starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [1c1e9dd876]:

To Artifact [922972e287]:

    32     32   		return items, charges
    33     33   	end
    34     34   
    35     35   	return function(user, ctx)
    36     36   		local function cleanup()
    37     37   			user.action.prog.shred = nil
    38     38   			if user.action.sfx.shred then
    39         -				minetest.sound_fade(user.action.sfx.shred, 1, 0)
           39  +				core.sound_fade(user.action.sfx.shred, 1, 0)
    40     40   				user.action.sfx.shred = nil
    41     41   			end
    42     42   			if user.action.fx.shred then
    43     43   				user.action.fx.shred.abort()
    44     44   			end
    45     45   		end
    46     46   
    50     50   			cleanup()
    51     51   			return false
    52     52   		end
    53     53   		local shredTime = 1.0
    54     54   		local soundPitch = 1.0 -- TODO
    55     55   		local pdraw = prop.powerDraw or 0
    56     56   
    57         -		if minetest.is_protected(what, user.entity:get_player_name()) then return end
    58         -		local node = minetest.get_node(what)
    59         -		local nd = minetest.registered_nodes[]
           57  +		if core.is_protected(what, user.entity:get_player_name()) then return end
           58  +		local node = core.get_node(what)
           59  +		local nd = core.registered_nodes[]
    60     60   		local elt, fab, vary
    61     61   		if nd._starlit then
    62     62   			fab = nd._starlit.recover or nd._starlit.fab
    63     63   			vary = nd._starlit.recover_vary
    64     64   		end
    65     65   		if fab then
    66     66   			if fab.flag then
    86     86   			if p < pdx then
    87     87   				cleanup()
    88     88   				return false
    89     89   			elseif not user.action.prog.shred then
    90     90   				cleanup() -- kill danglers
    91     91   				-- begin
    92     92   				user.action.prog.shred = 0
    93         -				user.action.sfx.shred = minetest.sound_play('starlit-nano-shred', {
           93  +				user.action.sfx.shred = core.sound_play('starlit-nano-shred', {
    94     94   					object = user.entity;
    95     95   					max_hear_distance = prop.range*2;
    96     96   					loop = true;
    97     97   					pitch = soundPitch;
    98     98   				})
    99     99   				user.action.fx.shred = starlit.fx.nano.shred(user, what, prop, shredTime, node)
   100    100   			else
   101    101   				user.action.prog.shred = user.action.prog.shred + or 0
   102    102   			end
   103    103   			--print('shred progress: ', user.action.prog.shred)
   104    104   			if user.action.prog.shred >= shredTime then
   105         -				minetest.remove_node(what)
   106         -				minetest.check_for_falling(what)
          105  +				core.remove_node(what)
          106  +				core.check_for_falling(what)
   107    107   				--print('shred complete')
   108    108   				user:suitSound 'starlit-success'
   109    109   				if fab then
   110    110   					local vf = fab
   111    111   					if vary then
   112         -						local rng = ([minetest.hash_node_position(what)]
          112  +						local rng = ([core.hash_node_position(what)]
   113    113   						vf = vf + vary(rng, {})
   114    114   					end
   115    115   					local items, charges = fabToItemsAndCharges(vf)
   116    116   					for i, it in ipairs(items) do user:give(it) end
   117    117   					-- TODO give gasses, liquids
   118    118   				end
   119    119   				cleanup()
   253    253   		run = function(user, ctx)
   254    254   		end;
   255    255   		--[[
   256    256   		bgProc = function(user, ctx, interval, runState)
   257    257   			if runState.flags.compiled == true then return false end
   258    258   			-- only so many nanides to go around
   259    259   			runState.flags.compiled = true
   260         -			local time = minetest.get_gametime()
          260  +			local time = core.get_gametime()
   261    261   			local cyclesLeft = ctx.comp.cycles * interval
   262    262   
   263    263   			for id, e in ipairs(ctx.file.body.conf) do
   264    264   				if e.key == 'job' then
   265    265   					local t = J.dec(e.value)
   266    266   					local remove = false
   267    267   					local r = starlit.item.sw.db[t.schematic]