starlit  Check-in [953151446f]

Comment:better alarm LEDs, continue work on matter compiler UI, hack around gravitational horrorscape (i.e. stop shitting all over the server's `minetest.conf`), better stat interface, tweak some compute stats, be more generous with starting battery loadout, mercilessly squash numberless bugs beneath my jackbooted heel
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SHA3-256: 953151446f688fc9771fdc5fe3b2278a6a3981b9ac6e05dc595388f31d0ca482
User & Date: lexi on 2024-05-05 19:31:39
Other Links: manifest | tags
complete (-ish) matter compiler UI (power drain still missing), add printable chemical light check-in: 3df08bd5ac user: lexi tags: trunk
better alarm LEDs, continue work on matter compiler UI, hack around gravitational horrorscape (i.e. stop shitting all over the server's `minetest.conf`), better stat interface, tweak some compute stats, be more generous with starting battery loadout, mercilessly squash numberless bugs beneath my jackbooted heel check-in: 953151446f user: lexi tags: trunk
add beginnings of matter compiler UI, check in missing files check-in: 0e7832a24c user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified mods/starlit-electronics/init.lua from [fff344db38] to [d82ba893dd].    [diff]

Modified mods/starlit-electronics/sw.lua from [430c447d0b] to [da2672ba3c].    [diff]

Modified mods/starlit-scenario/init.lua from [a141e7b70f] to [a805932fc9].    [diff]

Modified mods/starlit/element.lua from [25b10aa9d6] to [f0333e36f4].    [diff]

Modified mods/starlit/fab.lua from [bdd1907d1f] to [a2443e45a4].    [diff]

Modified mods/starlit/init.lua from [d6e7e6c59c] to [aee56c43bb].    [diff]

Modified mods/starlit/interfaces.lua from [e3ed80cb5c] to [c1a1690c3b].    [diff]

Modified mods/starlit/species.lua from [34f8558850] to [e0959a01e2].    [diff]

Modified mods/starlit/stats.lua from [0688acc2a6] to [9558da3e0c].    [diff]

Modified mods/starlit/suit.lua from [7f11ba51a8] to [8324bad06e].    [diff]

Modified mods/starlit/ui.lua from [81aedb85b1] to [08cb8bbbbd].    [diff]

Modified mods/starlit/user.lua from [b2784a81d4] to [c928629a64].    [diff]

Modified mods/starlit/world.lua from [5368f81f41] to [822a964373].    [diff]

Modified mods/vtlib/math.lua from [43eaf4251e] to [2d47a7e2f1].    [diff]

Modified mods/vtlib/str.lua from [01c1839f00] to [ded7121fc6].    [diff]

Modified starlit.ct from [8d6b5074b6] to [7cb4085b3b].    [diff]