starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [830720f731]:

To Artifact [d9bc181e37]:

    89     89   end
    90     90   
    91     91   world.ecology.biomes.foreach('starlit:biome-gen', {}, function(id, b)
    92     92 = id
    93     93   	minetest.register_biome(b.def)
    94     94   end)
    95     95   
    96'starlit:steppe', {
    97         -	nightTempDelta = -30;
    98         -	waterTempDelta = 0;
    99         -	--               W    Sp   Su    Au   W
   100         -	seasonalTemp = {-50, -10, 5, 5, -20, -50};
   101         -	def = {
   102         -		node_top      = 'starlit:greengraze', depth_top = 1;
   103         -		node_filler   = 'starlit:soil',    depth_filler = 4;
   104         -		node_riverbed = 'starlit:sand',  depth_riverbed = 4;
   105         -		y_min = 0;
   106         -		y_max = 512;
   107         -		heat_point = 10;
   108         -		humidity_point = 30;
   109         -	};
   110         -})
   111         -	
   112'starlit:ocean', {
   113         -	nightTempDelta = -35;
   114         -	waterTempDelta = 5;
   115         -	seasonalTemp = {0}; -- no seasonal variance
   116         -	def = {
   117         -		y_max = 3;
   118         -		y_min = -512;
   119         -		heat_point = 15;
   120         -		humidity_point = 50;
   121         -		node_top    = 'starlit:sand', depth_top    = 1;
   122         -		node_filler = 'starlit:sand', depth_filler = 3;
   123         -	};
   124         -})
           96  +world.ecology.plants.foreach('starlit:plant-gen', {}, function(id, b)
           97  +	local stageCt = #b.stages
           98  +	local function stageID(n)
           99  +		if n == stageCt then return id end
          100  +		return id .. string.format('_stage_%s', n)
          101  +	end
          102  +	b.stageNodes = {}
          103  +	local function regStage(n, st)
          104  +		local base = {
          105  +			description =;
          106  +			drawtype = "plantlike";
          107  +			tiles = { tostring(st.tex) };
          108  +			paramtype = "light";
          109  +			paramtype2 = "meshoptions";
          110  +			walkable = false;
          111  +			buildable_to = true;
          112  +			groups = {
          113  +				plant = 1;
          114  +				plant_grow = stageCt ~= n and 1 or 0;
          115  +			};
          116  +			drop = st.drop;
          117  +			_starlit = {
          118  +				plant = {
          119  +					id = id, stage = n;
          120  +				};
          121  +			};
          122  +		}
          123  +		if st.swap then
          124  +			base.node_dig_prediction = stageID(st.swap)
          125  +			function base.on_dig(pos, node, digger)
          126  + = stageID(st.swap)
          127  +				minetest.swap_node(pos, node)
          128  +				return true
          129  +			end
          130  +		end
          131  +		return base
          132  +	end
          133  +	for i, v in ipairs(b.stages) do
          134  +		local n = regStage(i, v)
          135  +		b.stageNodes[i] = n
          136  +		minetest.register_node(stageID(i), n)
          137  +	end
          138  +	b.fullyGrown = stageID(stageCt)
          139  +
          140  +	local dec = {
          141  +		deco_type = 'simple';
          142  +		decoration = b.fullyGrown;
          143  +		height = 1;
          144  +		param2 = 0;
          145  +	}
          146  +	for k,v in pairs(b.decoration) do dec[k] = v end
          147  +	b.decoration = minetest.register_decoration(dec)
          148  +end)
   125    149   
   126    150   local toward = lib.math.toward
   127    151   local hfinterval = 1.5
   128    152   starlit.startJob('starlit:heatflow', hfinterval, function(delta)
   129    153   
   130    154   	-- our base thermal conductivity (κ) is measured in °C/°C/s. say the
   131    155   	-- player is in -30°C weather, and has an internal temperature of