sorcery  Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 0a49ac4849099b7ab705e205893c11f73878de17f6b7e84bf1987cffccf46d87:

Manifest of check-in [0a49ac4849] - feat(color): Change color lightening to use HSL Change color lightening, including the readable utility, to use HSL. This is because the earlier implementation was broken and hacky, and using HSL is a way to implement this in a much more natural-feeling way (being closer to percieved lightness), especially for the current uses. Add a color:to_hsl() function to make this easier, as well as a from_hsl utility that is only in color, for now, but maybe should be exposed as an alternate constructor? by glowpelt on 2020-08-13 05:11:22.

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