starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [277b90dbc5]:

To Artifact [ae90c8058c]:

     1      1   -- [ʞ] starlit/init.lua
     2      2   --  ~ lexi hale <>
     3      3   --  ? basic setup, game rules, terrain
     4      4   --  © EUPL v1.2
     5      5   
     6         -local T = minetest.get_translator 'starlit'
            6  +local T = core.get_translator 'starlit'
     7      7   
     8      8   -- TODO enforce latest engine version
     9      9   
    10     10   local mod = {
    11     11   	-- subordinate mods register here
    12     12   	lib = vtlib;
    13     13   		-- vtlib should be accessed as starlit.mod.lib by starlit modules for the sake of proper encapsulation. vtlib should simply be a provider, not a hardcoded dependency
    14     14   }
    15     15   local lib = mod.lib
    16     16   
    17     17   
    18     18   starlit = {
    19         -	ident = minetest.get_current_modname();
           19  +	ident = core.get_current_modname();
    20     20   	mod = mod;
    21     21   	translator = T;
    22     22   
    23     23   	constant = {
    24         -		light = { --minetest units
           24  +		light = { --luanti units
    25     25   			dim = 3;
    26     26   			lamp = 7;
    27     27   			bright = 10;
    28     28   			brightest = 14; -- only sun and growlights
    29     29   		};
    30     30   		heat = { -- celsius
    31     31   			freezing = 0;
    35     35   			thermalConductivity = 0.05; -- κ
    36     36   		};
    37     37   		rad = {
    38     38   		};
    39     39   
    40     40   		phys = {
    41     41   			--- HACK HACK HAAAAAAAAAAACK
    42         -			engineGravity = minetest.settings:get('movement_gravity') or 9.81
           42  +			engineGravity = core.settings:get('movement_gravity') or 9.81
    43     43   		};
    44     44   	};
    45     45   
    46     46   	activeUsers = {
    47     47   		-- map of username -> user object
    48     48   	};
    49     49   	activeUI = {
    71     71   
    72     72   	-- standardized effects
    73     73   	fx = {};
    74     74   
    75     75   	type = {};
    76     76   	world = {
    77     77   		defaultScenario = 'starlit_scenario:imperialExpat';
    78         -		seedbank = lib.math.seedbank(minetest.get_mapgen_setting 'seed');
           78  +		seedbank = lib.math.seedbank(core.get_mapgen_setting 'seed');
    79     79   		mineral = 'starlit:mineral';
    80     80   		material = { -- raw materials
    81     81   			element = 'starlit:element';
    82     82   			-- elements are automatically sorted into the following categories
    83     83   			-- if they match. however, it's possible to have a metal/gas/liquid
    84     84   			-- that *isn't* a pure element, so these need separate registries
    85     85   			-- for alloys and mixtures like steel and water
   177    177   	};
   178    178   
   179    179   	jobs = {};
   180    180   }
   181    181   
   182    182   -- TODO deal with core.DEFAULT_PHYSICS once it hits master
   183    183   
   184         -starlit.cfgDir = minetest.get_worldpath() .. '/' .. starlit.ident
          184  +starlit.cfgDir = core.get_worldpath() .. '/' .. starlit.ident
   185    185   
   186    186   local logger = function(module)
   187    187   	local function argjoin(arg, nxt, ...)
   188    188   		if arg and not nxt then return tostring(arg) end
   189    189   		if not arg then return "(nil)" end
   190    190   		return tostring(arg) .. ' ' .. argjoin(nxt, ...)
   191    191   	end
   192    192   	local lg = {}
   193    193   	local setup = function(fn, lvl)
   194    194   		lvl = lvl or fn
   195    195   		local function emit(...)
   196    196   			local call = (fn == 'fatal') and error
   197         -				or function(str) minetest.log(lvl, str) end
          197  +				or function(str) core.log(lvl, str) end
   198    198   			if module
   199    199   				then call(string.format('[%s :: %s] %s',starlit.ident,module,argjoin(...)))
   200    200   				else call(string.format('[%s] %s',starlit.ident,argjoin(...)))
   201    201   			end
   202    202   		end
   203    203   		lg[fn       ] = function(...) emit(...)                end
   204    204   		lg[fn .. 'f'] = function(...) emit(string.format(...)) end -- convenience fn
   212    212   end
   213    213   
   214    214   starlit.logger = logger
   215    215   
   216    216   local log = logger()
   217    217   
   218    218   function starlit.evaluate(name, ...)
   219         -	local path = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
          219  +	local path = core.get_modpath(core.get_current_modname())
   220    220   	local filename = string.format('%s/%s', path, name)
   221    221'loading', filename)
   222    222   	local chunk, err = loadfile(filename, filename)
   223    223   	if not chunk then error(err) end
   224    224   	return chunk(...)
   225    225   end
   226    226   
   227    227   function starlit.include(name, ...) -- semantic variant used for loading modules
   228    228   	return starlit.evaluate(name..'.lua', ...)
   229    229   end
   230    230   
   231    231   function starlit.region.radiator.scan(pos,node)
   232    232   	local R = starlit.region
   233         -	local phash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos)
          233  +	local phash = core.hash_node_position(pos)
   234    234   	if R.radiator.sources[phash] then return end -- already loaded
   235         -	node = node or minetest.get_node(pos)
          235  +	node = node or core.get_node(pos)
   236    236   
   237         -	local def = minetest.registered_nodes[]
          237  +	local def = core.registered_nodes[]
   238    238   	local cl = def._starlit and def._starlit.radiator
   239    239   	if not cl then return nil end
   240    240   	local min,max = cl.maxEffectArea and cl.maxEffectArea(pos) or nil
   241    241   	if not min then
   242    242   		assert(cl.radius, 'no radius callback for radiator')
   243    243   		local r = cl.radius(pos)
   244    244   		local vr =,r,r)
   245    245   		min,max = pos-vr, pos+vr
   246    246   	end
   247         -	local id =,max, minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
          247  +	local id =,max, core.pos_to_string(pos))
   248    248   	R.radiator.sources[phash] = id
   249    249   end
   250    250   
   251    251   function starlit.region.radiator.unload(pos)
   252    252   	local R = starlit.region
   253         -	local phash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos)
          253  +	local phash = core.hash_node_position(pos)
   254    254   	local id = R.radiator.sources[phash]
   255    255
   256    256   	R.radiator.sources[phash] = nil
   257    257   end
   258    258   
   259         -minetest.register_lbm {
          259  +core.register_lbm {
   260    260   	label = 'build radiator index';
   261    261   	name = 'starlit:loadradiatorboxes';
   262    262   	nodenames = {'group:radiator'};
   263    263   	run_at_every_load = true;
   264    264   	action = function(pos, node, dt)
   265    265   		starlit.region.radiator.scan(pos, node)
   266    266   	end;
   267    267   	-- NOTE: temp emitter nodes are responsible for decaching themselves in their on_destruct cb
   268    268   }
   269    269   
   270    270   
   271    271   function starlit.startJob(id, interval, job)
   272    272   	local lastRun
   273    273   	local function start()
   274         -[id] = minetest.after(interval, function()
   275         -			local t = minetest.get_gametime()
          274  +[id] = core.after(interval, function()
          275  +			local t = core.get_gametime()
   276    276   			local d = lastRun and t - lastRun or nil
   277    277   			lastRun = t
   278    278   			local continue = job(d, interval)
   279    279   			if continue == true or continue == nil then
   280    280   				start()
   281    281   			elseif continue ~= false then
   282    282   				interval = continue
   307    307   starlit.include 'element'
   308    308   
   309    309   starlit.include 'terrain'
   310    310   starlit.include 'interfaces'
   311    311   starlit.include 'compile'
   312    312   starlit.include 'suit'
   313    313   
   314         --- minetest.settings:set('movement_gravity', -- ??? seriously???
          314  +-- core.settings:set('movement_gravity', -- ??? seriously???
   316    316   
   317    317   ---------------
   318    318   -- callbacks --
   319    319   ---------------
   320         --- here we connect our types up to the minetest API
          320  +-- here we connect our types up to the luanti API
   321    321   
   322    322   local function userCB(fn)
   323    323   	return function(luser, ...)
   324    324   		local name = luser:get_player_name()
   325    325   		local user = starlit.activeUsers[name]
   326    326   		return fn(user, ...)
   327    327   	end
   328    328   end
   329    329   
   330         -minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(luser, lastLogin)
          330  +core.register_on_joinplayer(function(luser, lastLogin)
   331    331   	-- TODO check that necessary CSMs are installed
   332    332   	local user = starlit.type.user(luser)
   333    333   
   334    334   	if lastLogin == nil then
   335    335   		user:onSignup()
   336    336   	end
   337    337   	user:onJoin()
   338    338   
   339    339   	starlit.activeUsers[] = user
   340    340   end)
   341    341   
   342         -minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(luser)
          342  +core.register_on_leaveplayer(function(luser)
   343    343   	starlit.activeUsers[luser:get_player_name()]:onPart()
   344    344   end)
   345    345   
   346         -minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(luser, formid, fields)
          346  +core.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(luser, formid, fields)
   347    347   	local name = luser:get_player_name()
   348    348   	local user = starlit.activeUsers[name]
   349    349   	if not user then return false end
   350    350   	if formid == '' then -- main menu
   351    351   		return starlit.ui.userMenuDispatch(user,fields)
   352    352   	end
   353    353   	local ui = starlit.interface.db[formid]
   362    362   	user:onRespond(ui, state, fields)
   363    363   	if fields.quit then
   364    364   		starlit.activeUI[name] = nil
   365    365   	end
   366    366   	return true
   367    367   end)
   368    368   
   369         -minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(userCB(function(user)
          369  +core.register_on_respawnplayer(userCB(function(user)
   370    370   	return user:onRespawn()
   371    371   end))
   372    372   
   373         -minetest.register_on_dieplayer(userCB(function(user, reason)
          373  +core.register_on_dieplayer(userCB(function(user, reason)
   374    374   	return user:onDie(reason)
   375    375   end))
   376    376   
   377         -minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos,node,puncher,point)
          377  +core.register_on_punchnode(function(pos,node,puncher,point)
   378    378   	local user = starlit.activeUsers[puncher:get_player_name()]
   379    379   	local oldTgt = user.action.tgt
   380    380   	user.action.tgt = point
   381    381   	if, 0x80)==0 then
   382    382   		user.action.bits = bit.bor(user.action.bits, 0x80)
   383    383   		--user:trigger('primary', {state = 'init'})
   384    384   	else
   403    403   		user:trigger('retarget', {oldTgt = oldTgt})
   404    404   	end
   405    405   end
   406    406   -- sigh
   407    407   --[[
   408    408   core.noneitemdef_default.on_place = function(...)
   409    409   	if not triggerPower(...) then
   410         -		minetest.item_place(...)
          410  +		core.item_place(...)
   411    411   	end
   412    412   end
   413    413   core.noneitemdef_default.on_use           = function(...) triggerPower(...) end
   414    414   core.noneitemdef_default.on_secondary_use = function(...) triggerPower(...) end
   415    415   ]]
   416         -minetest.register_item(":", {
          416  +core.register_item(":", {
   417    417   	type = "none",
   418    418   	wield_image = "wieldhand.png",
   419    419   	wield_scale = {x=1,y=1,z=2.5},
   420    420   	on_secondary_use = function(...) triggerPower(...) end;
   421    421   -- 	on_use = function(...) print'base' end;
   422    422   	after_use = function(i,u,n,p)
   423    423   		if (u:is_player()) then triggerPower(i,u,p) end
   424    424   	end;
   425    425   })
   426         -minetest.register_item("starlit:_hand_dig", {
          426  +core.register_item("starlit:_hand_dig", {
   427    427   	type = "none",
   428    428   	wield_image = "wieldhand.png",
   429    429   	wield_scale = {x=1,y=1,z=2.5},
   430    430   	tool_capabilities = {
   431    431   		groupcaps = {
   432    432   			object = {maxlevel=1, times = {.10,.20,.40}};
   433    433   			plant = {maxlevel=1, times = {.50}};
   434    434   
   435    435   			-- sand, dirt, gravel
   436    436   			looseClump = {maxlevel=1, times = {1.5, 2.5}};
   437    437   		};
   438    438   	}
   439    439   })
   440    440   
   441         -minetest.register_on_player_inventory_action(function(luser, act, inv, p)
          441  +core.register_on_player_inventory_action(function(luser, act, inv, p)
   442    442   	local name = luser:get_player_name()
   443    443   	local user = starlit.activeUsers[name]
   444    444   	-- allow UIs to update on UI changes
   445    445   	local state = starlit.activeUI[name]
   446    446   	if state then
   447    447   		local ui = starlit.interface.db[state.form]
   448    448   		ui:cb('onMoveItem', user, act, inv, p)
   449    449   	end
   450    450   end)
   451    451   
   452         -minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(luser, delta, cause)
          452  +core.register_on_player_hpchange(function(luser, delta, cause)
   453    453   	local user = starlit.activeUsers[luser:get_player_name()]
   454    454   	if cause.type == 'fall' then
   455    455   		delta = user:damageModifier('bluntForceTrauma', (delta * 50))
   456    456   		-- justification: a short fall can do around
   457    457   		-- five points of damage, which is nearly 50%
   458    458   		-- of the default hp_max. since we crank up
   459    459   		-- hp by a factor of 50~40, damage should be
   460    460   		-- cranked by similarly
   461    461   	end
   462    462   	return delta
   463    463   end, true)
   464    464   
   465         -function minetest.handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger)
          465  +function core.handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger)
   466    466   	local function jitter(pos)
   467    467   		local function r(x) return x+math.random(-0.01, 0.01) end
   468    468   		return
   469    469   			r(pos.x),
   470    470   			r(pos.y),
   471    471   			r(pos.z)
   472    472   		)
   473    473   	end
   474    474   	for i, it in ipairs(drops) do
   475    475   		if type(it) == 'string' then it = ItemStack(it) end
   476    476   		if not it:is_empty() then
   477         -			local ent = minetest.add_item(jitter(pos), it)
          477  +			local ent = core.add_item(jitter(pos), it)
   478    478   			if ent ~= nil then -- avoid crash when dropping unknown item
   479    479   				local dp =,0,0)
   480    480   				if digger then dp = digger:get_pos() end
   481    481   				local delta = dp - ent:get_pos()
   482    482   				ent:add_velocity(,0,delta.z));
   483    483   			end
   484    484   		end
   485    485   	end
   486    486   end
   487    487   
   488    488   
   489    489   -- TODO timer iterates live UI
   490    490