local lib = starlit.mod.lib
local W = starlit.world
local M = W.material
M.element.foreach('starlit:sort', {}, function(id, m)
if m.metal then
M.metal.link(id, {
name = m.name;
composition = starlit.type.fab{element = {[id] = 1}};
color = m.color;
-- n.b. this is a RATIO: it will be appropriately multiplied
-- for the object in question; e.g a normal chunk will be
-- 100 $element, an ingot will be 1000 $element
elseif m.gas then
M.gas.link(id, {
name = m.name;
composition = starlit.type.fab{element = {[id] = 1}};
elseif m.liquid then
M.liquid.link(id, {
name = m.name;
composition = starlit.type.fab{element = {[id] = 1}};
local F = string.format
local function mkEltIndicator(composition)
local indicator = ''
local idx = 0
local ccount = 0
for _ in pairs(composition) do
ccount = ccount + 1
local indsz,indpad = 28,4
local ofs = math.min(11, (indsz-indpad)/ccount)
for id, amt in pairs(composition) do
idx = idx + 1
indicator = indicator .. F(
(indsz-indpad) - (idx*ofs), id
indicator = lib.image(indicator)
return function(s)
return string.format('(%s^[resize:%sx%s)^[combine:%sx%s%s',
indsz, indsz,
indsz, indsz,
M.element.foreach('starlit:gen-forms', {}, function(id, m)
local eltID = F('%s:element_%s', minetest.get_current_modname(), id)
local eltName = F('Elemental %s', lib.str.capitalize(m.name))
local tt = function(t, d, g)
return starlit.ui.tooltip {
title = t, desc = d;
color = lib.color(0.1,0.2,0.1);
props = {
{title = 'Mass', desc = lib.math.si('g', g), affinity='info'}
local comp = {[id] = 1}
local iblit = mkEltIndicator(comp)
m.form = m.form or {}
m.form.element = eltID
local powder = F('starlit-element-%s-powder.png', id);
minetest.register_craftitem(eltID, {
short_description = eltName;
description = tt(eltName, F('Elemental %s kept in suspension by a nanide storage system, ready to be worked by a cold matter compiler', m.name), 1);
inventory_image = iblit(powder);
wield_image = powder;
stack_max = 1000; -- 1kg
groups = {element = 1, powder = 1, specialInventory = 1};
_starlit = {
mass = 1;
material = {
kind = 'element';
element = id;
fab = starlit.type.fab {
element = comp;
M.metal.foreach('starlit:gen-forms', {}, function(id, m)
local baseID = F('%s:metal_%s_', minetest.get_current_modname(), id)
local brickID, ingotID = baseID .. 'brick', baseID .. 'ingot'
local brickName, ingotName =
F('%s Brick', lib.str.capitalize(m.name)),
F('%s Ingot', lib.str.capitalize(m.name))
m.form = m.form or {}
m.form.brick = brickID
m.form.ingot = ingotID
local tt = function(t, d, g)
return starlit.ui.tooltip {
title = t, desc = d;
color = lib.color(0.1,0.1,0.1);
props = {
{title = 'Mass', desc = lib.math.si('g', g), affinity='info'}
local mcomp = m.composition:elementalize().element
local function comp(n)
local t = {}
for id, amt in pairs(mcomp) do
t[id] = amt * n
return t
local iblit = mkEltIndicator(mcomp)
local function img(s)
return iblit(s:colorize(m.color):render())
minetest.register_craftitem(brickID, {
short_description = brickName;
description = tt(brickName, F('A solid brick of %s, ready to be worked by a matter compiler', m.name), 100);
inventory_image = img(lib.image 'starlit-item-brick.png');
wield_image = lib.image 'starlit-item-brick.png':colorize(m.color):render();
stack_max = 10;
groups = {metal = 1, ingot = 1};
_starlit = {
mass = 100;
material = {
kind = 'metal';
metal = id;
fab = starlit.type.fab {
flag = {smelt= true};
element = comp(1e2);
minetest.register_craftitem(ingotID, {
short_description = ingotName;
description = tt(ingotName, F('A solid ingot of %s, ready to be worked by a large matter compiler', m.name), 1e3);
inventory_image = img(lib.image('starlit-item-ingot.png'));
wield_image = lib.image 'starlit-item-ingot.png':colorize(m.color):render();
groups = {metal = 1, ingot = 1};
stack_max = 5;
_starlit = {
mass = 1e3;
material = {
kind = 'metal';
metal = id;
fab = starlit.type.fab {
flag = {smelt= true};
element = comp(1e3);
local function canisterDesc(stack, def)
def = def or stack:get_definition()._starlit.canister
local props = {
{title = 'Charge Slots', affinity = 'info', desc = tostring(def.slots)};
if stack then
local inv = starlit.item.container(stack)
for i,e in ipairs(inv:list 'elem') do
local comp = e:get_definition()._starlit.fab
table.insert(props, {
title = comp:formula();
desc = lib.math.si('g', e:get_count());
affinity = 'good';
-- TODO list masses
return starlit.ui.tooltip {
title = def.name, desc = def.desc or 'A canister that can store a charge of elemental powder, gas, or liquid';
color = lib.color(0.2,0.1,0.1);
props = props;
starlit.item.canister = lib.registry.mk 'starlit:canister';
starlit.item.canister.foreach('starlit:item-gen', {}, function(id, c)
minetest.register_craftitem(id, {
short_description = c.name;
description = canisterDesc(nil, c);
inventory_image = c.image or 'starlit-item-element-canister.png';
groups = {canister = 1};
stack_max = 1;
_starlit = {
canister = c;
container = {
handle = function(stack, oldstack)
stack:get_meta():set_string('description', canisterDesc(stack))
return stack
list = {
elem = {
key = 'starlit:canister_elem';
accept = 'powder';
sz = c.slots;