D 2020-10-17T17:27:52.402 L metals N text/x-markdown P eab69b180ac39a3ce5a25298449b87ac815558735ac16fd4873b90e13df44bdc U lexi W 20698 # metals metals are materials found by mining. `sorcery` extends the properties of metals and adds many more than are included in the base game, as well as alloys, materials formed from a combination of multiple metals. ## properties a metal is characterized by a number of key properties. * its **durability** governs how many blocks you can mine with a tool made of this metal before the tool will break * its **speed** determines how fast you can break blocks with a tool * its **sharpness** determines how severe wounds inflicted with a sword made of this metal can be * its **reservoir** is the maximum ley-charge tools can hold * its **spell slots** control what kinds of spells can be placed on a tool, in what combination, and at what level of efficacy ## elemental metal index these metals are found through mining in the form of ore, which can be smelted in the Furnace to purify it and turn it into ingots, which are very useful crafting ingredients.
tiernamedurabilityspeedsharpnessreservoirspell slots
🛡 lithium0
🛡 silver2k
🛡 steel5001.92200P
🛡 gold3kPC PC
🛡 levitanium505k
⛏🛡 aluminum7002.42400S P
🛡🛡 cobalt4003.513.5kC
🛡🛡 platinum1.4k331kPC E
⛏🛡🛡 tungsten2.7k2.821.5kC PC P
🛡🛡🛡 iridium1.9k341.8kCS CE
## alloy index these metals are created by combining metals with the [Smelter](wiki?name=smelting).
tiernamedurabilityspeedsharpnessreservoirspell slots
🛡 electrum0
🛡 vidrium3000
🛡🛡 draconium1.5k1.752.2kP S
⛏🛡🛡🛡 tyrannium4k36800IE PC CS
🛡🛡🛡🛡 duridium3.4k3.131.3kC C
⛏🛡🛡🛡🛡 impervium5.3k2.852.3kP PS C
🛡🛡🛡🛡 eternium8.1k2.541.2kPE PS
🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡 unobtanium3.3k3.434kP C C
Z 7034b7c77c70b87aca4a46fcf4b5bd13