starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [2a0859e47b]:

To Artifact [fb5dcf0ef1]:

    23     23   		color = lib.color(.7,.2,.1);
    24     24   	};
    25     25   	silicon = {
    26     26   		name = 'silicon', sym = 'Si', n = 14, density = 2.329;
    27     27   		metal = true; -- can be forged into an ingot
    28     28   		color = lib.color(.6,.6,.4);
    29     29   	};
           30  +	neodymium = {
           31  +		name = 'neodymium', sym = 'Nd', n= 60, density = 7.01;
           32  +		metal = true;
           33  +		color = lib.color(1,1,1);
           34  +	};
    30     35   	potassium = {
    31     36   		name = 'potassium', sym = 'K', n = 19, density = 0.862;
    32     37   		-- potassium is technically a metal but it's so soft
    33     38   		-- it can be easily nanoworked without high temps, so
    34     39   		-- ingots make no sense
    35     40   		color = lib.color(1,.8,0.1);
    36     41   	};