starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [798314c789]:

To Artifact [c84dadb0c1]:

    10     10   	a = strdrop(a)
    11     11   	b = strdrop(b)
    12     12   	return {
    13     13   		max_items = a.max_items + b.max_items;
    14     14   		items = lib.tbl.append(a.items, b.items);
    15     15   	}
    16     16   end
           17  +
           18  +local function simpleDrop(rarity, what)
           19  +	return {
           20  +		max_items = 1;
           21  +		items = {
           22  +			{rarity = rarity, items = {what}};
           23  +		};
           24  +	};
           25  +end
           26  +
           27  +local function biomeGrass(biomes, seed)
           28  +	return function(def)
           29  +, {
           30  +			stages = {{
           31  +				tex = def.tex;
           32  +				drop = simpleDrop(4, 'starlit_eco:fiber');
           33  +			}};
           34  +			decoration = {
           35  +				deco_type = 'simple';
           36  +				place_on = 'starlit:greengraze';
           37  +				biomes = biomes;
           38  +				noise_params = {
           39  +					offset = def.ofs;
           40  +					spread =,10,10);
           41  +					seed = seed;
           42  +					octaves = 3;
           43  +				};
           44  +			}
           45  +		})
           46  +	end
           47  +end
           48  +
           49  +do gg = biomeGrass({'starlit:steppe', 'starlit:forest'}, 0x5e8fa0)
           50  +	gg {
           51  +		id = 'starlit_eco:greengraze_low';
           52  +		name = 'Low Greengraze';
           53  +		tex = 'starlit-eco-plant-grass-sprig.png';
           54  +		ofs = -.3;
           55  +	}
           56  +	gg {
           57  +		id = 'starlit_eco:greengraze_high';
           58  +		name = 'High Greengraze';
           59  +		tex = 'starlit-eco-plant-grass-high.png';
           60  +		ofs = -.5;
           61  +	}
           62  +	gg {
           63  +		id = 'starlit_eco:greengraze_tall';
           64  +		name = 'Tall Greengraze';
           65  +		tex = 'starlit-eco-plant-grass-tall.png';
           66  +		ofs = -.7;
           67  +	}
           68  +end
           69  +
    17     70   local function stalkPlant(def)
    18     71   	local function stage(s, drops, swap)
    19     72   		return {
    20         -			tex = lib.image(string.format('starlit-eco-plant-stalk%s.png',s)):shift(def.color);
           73  +			tex = lib.image(string.format('starlit-eco-plant-stalk%s.png',s)):colorize(def.color);
    21     74   			drop = drops;
    22     75   			swap = swap;
    23     76   		}
    24     77   	end
    25     78   	local function plantMatter(opts)
    26     79   		local dps = {
    27     80   			seed = def.seed;
    64    117   		name =;
    65    118   		stages = stages;
    66    119   		decoration = def.decoration;
    67    120   		meshOpt = 3;
    68    121   	})
    69    122   end
    70    123   
    71         -local function simpleDrop(rarity, what)
    72         -	return {
    73         -		max_items = 1;
    74         -		items = {
    75         -			{rarity = rarity, items = {what}};
    76         -		};
    77         -	};
    78         -end
    79    124   
    80    125   function stalkPlantAuto(def)
    81    126   	local id =
    82    127   	local id_berries = .. '_berry'
    83    128   	local id_seed = .. '_seed'
    84    129   
    85    130   	local p = lib.tbl.proto({}, def)
   121    166   	biolum = 5;
   122    167   	leaf = {
   123    168   		color = lib.color(.6, .8, .8);
   124    169   		drop = simpleDrop(2, 'starlit_eco:moondrop_petal');
   125    170   	};
   126    171   	berries = {
   127    172   		desc = "The fruits of the moondrop are not very nutritious, but their peculiar sweet-sour flavor profile makes them one of Farthest Shadow's great delicacies";
   128         -		color = lib.color(1,0,.4);
          173  +		color = lib.color(.5,0,.1);
   129    174   		mass = 1;
   130    175   		impact = starlit.type.impact {
   131    176   			nutrition = 10;
   132    177   			hydration = 0.05;
   133    178   			taste = 1*60;
   134    179   		};
   135    180   	};
   143    188   }
   144    189   
   145    190   stalkPlantAuto {
   146    191   	id = 'starlit_eco:dustrose';
   147    192   	name = "Dust Rose";
   148    193   	fiber = simpleDrop(2, 'starlit_eco:fiber');
   149    194   	seed = {};
   150         -	color = lib.color(.3, .1, .2);
          195  +	color = lib.color(.9, .8, .3);
   151    196   	leaf = {
   152    197   		color = lib.color(.7, .4, .8);
   153    198   		drop = simpleDrop(2, 'starlit_eco:dustrose_petal');
   154    199   	};
   155    200   	decoration = {
   156    201   		place_on = 'starlit:greengraze';
   157    202   		fill_ratio = 0.03;