starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [2a09a8ef6e]:

To Artifact [c5d4cbc341]:

    11     11   		return string.format('starlit_tech:chem_lamp_%s',n)
    12     12   	end
    13     13   	local fab = starlit.type.fab {
    14     14   		element = { carbon = 8, magnesium = 2 };
    15     15   		cost = { power = 100 };
    16     16   		flag = { print = true };
    17     17   		time = { print = 5 };
    18         -		reverseEngineer = {
    19         -			complexity = 1;
    20         -			sw = 'starlit_tech:schematic_chem_lamp';
    21         -		};
    22     18   	};
    23     19   	for i = stages, 0, -1 do
    24     20   		minetest.register_node(chemLampID(i), {
    25     21   			short_description = 'Chem Lamp';
    26     22   			description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
    27     23   				title = 'Chem Lamp';
    28     24   				desc = "A simple carbon-frame chemical light source powered by ambient oxygen. Cheap, quick to print, and biodedragable, without any need for an electric grid or complex power storage mechanism. However, the light only lasts a few days, after which the lamp must be recycled or discarded.";
    30     26   				props = {
    31     27   					{title = 'Burn Remaining', desc=lib.math.timespec(stageTimeout * i), affinity=i > 4 and 'good' or 'bad'};
    32     28   					{title = 'Mass', desc='10g', affinity='info'};
    33     29   				};
    34     30   			};
    35     31   			drawtype = 'nodebox';
    36     32   			groups = {
    37         -				object = 2;
           33  +				object = 1;
    38     34   				attached_node = 1;
    39     35   			};
    40     36   			node_box = {
    41     37   				type = 'fixed';
    42     38   				fixed = {
    43     39   					-.4, -.5, -.20;
    44     40   					 .4, -.3,  .20;
    61     57   			on_timer = i ~= 0 and function(pos)
    62     58   				local me = minetest.get_node(pos)
    63     59   				minetest.swap_node(pos, {name=chemLampID(i-1), param2=me.param2})
    64     60   				return i > 1
    65     61   			end or nil;
    66     62   			_starlit = {
    67     63   				mass = 10;
    68         -				fab = fab;
           64  +				reverseEngineer = {
           65  +					complexity = 1;
           66  +					sw = 'starlit_tech:schematic_chem_lamp';
           67  +				};
    69     68   				recover = starlit.type.fab {
    70     69   					element = {
    71     70   						carbon = 8;
    72     71   						magnesium = math.floor(lib.math.lerp(i/stages, 0, 2));
    73     72   					};
    74     73   					time = {
    75     74   						shred = .5;
    89     88   		cost = {
    90     89   			cycles = 8e9;
    91     90   			ram = 16e6;
    92     91   		};
    93     92   		rarity = 1;
    94     93   	})
    95     94   end
           95  +
           96  +
           97  +minetest.register_node('starlit_tech:crate', {
           98  +	short_description = 'Crate';
           99  +	description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
          100  +		title = 'Crate';
          101  +		desc = 'A sturdy but lightweight storage crate made from solid carbon polymer.';
          102  +		props = { {title='Mass', affinity='info', desc='100g'} };
          103  +	};
          104  +	drawtype = 'nodebox';
          105  +	node_box = {
          106  +		type = 'fixed';
          107  +		fixed = {
          108  +			 .4,  .2,  .4;
          109  +			-.4, -.5, -.2;
          110  +		};
          111  +	};
          112  +	groups = {
          113  +		object = 3;
          114  +		attached_node = 3;
          115  +	};
          116  +	paramtype2 = 'facedir';
          117  +	tiles = {
          118  +		'starlit-tech-crate-top.png';
          119  +		'starlit-tech-crate-bottom.png';
          120  +
          121  +		'starlit-tech-crate-side.png^[transformFX';
          122  +		'starlit-tech-crate-side.png';
          123  +
          124  +		'starlit-tech-crate-back.png';
          125  +		'starlit-tech-crate-front.png';
          126  +	};
          127  +	_starlit = {
          128  +		mass = 100;
          129  +		reverseEngineer = {
          130  +			complexity = 1;
          131  +			sw = 'starlit_tech:schematic_crate';
          132  +		};
          133  +		recover = starlit.type.fab {
          134  +			element = { carbon = 100; };
          135  +			time = {
          136  +				shred = 1;
          137  +				shredPower = 3;
          138  +			};
          139  +		};
          140  +	};
          141  +	on_construct = function(pos)
          142  +		local m = minetest.get_meta(pos)
          143  +		local inv = m:get_inventory()
          144  +		inv:set_size('starlit:contents', 12)
          145  +	end;
          146  +	on_rightclick = function(pos, node, luser)
          147  +		if not luser then return end
          148  +		local user = starlit.activeUsers[luser:get_player_name()]
          149  +		user:openUI('starlit:box', 'index', {
          150  +			inv={
          151  +				{id = 'starlit:contents', pos=pos};
          152  +			};
          153  +		})
          154  +	end;
          155  +})
          156  +
          157'starlit_tech:schematic_crate', {
          158  +	name = 'Crate Schematic';
          159  +	kind = 'schematic';
          160  +	input = starlit.type.fab {
          161  +		element = { carbon = 100; };
          162  +		flag = {print = true};
          163  +		time = {print = 25};
          164  +		cost = {power = 250};
          165  +	};
          166  +	output = 'starlit_tech:crate';
          167  +	size = 48e6;
          168  +	cost = {
          169  +		cycles = 12e9;
          170  +		ram = 16e6;
          171  +	};
          172  +	rarity = 1;
          173  +})