDie = function(self, reason)
   706    706   			local inv = self.entity:get_inventory()
   707    707   			local where = self.entity:get_pos()
   708    708   			local function dropInv(lst)
   709    709   				local l = inv:get_list(lst)
   710    710   				for i, o in ipairs(l) do
   711    711   					if o and not o:is_empty() then
   712         -						minetest.item_drop(o, self.entity, where)
          712  +						core.item_drop(o, self.entity, where)
   713    713   					end
   714    714   				end
   715    715   				inv:set_list(lst, {})
   716    716   			end
   717    717   			dropInv 'main'
   718    718   			dropInv 'starlit_suit'
   719    719   			self:updateSuit()
   825    825   		-- environment suit & body --
   826    826   		-----------------------------
   827    827   		suitStack = function(self)
   828    828   			return self.entity:get_inventory():get_stack('starlit_suit', 1)
   829    829   		end;
   830    830   		suitSound = function(self, sfx)
   831    831   			-- trigger a sound effect from the player's suit computer
   832         -			minetest.sound_play(sfx, {object=self.entity, max_hear_distance=4}, true)
          832  +			core.sound_play(sfx, {object=self.entity, max_hear_distance=4}, true)
   833    833   		end;
   834    834   		suitPowerStateSet = function(self, state, silent)
   835    835   			-- necessary to enable reacting to power state changes
   836    836   			-- e.g. to play sound effects, display warnings
   837    837   			local os
   838    838   			self:forSuit(function(s)
   839    839   				os=s:powerState()
  1008   1008   				return true
  1009   1009   			end
  1010   1010   			return false
  1011   1011   		end;
  1012   1012   
  1013   1013   		alarm = function(self, urgency, kind, minFreq)
  1014   1014   			minFreq = minFreq or 1.5
  1015         -			local time = minetest.get_gametime()
         1015  +			local time = core.get_gametime()
  1016   1016   			local led = leds[kind]
  1017   1017   
  1018   1018   			local ul =[kind]
  1019   1019   			if ul then
  1020   1020   				if time - ul.origin > minFreq then
  1021   1021   					ul.origin = time
  1022   1022   				else return end
  1048   1048   
  1049   1049   		--[[
  1050   1050   			freq = freq or 3
  1051   1051   			local urgencies = {
  1052   1052   				[1] = {sound = 'starlit-alarm'};
  1053   1053   				[2] = {sound = 'starlit-alarm-urgent'};
  1054   1054   			}
  1055         -		   local gt = minetest.get_gametime()
         1055  +		   local gt = core.get_gametime()
  1056   1056   		   local urg = urgencies[urgency] or urgencies[#urgencies]
  1057   1057   
  1058   1058   		   if gt - self.cooldownTimes.alarm < freq then return end
  1059   1059   
  1060   1060   		   self.cooldownTimes.alarm = gt
  1061   1061   		   self:suitSound(urg.sound)
  1062   1062   
  1070   1070   			   }
  1071   1071   			   elt.ofs.x = elt.ofs.x + where.ofs.x
  1072   1072   			   elt.ofs.y = elt.ofs.y + where.ofs.y
  1073   1073   			   local attached = self:attachImage(elt)
  1074   1074   				table.insert(self.hud.alarm, attached)
  1075   1075   
  1076   1076   			   -- HATE. HATE. HAAAAAAAAAAATE
  1077         -			   minetest.after(freq/2, function()
         1077  +			   core.after(freq/2, function()
  1078   1078   				   for k,v in pairs(self.hud.alarm) do
  1079   1079   					   self.entity:hud_remove(
  1080   1080   				   end
  1081   1081   				   self.hud.alarm={}
  1082   1082   			   end)
  1083   1083   		   end]]
  1084   1084   	   end;
  1096   1096   		---------------
  1097   1097   		-- inventory --
  1098   1098   		---------------
  1099   1099   		give = function(self, item)
  1100   1100   			item = ItemStack(item)
  1101   1101   			local inv = self.entity:get_inventory()
  1102   1102   			local function is(grp)
  1103         -				return minetest.get_item_group(item:get_name(), grp) ~= 0
         1103  +				return core.get_item_group(item:get_name(), grp) ~= 0
  1104   1104   			end
  1105   1105   			-- TODO notif popups
  1106   1106   			if is 'specialInventory' then
  1107   1107   			--[[
  1108   1108   				if is 'powder' then
  1109   1109   					if self:naked() then return item end
  1110   1110   					local cans = inv:get_list 'starlit_suit_canisters'
  1120   1120   			else
  1121   1121   				return inv:add_item('main', item)
  1122   1122   			end
  1123   1123   		end;
  1124   1124   		thrustUpon = function(self, item)
  1125   1125   			local r = self:give(st)
  1126   1126   			if not r:is_empty() then
  1127         -				return minetest.add_item(self.entity:get_pos(), r)
         1127  +				return core.add_item(self.entity:get_pos(), r)
  1128   1128   			end
  1129   1129   		end;
  1130   1130   		consume = function(self, stack, n)
  1131   1131   			n = n or 1
  1132   1132   			if n == 0 then n = stack:get_count() end
  1133   1133   			local fd = stack:take_item(n)
  1134   1134   			local stats =
  1215   1215   				u:statDelta('health', -5*biointerval)
  1216   1216   			end
  1217   1217   
  1218   1218   			if water == 0 then -- dying of thirst
  1219   1219   				u:statDelta('health', -20*biointerval)
  1220   1220   			end
  1221   1221   
  1222         -			if sp < 1.0 and minetest.get_gametime() - u.cooldownTimes.stamina > 5.0 then
         1222  +			if sp < 1.0 and core.get_gametime() - u.cooldownTimes.stamina > 5.0 then
  1223   1223   				u:statDelta('stamina', (u:phenoTrait('staminaRegen',1) * penaltyFromFatigue) / heatPenalty)
  1224   1224   -- 				print('stam', u:effectiveStat 'stamina', u:phenoTrait('staminaRegen',1) / heatPenalty, heatPenalty)
  1225   1225   			end
  1226   1226   
  1227   1227   			local morale, mp = u:effectiveStat 'morale'
  1228   1228   			local pr = u:phenoTrait 'numinaRegen'
  1229   1229   			u:statDelta('numina', pr * penaltyFromFatigue * mp)
  1240   1240   	manv = 0x020;
  1241   1241   	snk  = 0x040;
  1242   1242   	dig  = 0x080;
  1243   1243   	put  = 0x100;
  1244   1244   	zoom = 0x200;
  1245   1245   }
  1246   1246   -- this is the painful part
  1247         -minetest.register_globalstep(function(delta)
         1247  +core.register_globalstep(function(delta)
  1248   1248   	local doNothing,mustInit,mustHalt = 0,1,2
  1249   1249   	for id, user in pairs(starlit.activeUsers) do
  1250   1250   		local ent = user.entity
  1251   1251   		local bits = ent:get_player_control_bits()
  1252   1252   
  1253   1253   		local function what(b)
  1254   1254   			if, b) ~= 0 and, b) == 0 then