Differences From
Artifact [7b434e8bee]:
5 5 B.path = {}
6 6 -- this maps stage IDs to tables of the following form
7 7 --[[ {
8 8 part = {
9 9 ['starlit_building:pipe'] = 'myMod:stage3';
10 10 };
11 11 tool = {
12 - ['starlit:scredriver'] = 'myMod:otherThing_stage1';
12 + ['starlit:screwdriver'] = 'myMod:otherThing_stage1';
13 13 ['starlit:saw'] = function(node, tool)
14 14 minetest.replace_node(node, {name='myMod:stage1'})
15 15 minetest.drop_item(node, 'starlit_building:pipe')
16 16 end;
17 17 ['myMod:laserWrench'] = {
18 18 allow = function(node, tool) ... end;
19 19 handle = function(node, tool) ... end;
59 59 fixed = { ... };
60 60 };
61 61 })
62 62 ]]
63 63
64 64 B.part = lib.registry.mk 'starlit_building:part'
65 65 -- a part is implemented as a special craftitem with the proper callbacks
66 --- to index the registries and place/replace noes by reference to the
66 +-- to index the registries and place/replace nodes by reference to the
67 67 -- build tree.
68 68 --[[
69 69 starlit.mod.building.part.link(id, {
70 70 name = ''; -- display name
71 71 desc = ''; -- display desc
72 72 img = ''; -- display image
73 + mass = 0;
74 + fab = {}; -- (optional) auto-gen schematic
75 + rarity = 0;
73 76 })
74 77 ]]
78 +B.part.foreach('starlit:partGen', {}, function(id, e)
79 + local props = {}
80 + if e.mass then
81 + table.insert(props, {title='Mass', desc=lib.math.siUI('g',e.mass), affinity='info'})
82 + end
83 + local rev, scmID
84 + if e.fab then
85 + scmID = string.format('%s_schematic', id)
86 + rev = {
87 + sw = scmID;
88 + complexity = e.complexity or 1;
89 + }
90 + end
91 + minetest.register_craftitem(id, {
92 + short_description = e.name;
93 + description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
94 + title = e.name;
95 + desc = e.desc;
96 + props = props;
97 + };
98 + inventory_image = e.img;
99 + _starlit = {
100 + mass = e.mass;
101 + reverseEngineer = rev;
102 + recover = e.recover or e.fab;
103 + };
104 + })
105 + if e.fab then
106 + starlit.item.sw.link(scmID, {
107 + kind = 'schematic';
108 + name = string.format('%s Schematic', e.name);
109 + size = e.size or 32e6;
110 + input = e.fab;
111 + output = id;
112 + cost = e.cost or {
113 + cycles = 4e9;
114 + ram = 1e9;
115 + };
116 + rarity = e.rarity or 0;
117 + })
118 + end
119 +
120 +end)
75 121
76 122 B.stage.foreach('starlit:stageGen', {}, function(id, e)
77 123 local box = {type = 'fixed', fixed = {}}
78 124 local tex = {}
79 125 local ofs = vector.new(0,0,0)
80 126 for idx, p in ipairs(e.pieces) do
81 127 local ho, pieceID, pos
129 175 end
130 176
131 177 function B.pathFind(from, kind, what)
132 178 if not B.path[from] then return nil end
133 179 return B.path[from][kind][what]
134 180 end
135 181
182 +starlit.include 'parts'