starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [35031ce713]:

To Artifact [76e0104e11]:

    18     18   			allow = function(node, tool) ... end;
    19     19   			handle = function(node, tool) ... end;
    20     20   		};
    21     21   	};
    22     22   } ]]
    23     23   -- it should only be written by special accessor functions!
    24     24   
    25         -B.stage = 'starlit_building:stage'
    26         --- a stage consists of a list of pieces and maps from possible materials
    27         --- / tool usages to succeeding stages in the build tree. note that all
    28         --- used pieces must be defined before a stage is defined currently, due
    29         --- to a lack of cross-registry dependency mechanisms. i will hopefully
    30         --- improve vtlib to handle this condition eventually.
           25  +B.begin = {part = {}, tool = {}}
           26  +-- this maps parts/tools to the new nodes they create
    31     27   --[[
    32         -, {
    33         -		pieces = {
    34         -			'starlit_building:foundation';
    35         -			'starlit_building:insulation'; -- offset             ofsFac
    36         -			{'starlit_building:pipe',, 0, 0), 0};--
    37         -			{'starlit_building:pipe',, 0, 0), 1};
    38         -			'starlit_building:insulation';
    39         -			'starlit_building:panel';
    40         -		};
    41         -	})
           28  +	part = {
           29  +		['starlit_building:concrete'] = 'starlit_building:stage_foundation';
           30  +		-- or function(...)
           31  +	};
           32  +	tool = {
           33  +		-- for consistency's sake -- can't quite imagine a valid use
           34  +		-- for this but im sure it'll bite me eventually if i leave it out
           35  +	};
    42     36   ]]
    43     37   
    44         -B.piece = 'starlit_building:piece'
    45         --- a piece is used to produce stage definitions, by means of appending
    46         --- nodeboxes with appropriate offsets. it also lists the recoverable
    47         --- materials which can be obtained by destroying a stage containing
    48         --- this piece using nano. part IDs should correspond with piece IDs
    49         --- where possible
           38  +B.stage = 'starlit_building:stage'
           39  +-- a stage consists of a node definition and maps from possible materials
           40  +-- / tool usages to succeeding stages in the build tree
    50     41   --[[
    51         -, {
    52         -		tex = 'myMod_part.png';
    53         -		height = 0.1; -- used for auto-offset
    54         -		fab = {
    55         -			element = {iron=10};
    56         -		};	
    57         -		shape = {
    58         -			type = "fixed";
    59         -			fixed = { ... };
           42  +, {
           43  +		tex = { ... };
           44  +		box = { ... }; -- nodebox def, or
           45  +		mesh = '...'; -- mesh name
           46  +		begin = {
           47  +			part = {...};
           48  +			tool = {...};
           49  +		}
           50  +		build = {
           51  +			part = {
           52  +				['starlit_building:insulation'] = 'starlit_building:foundation_with_insulation';
           53  +			};
           54  +			tool = {
           55  +				['starlit_building:screwdriver'] = {id = 'air', drop = 'starlit_building:foundation'};
           56  +			};
    60     57   		};
    61     58   	})
    62     59   ]]
    63     60   
    64     61   B.part = 'starlit_building:part'
    65     62   -- a part is implemented as a special craftitem with the proper callbacks
    66     63   -- to index the registries and place/replace nodes by reference to the
    92     89   		short_description =;
    93     90   		description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
    94     91   			title =;
    95     92   			desc = e.desc;
    96     93   			props = props;
    97     94   		};
    98     95   		inventory_image = e.img;
           96  +		on_place = function(stack, luser, point)
           97  +			local node = minetest.get_node(point.under)
           98  +			local function tryBuild()
           99  +				local p = B.path[]
          100  +				if not p then return nil end
          101  +				if (not p.part) or (not p.part[id]) then return nil end
          102  +				local n = p.part[id]
          103  +				local obj
          104  +				if type(n) == 'function' then
          105  +					obj = n(stack, node, point)
          106  +					if obj == nil then return nil end
          107  +				else
          108  +					obj = ItemStack(n)
          109  +					stack:take_item(1)
          110  +				end
          111  +				local pname = obj:get_name()
          112  +				local stg = B.stage.db[pname]
          113  + = pname
          114  +				minetest.swap_node(point.under, node)
          115  +				-- TODO make a noise
          116  +				if stg.onBuild then
          117  +					stg.onBuild(point.under, luser, stack)
          118  +				end
          119  +				return stack
          120  +			end
          121  +
          122  +			local function tryBegin()
          123  +				local p = B.begin.part[stack:get_name()]
          124  +				if not p then return nil end
          125  +				if type(p) == 'function' then
          126  +					p = p(stack, node, point)
          127  +					if p == nil then return nil end
          128  +				else
          129  +					stack:take_item(1)
          130  +				end
          131  +				minetest.rotate_and_place(ItemStack(p), luser, point, true)
          132  +				-- TODO make a noise
          133  +				return stack
          134  +			end
          135  +
          136  +			return tryBuild() or tryBegin() or stack
          137  +		end;
    99    138   		_starlit = {
   100    139   			mass = e.mass;
   101    140   			reverseEngineer = rev;
   102    141   			recover = e.recover or e.fab;
   103    142   		};
   104    143   	})
   105    144   	if e.fab then
   115    154   			};
   116    155   			rarity = e.rarity or 0;
   117    156   		})
   118    157   	end
   119    158   
   120    159   end)
   121    160   
   122         -B.stage.foreach('starlit:stageGen', {}, function(id, e)
   123         -	local box = {type = 'fixed', fixed = {}}
   124         -	local tex = {}
   125         -	local ofs =,0,0)
   126         -	for idx, p in ipairs(e.pieces) do
   127         -		local ho, pieceID, pos
   128         -		if type(p) == 'string' then
   129         -			pieceID, pos, ho = p,, 1.0
   130         -		else
   131         -			pieceID, pos, ho = pc[1],pc[2],pc[3]
   132         -		end
   133         -		local pc = B.piece.db[pieceID]
   134         -		pos = pos + ofs
   135         -		if ho ~= 0.0 then
   136         -			ofs = vector.offset(ofs, 0, pc.height)
   137         -		end
   138         -		local sh = lib.node.boxwarped(pc.shape, function(b)
   139         -			-- { -x, -y, -z;
   140         -			--   +x, +y, +z }
   141         -			b[1] = b[1] + ofs.x  b[4] = b[4] + ofs.x
   142         -			b[2] = b[2] + ofs.y  b[5] = b[5] + ofs.y
   143         -			b[3] = b[3] + ofs.z  b[6] = b[6] + ofs.z
   144         -		end)
   145         -		table.insert(box, sh)
   146         -		if type(pc.tex) == 'string' then
   147         -			table.insert(tex, pc.tex)
   148         -		else
   149         -			for i,t in ipairs(pc.tex) do
   150         -				table.insert(tex, t or '')
   151         -			end
   152         -		end
   153         -	end
   154         -	minetest.register_node(id, {
   155         -		description = 'Construction';
   156         -		drawtype = 'nodebox';
   157         -		paramtype  = 'light';
   158         -		paramtype2 = e.stateful or 'none';
   159         -		textures = tex;
   160         -		node_box = box;
   161         -		group = { stage = 1 };
   162         -		_starlit = {
   163         -			stage = id;
   164         -		};
   165         -	})
   166         -end)
   167         -
   168    161   function B.pathLink(from, kind, what, to)
   169    162   	if not B.path[from] then
   170    163   		B.path[from] = {part={}, tool={}}
   171    164   	end
   172    165   	local k = B.path[from][kind]
   173         -	assert(k[what] == nil)
          166  +	assert(k[what] == nil, 'attempted to overwrite an existing build path')
   174    167   	k[what] = to
   175    168   end
   176    169   
   177    170   function B.pathFind(from, kind, what)
   178    171   	if not B.path[from] then return nil end
   179    172   	return B.path[from][kind][what]
   180    173   end
          174  +
          175  +B.stage.foreach('starlit:stageGen', {}, function(id, e)
          176  +	local grp = e.groups and table.copy(e.groups) or {}
          177  +	grp.stage = 1
          178  +	minetest.register_node(id, {
          179  +		description = 'Construction';
          180  +		drawtype = (  and 'nodebox')
          181  +		        or (e.mesh and 'mesh')
          182  +		        or 'regular';
          183  +		paramtype  = ( or e.mesh or e.light) and 'light' or nil;
          184  +		paramtype2 = e.stateful or 'none';
          185  +		tiles = e.tex;
          186  +		node_box =;
          187  +		mesh = e.mesh;
          188  +		groups = grp;
          189  +		_starlit = {
          190  +			stage = id;
          191  +		};
          192  +	})
          193  +	if e.begin then
          194  +		for _, kind in ipairs {'part', 'tool'} do
          195  +			for i, v in ipairs(e.begin[kind] or {}) do
          196  +				assert(B.begin[kind][v] == nil, 'attempted to overwrite buildpath beginning')
          197  +				B.begin[kind][v] = id
          198  +			end
          199  +		end
          200  +	end
          201  +	if then
          202  +		for _, kind in ipairs {'part', 'tool'} do
          203  +			for what, to in pairs([kind] or {}) do
          204  +				B.pathLink(id, kind, what, to)
          205  +			end
          206  +		end
          207  +	end
          208  +end)
          209  +
   181    210   
   182    211   starlit.include 'parts'
          212  +starlit.include 'stages'