starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [1cb802f20f]:

To Artifact [f0b5b90e43]:

   298    298   						}) end
   299    299   					end
   300    300   				end
   301    301   				local menu = { kind = 'vert', mode = 'sw', padding = 0.5 }
   302    302   				if swm then table.insert(menu, abilityMenu(swm)) end
   303    303   
   304    304   				local inv = user.entity:get_inventory()
          305  +				--[[
   305    306   				local cans = inv:get_list 'starlit_suit_canisters'
   306    307   				if cans and next(cans) then for i, st in ipairs(cans) do
   307    308   					local id = string.format('starlit_canister_%u_elem', i)
   308    309   					local esz = inv:get_size(id)
   309    310   					if esz > 0 then
   310    311   						local eltW, eltH = listWrap(esz, 5)
   311    312   						table.insert(menu, {kind = 'hztl',
   312    313   							{kind = 'img', desc='Elements', img = 'starlit-ui-icon-element.png', w=1,h=1};
   313    314   							{kind = 'list', target = 'current_player', inv = id,
   314    315   								listContent = 'element', w = eltW, h = eltH, spacing = 0.1};
   315    316   						})
   316    317   					end
   317    318   				end end
          319  +				]]
   318    320   
   319    321   				if #menu == 0 then
   320    322   					table.insert(menu, {
   321    323   						kind = 'img';
   322    324   						img = 'starlit-ui-alert.png';
   323    325   						w=2, h=2;
   324    326   					})
   343    345   				local tb = {
   344    346   					kind = 'vert', mode = 'sw';
   345    347   					padding = 0.5, 
   346    348   					{kind = 'hztl', padding = 0.25;
   347    349   						{kind = 'label', text = 'Name', w = 2, h = barh};
   348    350   						{kind = 'label', text =, w = 4, h = barh}};
   349    351   				}
   350         -				local statBars = {'hunger', 'thirst', 'fatigue', 'morale'}
          352  +				local statBars = {'hunger', 'thirst', 'fatigue', 'morale', 'irradiation', 'illness'}
   351    353   				for idx, id in ipairs(statBars) do
   352    354   					local s =[id]
   353    355   					local amt, sv = user:effectiveStat(id)
   354    356   					local min, max =, user.persona.speciesVariant, id)
   355    357   					local st = string.format('%s / %s', s.desc(amt, true), s.desc(max))
   356    358   					table.insert(tb, {kind = 'hztl', padding = 0.25;
   357    359   						{kind = 'label', w=2, h=barh, text =};