starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [800ac068f1]:

To Artifact [bdd1907d1f]:

     8      8   --			a+b = compose a new spec from the spec parts a and b.
     9      9   --      this is used e.g. for creating tier-based
    10     10   --      fabspecs.
    11     11   --
    12     12   --    * used for determining quantities. that is,
    13     13   --			f*x = spec to make x instances of f
    14     14   --
    15         ---    new fab fields must be defined in starlit.type.fab.opClass.
           15  +--    new fab fields must be defined in starlit.type.fab.fields.
    16     16   --    this maps a name to fn(a,b,n) -> quant, where a is the first
    17     17   --    argument, b is a compounding amount, and n is a quantity of
    18     18   --    items to produce. fields that are unnamed will be underwritten
    19     19   
    20     20   local function fQuant(a,b,n) return ((a or 0)+(b or 0))*n end
    21     21   local function fFac  (a,b,n)
    22     22   	if a == nil and b == nil then return nil end
    26     26   		f = (a or 1)*(b or 1)
    27     27   	end
    28     28   	return f*n
    29     29   end
    30     30   local function fReq  (a,b,n) return a or b         end
    31     31   local function fFlag (a,b,n) return a and b        end
    32     32   local function fSize (a,b,n) return math.max(a,b)  end
    33         -local opClass = {
           33  +
           34  +local F = string.format
           35  +local lib = starlit.mod.lib
           36  +
           37  +local fields = {
    34     38   	-- fabrication eligibility will be determined by which kinds
    35     39   	-- of input a particular fabricator can introduce. e.g. a
    36     40   	-- printer with a  but no cache can only print items whose
    37     41   	-- recipe only names elements as ingredients
    38         -
    39         -	-- ingredients
    40         -	element    = fQuant; -- (g)
    41         -	gas        = fQuant; -- ()
    42         -	liquid     = fQuant; -- (l)
    43         -	crystal    = fQuant; -- (g)
    44         -	item       = fQuant; -- n
    45         -	metal      = fQuant; -- (g)
    46         -	metalIngot = fQuant; -- (g)
           42  +	element = {
           43  +		name = {"element", "elements"};
           44  +		string = function(x, n, long)
           45  +			local el =[x]
           46  +			return'g', n) .. ' ' .. ((not long and el.sym) or
           47  +		end;
           48  +		image = function(x, n)
           49  +			return string.format('starlit-element-%s.png', x)
           50  +		end;
           51  +		op = fQuant;
           52  +	};
           53  +	metal ={
           54  +		name = {"metal", "metals"};
           55  +		string = function(x, n)
           56  +			local met =[x]
           57  +			return'g', n) .. ' ' ..
           58  +		end;
           59  +		image = function(x, n)
           60  +			local met =[x]
           61  +			return ItemStack(met.form.ingot):get_definition().inventory_image
           62  +		end;
           63  +		op = fQuant;
           64  +	};
           65  +	liquid = {
           66  +		name = {"liquid", "liquids"};
           67  +		string = function(x, n)
           68  +			local liq =[x]
           69  +			return'L', n) .. ' ' ..
           70  +		end;
           71  +		op = fQuant;
           72  +	};
           73  +	gas = {
           74  +		name = {"gas", "gasses"};
           75  +		string = function(x, n)
           76  +			local gas =[x]
           77  +			return'g', n) .. ' ' ..
           78  +		end;
           79  +		op = fQuant;
           80  +	};
           81  +-- 	crystal = {
           82  +-- 		op = fQuant;
           83  +-- 	};
           84  +	item = {
           85  +		name = {"item", "items"};
           86  +		string = function(x, n)
           87  +			local i = minetest.registered_items[x]
           88  +			return tostring(n) .. 'x ' .. i.short_description
           89  +		end;
           90  +	};
           91  +
    47     92   	-- factors
    48         -	cost = fFac; -- units vary
    49         -	time = fFac; -- (s)
           93  +
           94  +	cost = {op=fFac}; -- units vary
           95  +	time = {op=fFac}; -- (s)
    50     96   		-- print: base printing time
    51         -	size = fSize;
           97  +	size = {op=fSize};
    52     98   		-- printBay: size of the printer bay necessary to produce the item
    53         -	req  = fReq;
    54         -	flag = fFlag; -- means that can be used to produce the item & misc flags
           99  +	req  = {op=fReq};
          100  +	flag = {op=fFlag}; -- means that can be used to produce the item & misc flags
    55    101   		-- print: allow production with a printer
    56    102   		-- smelt: allow production with a smelter
    57    103   	-- all else defaults to underwrite
    58    104   }
    59    105   
    60         -local F = string.format
    61         -local strClass = {
    62         -	element = function(x, n)
    63         -		local el =[x]
    64         -		return'g', n) .. ' ' .. (el.sym or
    65         -	end;
    66         -	metal = function(x, n)
    67         -		local met =[x]
    68         -		return'g', n) .. ' ' ..
    69         -	end;
    70         -	liquid = function(x, n)
    71         -		local liq =[x]
    72         -		return'L', n) .. ' ' ..
    73         -	end;
    74         -	gas = function(x, n)
    75         -		local gas =[x]
    76         -		return'g', n) .. ' ' ..
    77         -	end;
    78         -	item = function(x, n)
    79         -		local i = minetest.registered_items[x]
    80         -		return tostring(n) .. 'x ' .. i.short_description
    81         -	end;
    82         -}
    83         -
    84    106   local order = {
    85    107   	'element', 'metal', 'liquid', 'gas', 'item'
    86    108   }
    87    109   
    88    110   local lib = starlit.mod.lib
    89    111   
    90    112   local fab fab = lib.class {
    91    113   	__name = 'starlit:fab';
    92    114   	
    93         -	opClass = opClass;
    94         -	strClass = strClass;
          115  +	fields = fields;
    95    116   	order = order;
    96    117   	construct = function(q) return q end;
    97    118   	__index = {
    98    119   		elementalize = function(self)
    99    120   			local e = fab {element = self.element or {}}
   100    121   			for _, kind in pairs {'metal', 'gas', 'liquid'} do
   101    122   				for m,mass in pairs(self[kind] or {}) do
   154    175   			local fml = {}
   155    176   			for i, v in ipairs(sub) do fml[i] = v.f end
   156    177   			if f then table.insert(fml, f) end
   157    178   			fml = table.concat(fml, ' + ')
   158    179   
   159    180   			return fml, ts
   160    181   		end;
          182  +
          183  +		visualize = function(self)
          184  +			local all = {}
          185  +			for i,o in ipairs(order) do
          186  +				local t = {}
          187  +				if self[o] then
          188  +					for mat,amt in pairs(self[o]) do
          189  +						local v = {}
          190  + = mat
          191  +						v.n = amt
          192  +						if fields[o].string then
          193  +							v.label = fields[o].string(mat,amt,true)
          194  +						end
          195  +						if fields[o].image then
          196  +							v.img = fields[o].image(mat,amt)
          197  +						end
          198  +						table.insert(t,v)
          199  +					end
          200  +				end
          201  +				if fields[o].sort then
          202  +					table.sort(t, function(a,b) return fields[o].sort(, end)
          203  +				end
          204  +				if next(t) then table.insert(all, {
          205  +					id=o, list=t;
          206  +					header=fields[o].name[t[2] and 2 or 1];
          207  +				}) end
          208  +			end
          209  +			return all
          210  +		end;
   161    211   	};
   162    212   
   163    213   	__tostring = function(self)
   164    214   		local t = {}
   165    215   		for i,o in ipairs(order) do
   166         -			if self[o] then
          216  +			if self[o] and fields[o].string then
   167    217   				for mat,amt in pairs(self[o]) do
   168    218   					if amt > 0 then
   169         -						table.insert(t, strClass[o](mat, amt))
          219  +						table.insert(t, fields[o].string(mat, amt))
   170    220   					end
   171    221   				end
   172    222   			end
   173    223   		end
   174    224   		return table.concat(t, ", ")
   175    225   	end;
   176         -
   177    226   
   178    227   	__add = function(a,b)
   179    228   		local new = fab {}
   180    229   		for cat, vals in pairs(a) do
   181    230   			new[cat] = lib.tbl.copy(vals)
   182    231   		end
   183    232   		for cat, vals in pairs(b) do
   184    233   			if not new[cat] then
   185    234   				new[cat] = lib.tbl.copy(vals)
   186    235   			else
   187         -				local f = opClass[cat]
          236  +				local f = fields[cat].op
   188    237   				for k,v in pairs(vals) do
   189    238   					local n = f(new[cat][k], v, 1)
   190    239   					new[cat][k] = n > 0 and n or nil
   191    240   				end
   192    241   			end
   193    242   		end
   194    243   		return new
   195    244   	end;
   196    245   
   197    246   	__mul = function(x,n)
   198    247   		local new = fab {}
   199    248   		for cat, vals in pairs(x) do
   200    249   			new[cat] = {}
   201         -			local f = opClass[cat]
          250  +			local f = fields[cat].op
   202    251   			for k,v in pairs(vals) do
   203    252   				local num = f(v,nil,n)
   204    253   				new[cat][k] = num > 0 and num or nil
   205    254   			end
   206    255   		end
   207    256   		return new
   208    257   	end;