starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [8324bad06e]:

To Artifact [f9e736d40a]:

   427    427   							break
   428    428   						end
   429    429   					end
   430    430   					local fn if s.powerKind == 'passive'
   431    431   						then fn =
   432    432   						else fn = s.bgProc
   433    433   					end
   434         -					function prop.saveConf(cfg) cfg = cfg or conf
          434  +					function prop.saveConf(cfg) cfg = cfg or prop.file
   435    435   						prop.fd:write(cfg)
   436    436   						inv:set_stack('starlit_suit_chips', prop.chipSlot, prop.fd.chip)
   437    437   						reconfSuit = true
   438    438   					end
          439  +					function prop.pullConf()
          440  +						local stack = inv:get_stack('starlit_suit_chips', suitprog.chipSlot)
          441  +						prop.fd.chip=stack
          442  +						prop.file = prop.fd:read()
          443  +					end
   439    444   					function prop.giveItem(st)
   440    445   						u:thrustUpon(st)
   441    446   					end
   442    447   					
   443    448   					if enabled and fn(u, prop, suitInterval, runState) then
   444    449   						runState.pgmsRun[s] = true
   445    450   					end