starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [6c49562563]:

To Artifact [e3ed80cb5c]:

   118    118   end
   119    119   
   120    120   local function abilityMenu(a)
   121    121   	-- select primary/secondary abilities or activate ritual abilities
   122    122   	local p = {kind = 'vert'}
   123    123   	for _, o in ipairs(a.order) do
   124    124   		local m =[o]
   125         -		table.insert(p, {kind='label', text=m.label, w=a.w, h = .5})
          125  +		table.insert(p, {kind='hbar', fac=0.5, text=string.format("<b>%s</b>",m.label), w=a.w, h = .5})
   126    126   		table.insert(p, wrapMenu(a.w, a.h, 1.2, 2, m.opts))
   127    127   	end
   128    128   	return p
   129    129   end
   130    130   
   131    131   local function pptrMatch(a,b)
   132    132   	if a == nil or b == nil then return false end
   459    459   					return true
   460    460   				end
   461    461   			end;
   462    462   		};
   463    463   	};
   464    464   })
   465    465   
          466  +-- TODO destroy suit interfaces when power runs out or suit/chip is otherwise disabled
   466    467   starlit.interface.install(starlit.type.ui {
   467    468   	id = 'starlit:compile-matter-component';
          469  +	sub = {
          470  +		suit = function(state, user, evt)
          471  +			if evt.kind == 'disrobe' then state:close()
          472  +			elseif evt.kind == 'power' and evt.mode == 'off' then state:close() end
          473  +		end;
          474  +		playerInventory = function(state,user)
          475  +			-- refresh
          476  +		end;
          477  +	};
   468    478   	pages = {
   469    479   		index = {
   470    480   			setupState = function(state, user, ctx)
   471         -				if ctx.context == 'suit' then
   472         -				end
   473    481   				state.pgm = ctx.program
          482  + = {}
          483  +				local E = starlit.mod.electronics
          484  +				if ctx.context == 'suit' then
          485  +					state.fetch = function()
          486  +						local cst = user.entity:get_inventory():get_list 'starlit_suit_chips'
          487  +						local cl = {order={}, map={}}
          488  +						for i, c in ipairs(cst) do
          489  +							if not c:is_empty() then
          490  +								local d =
          491  +								local co = {
          492  +									stack = c;
          493  +									data = d;
          494  +								}
          495  +								table.insert(cl.order, co)
          496  +[d.uuid] = co
          497  +							end
          498  +						end
          499  +						if and not[] then
          500  +							-- chip no longer available
          501  +							user:suitSound 'starlit-error'
          502  + = {}
          503  +						end
          504  + = cl
          505  +
          506  + = {}
          507  +						if then
          508  + = E.chip.usableSoftware({},nil,
          509  +								function(s) return s.sw.kind == 'schematic' end)
          510  +						end
          511  +					end
          512  +				end
          513  +			end;
          514  +
          515  +			onClose = function(state, user)
          516  +				user:suitSound 'starlit-quit'
          517  +			end;
          518  +			handle = function(state, user, q)
          519  +				local sel =
          520  +				state.fetch()
          521  +				local chips =
          522  +				local function chirp()
          523  +					user:suitSound 'starlit-nav'
          524  +				end
          525  +				local function onPickChip(chip)
          526  +					chirp()
          527  +					sel.chip = chip
          528  +					return true
          529  +				end
          530  +				local function onPickScm(scm)
          531  +					chirp()
          532  +					sel.scm = scm
          533  +					return true
          534  +				end
          535  +
          536  +				if sel.chip == nil then
          537  +					for k in next, q do
          538  +						local id = k:match "^chip_(%d+)$"
          539  +						if id then
          540  +							local cm =[tonumber(id)]
          541  +							if cm then return onPickChip(cm) end
          542  +						end
          543  +					end
          544  +				elseif sel.scm == nil then
          545  +					if q.back then chirp() sel.chip = nil return true end
          546  +					for k in next, q do
          547  +						local id = k:match "^scm_(%d+)$"
          548  +						if id then
          549  +							local cm =[tonumber(id)]
          550  +							if cm then return onPickScm(cm) end
          551  +						end
          552  +					end
          553  +				else
          554  +					if q.back then chirp() sel.scm = nil return true end
          555  +				end
   474    556   			end;
          557  +
   475    558   			render = function(state, user)
          559  +				local sel, pgmSelector =, {}
          560  +				state.fetch()
          561  +
          562  +				local function pushSelector(id, item, label, desc, req)
          563  +					local rh = .5
          564  +					local label = {kind = 'text', w = 10-1.5, h=1.5;
          565  +							text = '<global valign=middle>'..label }
          566  +					if req then
          567  +						label.h = label.h - rh - .2
          568  +
          569  +						local imgs = {}
          570  +						for ci,c in ipairs(req) do
          571  +							for ei, e in ipairs(c.list) do
          572  +								table.insert(imgs, {kind = 'img', w=rh, h=rh,  img=e.img})
          573  +							end
          574  +						end
          575  +						label = {kind = 'vert', w = 10-1.5, h=1.5;
          576  +							label;
          577  +							{kind ='hztl', w=10-1.5, h=rh; unpack(imgs); }
          578  +						}
          579  +					end
          580  +					table.insert(pgmSelector, {kind = 'hztl', w=10,h=1.5;
          581  +						{kind = 'contact', id=id, w=1.5, h=1.5;
          582  +							item = item;
          583  +							color = {hue=220, sat=0, lum=0};
          584  +							desc = desc;
          585  +						};
          586  +						label;
          587  +					})
          588  +				end
          589  +
          590  +				local back = {kind = 'button', id='back', label = '<- Back', w=10,h=1.2}
          591  +				if sel.chips == nil then
          592  +					table.insert(pgmSelector, {kind = 'img', img = 'starlit-ui-alert.png', w=2, h=2})
          593  +				elseif sel.chip == nil then
          594  +					for i, c in ipairs(sel.chips.order) do
          595  +					-- TODO filter out chips without schematics?
          596  +						pushSelector('chip_' .., c.stack,
          597  +					end
          598  +				else
          599  +					if sel.scm == nil then
          600  +						for idx, ent in ipairs(sel.scms) do
          601  +							local fab = ItemStack(ent.sw.output):get_definition()._starlit.fab
          602  +							if fab.flag.print then
          603  +								local req = fab:visualize()
          604  +								pushSelector('scm_' .. idx, ent.sw.output,, nil, req)
          605  +							end
          606  +						end
          607  +						table.insert(pgmSelector, back)
          608  +					else
          609  +						local output = ItemStack(sel.scm.sw.output):get_definition()
          610  +						local fab = output._starlit.fab
          611  +						local sw = sel.scm.sw
          612  +						table.insert(pgmSelector, {kind = 'hztl', w=10, h=1.2;
          613  +							{kind = 'img', item = sw.output, w=1.2, h=1.2, desc=output.description};
          614  +							{kind = 'text', text = string.format('<global valign=middle><b>%s</b>',, w=10-1.2,h=1.2};
          615  +						})
          616  +						local inputTbl = {kind = 'vert', w=5,h=0;
          617  +							{kind = 'hbar', w=5, h=.5, text='Input'}};
          618  +						local costTbl = {kind = 'vert', w=5,h=0; spacing=.25;
          619  +							{kind = 'hbar', w=5, h=.5, text='Process'}};
          620  +						local reqPane = {kind = 'pane', id='reqPane', w=10, h=7;
          621  +							{kind = 'hztl', w=10,h=0; inputTbl, costTbl}
          622  +						}
          623  +						local req = fab:visualize()
          624  +						for ci,c in ipairs(req) do
          625  +							table.insert(inputTbl, {kind = 'label', w=4.5, h=1, x=.5;
          626  +								text=lib.str.capitalize(c.header)});
          627  +							for ei,e in ipairs(c.list) do
          628  +								table.insert(inputTbl, {kind = 'hztl', w=4, h=.5, x=1;
          629  +									{kind='img',   w=.5,h=.5, img=e.img};
          630  +									{kind='label', w=3.3,h=.5,x=.2, text=e.label};
          631  +								});
          632  +							end
          633  +						end
          634  +						if sw.cost then
          635  +							local function pushCost(t, val)
          636  +								table.insert(costTbl, {kind='text', w=4.5,h=.5,x=.5;
          637  +									text=string.format('<b>%s</b>: %s',t,val);
          638  +								})
          639  +							end
          640  +							if sw.cost.cycles then
          641  +								pushCost('Energy', lib.math.siUI('J', sel.scm.powerCost))
          642  +								pushCost('Compute', lib.math.siUI({'cycle','cycles'}, sw.cost.cycles, true))
          643  +							end
          644  +						end
          645  +						table.insert(pgmSelector, reqPane)
          646  +						table.insert(pgmSelector, {kind = 'hztl', w=10,h=1.2;
          647  +							{kind = 'button', id='back', label = '<- Back', w=5,h=1.2};
          648  +							{kind = 'button', id='print', label = 'Print ->', w=5,h=1.2, color={hue=120,sat=0,lum=0}};
          649  +						})
          650  +					end
          651  +				end
          652  +
   476    653   				return {
   477         -					kind = 'vert', padding = 0.5; w = 5, h = 5, mode = 'sw';
   478         -					{kind = 'label', w = 4, h = 1, text = 'hello'};
          654  +					kind = 'hztl', padding = 0.5; w = 20, h = 10, mode = 'sw';
          655  +					{kind = 'vert', w = 5, h = 5;
          656  +						{kind = 'hbar', fac=0, w = 5, h = .5, text = '<b><left>Recent Prints</left></b>'};
          657  +					};
          658  +					{kind = 'vert', w = 10, h = 10;
          659  +						{kind = 'hbar', fac=0, w = 10, h = .5, text = '<b>Program Select</b>'};
          660  +						{kind = 'pane', w = 10, h = 9.5, id='pgmSelect';
          661  +							unpack(pgmSelector)
          662  +						};
          663  +					};
          664  +					{kind = 'vert', w = 5, h = 10;
          665  +						{kind = 'hbar', fac=0, w = 5, h = .5, text = '<b><right>Print Queue</right></b>'};
          666  +					};
   479    667   				}
   480    668   			end;
   481    669   		};
   482    670   	};
   483    671   })