starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [8a9b22510e]:

To Artifact [5db02bfe42]:

   314    314   							{kind = 'button', w=5,h=1.5; id='showAll', label='Show All'};
   315    315   							{kind = 'button', w=5,h=1.5; id='find', label='Find'};
   316    316   						})
   317    317   					end
   318    318   				else
   319    319   					if sel.scm == nil then
   320    320   						for idx, ent in ipairs(sel.scms) do
   321         -							local fab = ItemStack(ent.sw.output):get_definition()._starlit.fab
          321  +							local fab = ent.sw.input
   322    322   							if fab.flag and fab.flag.print then
   323    323   								local req = fab:visualize()
   324    324   								pushSelector('scm_' .. idx, ent.sw.output,, nil, req)
   325    325   							end
   326    326   						end
   327    327   						table.insert(pgmSelector, back)
   328    328   					else