sorcery  Changes To iridium

Changes to "iridium" between 2020-10-04 12:49:33 and 2020-10-04 12:50:08

    11     11    * ![Fragment](doc/tip/textures/sorcery_iridium_fragment.png) **Iridium Fragment**
    12     12     * used in crafting [Iridium Cables](wiki?name=leylines#cables)
    13     13    * ![Powder](doc/tip/textures/sorcery_iridium_powder.png) **Iridium Powder**
    14     14     * as a wand core, gives a reasonable balance between power and durability
    15     15     * in [divination](wiki:divination), produces recipes for [worship](wiki:worship)-related items
    16     16   
    17     17   ## dyes
    18         -**Iridium Powder** can be used to produce several dye colors.
           18  +**Iridium Powder** can be used to produce several [dye](wiki:dyes) colors.
    19     19   
    20     20   <!-- automatically generated by util/recgen.lua, do not edit! -->
    21     21   <div style="display:flex;flex-direction:row;flex-wrap:wrap;justify-content:space-evenly;align-items:flex-start;">
    22     22   <div style="border:1px outset #D6008A; background:black; width: 10em">
    23     23   	<div style="background:#FF36FF;color:#3A003A;padding:0.3em;text-align:center"><strong>Purple Dye</strong></div>
    24     24   	<div style="display:grid;grid:auto-flow / repeat(3,1.5em);text-align:center;width:fit-content;margin:1em auto;gap:0.1em">
    25     25   		<div style="height:1.5em"></div>