starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [788077fd8e]:

To Artifact [7074af2318]:

    37     37   		end
    38     38   		return {
    39     39   			entity = luser;
    40     40   			name = name;
    41     41   			hud = {
    42     42   				elt = {};
    43     43   				bar = {};
           44  +				alarm = {};
    44     45   			};
    45     46   			tree = {};
    46     47   			action = {
    47     48   				bits = 0; -- for control deltas
    48     49   				prog = {}; -- for recording action progress on a node; reset on refocus
    49     50   				tgt = {type='nothing'};
    50     51   				sfx = {};
    59     60   			};
    60     61   			pref = {
    61     62   				calendar = 'commune';
    62     63   			};
    63     64   			overlays = {};
    64     65   			cooldownTimes = {
    65     66   				stamina = 0;
           67  +				alarm = 0;
    66     68   			};
    67     69   		}
    68     70   	end;
    69     71   	__index = {
    70     72   		--------------
    71     73   		-- overlays --
    72     74   		--------------
   188    190   		end;
   189    191   
   190    192   		---------
   191    193   		-- HUD --
   192    194   		---------
   193    195   		attachImage = function(self, def)
   194    196   			local user = self.entity
   195         -			local img = {}
          197  +			local img = {def = def}
   196    198 = user:hud_add {
   197    199   				type = 'image';
   198    200   				text = def.tex;
   199    201   				scale = def.scale;
   200    202   				alignment = def.align;
   201    203   				position = def.pos;
   202    204   				offset = def.ofs;
   209    211   					end, def)
   210    212   				end
   211    213   			end
   212    214   			return img
   213    215   		end;
   214    216   		attachMeter = function(self, def)
   215    217   			local luser = self.entity
   216         -			local m = {}
          218  +			local m = {def = def}
   217    219   			local w = def.size or 80
   218    220   			local szf = w / 80
   219    221   			local h = szf * 260
   220    222   			m.meter = luser:hud_add {
   221    223   				type = 'image';
   222    224   				scale = {x = szf, y = szf};
   223    225   				alignment = def.align;
   263    265   					luser:hud_change(m.readout, 'number', txtcolor:hex())
   264    266   				end
   265    267   			end
   266    268   			return m
   267    269   		end;
   268    270   		attachTextBox = function(self, def)
   269    271   			local luser = self.entity
   270         -			local box = {}
          272  +			local box = {def = def}
   271    273 = luser:hud_add {
   272    274   				type = 'text';
   273    275   				text = '';
   274    276   				alignment = def.align;
   275    277   				number = def.color and def.color:int24() or 0xFFffFF;
   276    278   				scale = def.bound;
   277    279   				size = {x = def.size, y=0};
   286    288   					luser:hud_change(, 'number', color:int24())
   287    289   				end
   288    290   			end
   289    291   			return box
   290    292   		end;
   291    293   		attachStatBar = function(self, def)
   292    294   			local luser = self.entity
   293         -			local bar = {}
          295  +			local bar = {def = def}
   294    296   			local img = lib.image 'starlit-ui-bar.png'
   295    297   			local colorized = img
   296    298   			if type(def.color) ~= 'function' then
   297    299   				colorized = colorized:shift(def.color)
   298    300   			end
   299    301   
   300    302 = luser:hud_add {
   446    448   					set('text', hudAdjustBacklight(hudCenterBG):render())
   447    449   				end;
   448    450   			};
   449    451   			self:updateHUD()
   450    452   		end;
   451    453   		deleteHUD = function(self)
   452    454   			for name, e in pairs(self.hud.elt) do
   453         -				self:hud_delete(
          455  +				self.entity:hud_remove(
   454    456   			end
   455    457   		end;
   456    458   		updateHUD = function(self)
   457    459   			for name, e in pairs(self.hud.elt) do
   458    460   				if e.update then e.update() end
   459    461   			end
   460    462   		end;
   499    501   		-- intel-gathering --
   500    502   		---------------------
   501    503   		clientInfo = function(self)
   502    504   			return minetest.get_player_information(
   503    505   		end;
   504    506   		species = function(self)
   505    507   			return[self.persona.species]
          508  +		end;
          509  +		-- can the suit heater sustain its current internal temperature in an area of t°C
          510  +		tempCanSustain = function(self, t)
          511  +			if self:naked() then return false end
          512  +			local s = self:getSuit()
          513  +			if s:powerState() == 'off' then return false end
          514  +			local sd = s:def()
          515  +			local w = self:effectiveStat 'warmth'
          516  +			local kappa = starlit.constant.heat.thermalConductivity
          517  +			local insul = sd.temp.insulation
          518  +			local dt = (kappa * (1-insul)) * (t - w)
          519  +			print('dt', dt, dump(sd.temp))
          520  +			if (dt > 0 and          dt  > sd.temp.maxCool)
          521  +			or (dt < 0 and math.abs(dt) > sd.temp.maxHeat) then return false end
          522  +			return true
          523  +		end;
          524  +		-- will exposure to temperature t cause the player eventual harm
          525  +		tempHazard = function(self, t)
          526  +			local tr = self:species().tempRange.survivable
          527  +			if t >= tr[1] and t <= tr[2] then return nil end
          528  +			if self:tempCanSustain(t)    then return nil end
          529  +
          530  +			if t < tr[1] then return 'cold' end
          531  +			return 'hot'
   506    532   		end;
   507    533   
   508    534   		--------------------
   509    535   		-- event handlers --
   510    536   		--------------------
   511    537   		onSignup = function(self)
   512    538   			local meta = self.entity:get_meta()
   872    898   			end
   873    899   			if run then
   874    900   				run(self, ctx)
   875    901   				return true
   876    902   			end
   877    903   			return false
   878    904   		end;
          905  +
          906  +		alarm = function(self, urgency, kind, freq, where)
          907  +			freq = freq or 3
          908  +			local urgencies = {
          909  +				[1] = {sound = 'starlit-alarm'};
          910  +				[2] = {sound = 'starlit-alarm-urgent'};
          911  +			}
          912  +		   local gt = minetest.get_gametime()
          913  +		   local urg = urgencies[urgency] or urgencies[#urgencies]
          914  +
          915  +		   if gt - self.cooldownTimes.alarm < freq then return end
          916  +
          917  +		   self.cooldownTimes.alarm = gt
          918  +		   self:suitSound(urg.sound)
          919  +
          920  +		   if where then
          921  +			   local elt = {
          922  +				   tex = where.tex or 'starlit-ui-alert.png';
          923  +				   scale = {x=1, y=1};
          924  +				   align = table.copy(where.elt.def.align);
          925  +				   pos = table.copy(where.elt.def.pos);
          926  +				   ofs = table.copy(where.elt.def.ofs);
          927  +			   }
          928  +			   elt.ofs.x = elt.ofs.x + where.ofs.x
          929  +			   elt.ofs.y = elt.ofs.y + where.ofs.y
          930  +			   local attached = self:attachImage(elt)
          931  +				table.insert(self.hud.alarm, attached)
          932  +
          933  +			   -- HATE. HATE. HAAAAAAAAAAATE
          934  +			   minetest.after(freq/2, function()
          935  +				   for k,v in pairs(self.hud.alarm) do
          936  +					   self.entity:hud_remove(
          937  +				   end
          938  +				   self.hud.alarm={}
          939  +			   end)
          940  +		   end
          941  +	   end;
   879    942   
   880    943   		-------------
   881    944   		-- weather --
   882    945   		-------------
   883    946   		updateWeather = function(self)
   884    947   		end;
   885    948   
   933    996   
   934    997   local clockInterval = 1.0
   935    998   starlit.startJob('starlit:clock', clockInterval, function(delta)
   936    999   	for id, u in pairs(starlit.activeUsers) do
   937   1000   		u.hud.elt.time:update()
   938   1001   	end
   939   1002   end)
         1003  +
         1004  +-- performs a general HUD refresh, mainly to update the HUD backlight brightness
         1005  +local hudInterval = 10
         1006  +starlit.startJob('starlit:hud-refresh', hudInterval, function(delta)
         1007  +	for id, u in pairs(starlit.activeUsers) do u:updateHUD() end
         1008  +end)
   940   1009   
   941   1010   local biointerval = 1.0
   942   1011   starlit.startJob('starlit:bio', biointerval, function(delta)
   943   1012   	for id, u in pairs(starlit.activeUsers) do
   944   1013   		if u:effectiveStat 'health' ~= 0 then
   945   1014   			local bmr = u:phenoTrait 'metabolism' * biointerval
   946   1015   			-- TODO apply modifiers