starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [16bf595c8c]:

To Artifact [5149fd5b74]:

   131    131   		return climg('',         'starlit-ui-button-sw.png')       ..
   132    132   		       climg(':hovered', 'starlit-ui-button-sw-hover.png') ..
   133    133   		       climg(':pressed', 'starlit-ui-button-sw-press.png')
   134    134   	end
   135    135   	local function widget(...)
   136    136   		table.insert(lines, string.format(...))
   137    137   	end
          138  +	local specializedTooltip = false
   138    139   	if def.kind == 'vert' then
   139    140   		for _, w in ipairs(def) do
   140    141   			local src, st =, state)
   141    142   			widget('container[%s,%s]%scontainer_end[]', state.x, state.y, src)
   142    143   			state.y=state.y + state.spacing + st.h
   143    144   			state.w = math.max(state.w, st.w)
   144    145   		end
          146  +		state.y = state.y - state.spacing
   145    147   		state.w = state.w + state.padding
   146    148   		state.h = state.y + state.padding/2
   147    149   	elseif def.kind == 'hztl' then
   148    150   		for _, w in ipairs(def) do
   149    151   			local src, st =, state)
   150    152   			widget('container[%s,%s]%scontainer_end[]', state.x, state.y, src)
   151    153   			-- TODO alignments
   195    197
   196    198   		end
   197    199   		state.w = state.w + state.padding
   198    200   		state.h = state.h + state.padding/2
   199    201   	elseif def.kind == 'list' then
   200    202   		local slotTypes = {
   201    203   			plain = {hue = 200, sat = -.1, lum = 0};
   202         -			element = {hue = 20, sat = -.3, lum = 0};
          204  +-- 			element = {hue = 20, sat = -.3, lum = 0};
   203    205   			chip = {hue = 0, sat = -1, lum = 0};
   204         -			psi = {hue = 300, sat = 0, lum = 0};
          206  +-- 			psi = {hue = 300, sat = 0, lum = 0};
   205    207   			power = {hue = 50, sat = 0, lum = .2};
   206    208   		}
   207    209   		local img
   208    210   		if state.mode == 'hw' then
   209    211   			img = lib.image('starlit-ui-slot-physical.png');
   210    212   		else
   211    213   			img = lib.image('starlit-ui-slot.png'):shift(slotTypes[def.listContent or 'plain']);
   212    214   		end
   213    215   		local spac = state.spacing
          216  +		local target =
          217  +		if not target and def.node then
          218  +			target=string.format('nodemeta:%s,%s,%s', def.node.x,def.node.y,def.node.z)
          219  +		end
   214    220   		widget('style_type[list;spacing=%s,%s]',spac,spac)
   215    221   		assert(def.w and def.h, 'ui-lists require a fixed size')
   216    222   		for lx = 0, def.w-1 do
   217    223   		for ly = 0, def.h-1 do
   218    224   			local ox, oy = state.x + lx*(1+spac), state.y + ly*(1+spac)
   219    225   			table.insert(lines, string.format('image[%s,%s;1.1,1.1;%s]', ox-0.05,oy-0.05, img:render()))
   220    226   		end end
   221    227   		table.insert(lines, string.format('listcolors[#00000000;#ffffff10]')) -- FIXME
   222    228   		table.insert(lines, string.format('list[%s;%s;%s,%s;%s,%s;%s]',
   223         -			E(, E(def.inv),
          229  +			E(target), E(def.inv),
   224    230   			state.x, state.y,
   225    231   			def.w,   def.h,
   226    232   			def.idx))
   227    233   		local sm = 1
   228    234   		state.w = def.w * sm + (spac * (def.w - 1))
   229    235   		state.h = def.h * sm + (spac * (def.h - 1))
   230    236   	elseif def.kind == 'contact' then
   231    237   		if def.color then table.insert(lines, btnColorDef( end
   232    238   		local img = def.img
   233    239   		local desc
   234    240   		if def.item then
   235    241   			img  = ItemStack(def.item):get_name()
   236    242   			desc = ItemStack(def.item):get_description()
   237    243   		end
          244  +		desc = def.desc or desc
   238    245   		widget('%simage_button%s[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s;%s]',
   239    246   			def.item and 'item_' or '',
   240    247   			def.close and '_exit' or '',
   241    248   			state.x, state.y, def.w, def.h,
   242    249   			E(img), E(, E(def.label or ''))
   243         -		if desc and not def.desc then
          250  +		if desc then
   244    251   			widget('tooltip[%s;%s]', E(, E(desc))
          252  +			specializedTooltip = true
   245    253   		end
   246    254   	elseif def.kind == 'button' then
   247    255   		if def.color then table.insert(lines, btnColorDef( end
   248    256   		local label = E(def.label or '')
   249    257   		if state.fg then label = lib.color(state.fg):fmt(label) end
   250    258   		widget('button%s[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s]',
   251    259   			def.close and '_exit' or '',
   252    260   			state.x, state.y, def.w, def.h,
   253    261   			E(, label)
          262  +		if def.desc then
          263  +			widget('tooltip[%s;%s]', E(, E(def.desc))
          264  +			specializedTooltip = true
          265  +		end
   254    266   	elseif def.kind == 'img' then
   255    267   		widget('%s[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s]',
   256    268   			def.item and 'item_image' or 'image',
   257    269   			state.x, state.y, def.w, def.h, E(def.item or def.img))
   258    270   	elseif def.kind == 'label' then
   259    271   		local txt = E(def.text)
   260    272   		if state.fg then txt = lib.color(state.fg):fmt(txt) end
   283    295   		if def.text then
   284    296   			widget('hypertext[%s,%s;%s,%s;;%s]',
   285    297   				state.x, state.y, def.w, def.h,
   286    298   				string.format('<global halign=center valign=middle color=%s>%s', fg:hex(), E(def.text)))
   287    299   		end
   288    300   	end
   289    301   
   290         -	if def.desc then
          302  +	if def.desc and not specializedTooltip then
   291    303   		local coord
   292    304   		if then
   293    305   			coord = E(
   294    306   		else
   295    307   			coord = string.format("%s,%s;%s,%s", state.x, state.y, def.w, def.h)
   296    308   		end
   297    309   		widget('tooltip[%s;%s;#000000;#ffffff]', coord, E(def.desc))