starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [479480cc25]:

To Artifact [9575362639]:

    19     19   					str = '(' .. i.img:render() .. ')^' .. str
    20     20   				end
    21     21   				if str ~= '' then
    22     22   					str = str .. '('
    23     23   					bracket = true
    24     24   				end
    25     25   				str = str .. self.string
    26         -				end
           26  +			end
    27     27   			for _,e in pairs(self.fx) do
    28     28   				str = str .. '^[' .. e
    29     29   				-- be sure to escape ones that take arguments
    30     30   				-- correctly!
    31     31   			end
    32     32   			if bracket then str = str .. ')' end
    33     33   			return str
    82     82   					color = lib.color(color)
    83     83   				end
    84     84   				color = color:to_hsl()
    85     85   			end
    86     86   			return image.change(self, {
    87     87   				fx = lib.tbl.append(self.fx, {
    88     88   					string.format('hsl:%s:%s:%s',
    89         -						color.hue, color.sat*100, color.lum*100)
           89  +						color.hue, color.sat, color.lum)
    90     90   				})
    91     91   			})
    92     92   		end;
    93     93   
    94     94   		rehue = function(self, hue)
    95     95   			return self.shift{hue=hue, sat=0, lum=0}
    96     96   		end;