sorcery  Check-in [b82a675e76]

Comment:bug fixes
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SHA3-256: b82a675e76340555689858cbce9105007d547988793edc5031862feff7c2451a
User & Date: lexi on 2021-07-06 19:26:16
Other Links: manifest | tags
fixed recipes check-in: ac4c799281 user: lexi tags: trunk
bug fixes check-in: b82a675e76 user: lexi tags: trunk
disassembler no longer disintegrates glass bottles check-in: e8e42c6029 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified cookbook.lua from [aae72d93b8] to [fac511da65].

   473    473   	if props.note then
   474    474   		local nx, ny, nw, nh
   475    475   		if notes_right then
   476    476   			nx = 5.25 - (3 - k.w) -- :/
   477    477   			ny = 0
   478    478   			nw = 4 nh = k.h
   479    479   		else
   480         -			nx = 0 ny = 3
   481         -			nw = 4 nh = k,h
          480  +			nx = 0 ny = 2
          481  +			nw = 4 nh = k.h
   482    482   		end
   483    483   		t = t .. string.format([[
   484    484   			hypertext[%f,%f;%f,%f;note;<global valign=middle halign=justify size=20>%s]
   485    485   		]], nx,ny,nw,nh, minetest.formspec_escape(props.note))
   486    486   	end
   487    487   	if k.icon then img = k.icon(result) end
   488    488   	if k.outdesc then ot = k.outdesc(result) else ot = desc_builtin(result) end

Modified keg.lua from [59c6df911a] to [b24c7d1147].

   154    154   						frame_length = (0.5/14) + 0.02;
   155    155   					}
   156    156   				}
   157    157   				minetest.after(0.2, function()
   158    158   					minetest.add_particlespawner {
   159    159   						amount = math.random(5,11) * chg, time = 0.13 * chg;
   160    160   						texture = drop:render();
   161         -						minpos = vector.offset(minnoz, 0,-0.05,0);
   162         -						maxpos = vector.offset(maxnoz, 0,-0.05,0);
          161  +						minpos = minnoz;
          162  +						maxpos = maxnoz;
   163    163   						minvel =,-0.1,0);
   164    164   						maxvel =,-0.4,0);
   165    165   						minacc =,-0.15,0);
   166    166   						maxacc =,-0.18,0);
   167    167   						minsize = 0.3, maxsize = 0.5;
   168    168   						glow = 14; -- FIXME liquid glow prop
   169    169   						minexptime = 1, maxexptime = 1.5;

Modified lib/color.lua from [9a1b399926] to [914583aeb0].

   207    207   		}
   208    208   		if g == nil then
   209    209   			if type(r) == 'string' then
   210    210   				assert(false) -- TODO parse color string
   211    211   			elseif type(r) == 'table' then
   212    212   				if r.hue then
   213    213   					return from_hsl(r, r.alpha or g)
          214  +				elseif r.r and r.g and r.b then
          215  + = r.r
          216  + = r.g
          217  + = r.b
          218  +					new.alpha = r.a
   214    219   				else
   215    220 = r[1]
   216    221 = r[2]
   217    222 = r[3]
   218    223   					new.alpha = r[4]
   219    224   				end
   220    225   			else assert(false) end

Modified potions.lua from [1dfd3579b4] to [715b9ce25c].

   114    114   	local glow = v.glow
   115    115   	local id = 'potion_' .. string.lower(n)
   116    116   	local desc = 'A ' .. ((glow and 'glowing ') or '') ..
   117    117   		'bottle of ' .. string.lower(n) .. 
   118    118   		((kind == 'sparkle' and ', fiercely bubbling') or '') ..
   119    119   		' liquid'
   120    120   	local fullname = n .. ' Potion'
   121         -'sorcery:', {
          121  +	sorcery.liquid.register{
          122  +		id = 'sorcery:';
   122    123   		name = fullname;
   123    124   		color = v.color;
   124    125   		proto = v;
   125    126   		kind = 'sorcery:potion';
   126    127   		measure = function(amt) return string.format('%s draughts', amt / 3) end;
   127    128   		containers = {
   128    129   			['vessels:glass_bottle'] = 'sorcery:' .. id;
   129    130   		};
   130         -	})
          131  +	}
   131    132   	v.kind = kind_potion;
   132    133   	sorcery.register_potion(id, fullname, desc, color, kind, glow, {
   133    134   		groups = {
   134    135   			sorcery_potion = 1;
   135    136   			sorcery_magical = 1;
   136    137   		};
   137    138   		_proto = v;
   295    296   				charge = 3;
   296    297   				has = liqid;
   297    298   				empty = 'vessels:glass_bottle';
   298    299   			};
   299    300   		};
   300    301   	})
   301    302   
   302         -, {
          303  +	sorcery.liquid.register {
          304  +		id = liqid;
   303    305   		name = desc;
   304    306   		kind = 'sorcery:extract';
   305    307   		proto = v;
          308  +		color = v[2];
   306    309   		containers = {
   307         -			['vessels:glass_bottle'] = name;
          310  +			['vessels:glass_bottle'] = liqid;
   308    311   		};
   309         -	})
          312  +	}
   310    313   
   311    314   	local add_alcohol = function(booze)
   312    315   		minetest.register_craft {
   313    316   			type = "shapeless";
   314    317   			recipe = {
   315    318   				booze;
   316    319   				item, item, item;