-- an optional 'enchant' function can be defined, and will
-- be called when the enchantment is placed on the object
local allgroups = {
'sword'; 'pick'; 'pickaxe';
'sickle'; 'axe'; 'scythe';
'shovel'; 'hoe'; 'helmet';
'leggings'; 'chestplate'; 'boots';
local digtools = {
'pick'; 'pickaxe'; 'sickle';
'shovel'; 'axe';
local striketools = {
'sword'; 'pick'; 'pickaxe'; 'sickle';
'shovel'; 'axe'; 'sickle'; 'scythe';
local farmtools = {
'scythe', 'sickle', 'hoe', 'shovel';
return {
endure = { -- withstand more blows
name = 'Endure';
cost = 1;
tone = {232,102,255};
desc = 'tools last longer before wearing out';
affinity = 'counterpraxic';
groups = allgroups;
recipe = {
{lens = 'convex', gem = 'amethyst', dmg = 2};
{item = 'default:obsidian_shard'};
{lens = 'convex', gem = 'emerald', dmg = 2};
apply = function(stack,power,base)
local caps = table.copy(stack:get_definition().tool_capabilities)
for g,v in pairs(caps.groupcaps) do
local unit = base.groupcaps[g].uses * 0.6
caps.groupcaps[g].uses = v.uses + unit*power
return stack
drain = {
groups = {'sword'};
cost = 4;
}; -- health vampirism
glimmer = { -- created prolonged light on digging
name = 'Glimmer';
groups = digtools;
affinity = 'cognic';
cost = 1;
tone = {255,235,195};
desc = 'Leave a trail of light hanging in the air as you dig';
recipe = {
{lens = 'convex', gem = 'sapphire', dmg = 2};
{item = 'sorcery:gem_luxite_shard'};
{lens = 'concave', gem = 'sapphire', dmg = 1};
on_dig = function(ctx)
local chance = 10 -- make dependent on power somehow?
if math.random(chance) == 1 then
local lightlevel = math.floor(math.min(minetest.LIGHT_MAX,4*ctx.power))
-- spawn a light block
minetest.set_node(ctx.pos, {
name = 'sorcery:air_glimmer_' .. tostring(lightlevel);
local lm = minetest.get_meta(ctx.pos)
harvest = { -- kills or digging ore replenish durability
name = 'Harvest';
cost = 0; -- energy is only depleted when repair takes place
tone = {255,84,187};
affinity = 'syncretic';
groups = {
'pick'; 'pickaxe'; 'sword';
recipe = {
{lens = 'amplifier', gem = 'ruby', dmg = 5};
{item = 'sorcery:powder_tungsten'};
{item = 'sorcery:extract_rye'};
desc = 'some damage is repaired when used to mine ore or kill an attacker';
info = {
note = 'Consumes <b>3</b> thaum-seconds of charge when repair takes place';
on_dig = function(ctx)
local orepfx = "stone_with_" -- }:<
-- local oredrop = ' lump'
local barename = string.sub(ctx.node.name, string.find(ctx.node.name, ':') + 1)
if sorcery.itemclass.get(ctx.node.name,'ore') then
ctx.tool:add_wear(-(sorcery.enchant.strength(ctx.tool,'harvest') * 2000))
ctx.cost = 3
conserve = { -- use less magical energy
name = 'Conserve';
tone = {84,255,144};
cost = 0;
desc = 'enchantments last longer before running out of power to sustain them';
groups = allgroups;
affinity = 'syncretic';
recipe = {
{item = 'default:mese_crystal_fragment'};
{lens = 'rectifier', gem = 'sapphire', dmg = 2};
{lens = 'rectifier', gem = 'amethyst', dmg = 2};
-- implemented in sorcery/enchanter.lua:register_on_dig
dowse = { -- send up flare when valuable ores are nearby
name = 'Dowse';
tone = {241,251,113};
cost = 1;
desc = 'strike colored sparks when used to dig near valuable ore.';
groups = {'pick','pickaxe'};
affinity = 'cognic';
recipe = {
{item = 'sorcery:gem_luxite'};
{lens = 'concave', gem = 'emerald', dmg = 3};
{lens = 'concave', gem = 'sapphire', dmg = 3};
on_dig = function(ctx)
local range = 4*sorcery.enchant.strength(ctx.tool,'dowse')
local colors = {
['default:stone_with_gold' ] = {255,234,182};
['default:stone_with_mese' ] = {231,255,151};
['default:stone_with_diamond' ] = {180,253,255};
['sorcery:stone_with_iridium' ] = {243,180,255};
['sorcery:stone_with_tungsten'] = {119,234,196};
local search = {} for k in pairs(colors)
do search[#search+1] = k end
local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(
vector.add(ctx.pos,range), search)
for _,n in pairs(nodes) do
-- we're going to use some ugly math tricks
-- to avoid having to do a square root, since
-- that's an expensive operation and we don't
-- need that level of precision; we can
-- approximate the distance without it
local delta = vector.subtract(n,ctx.pos)
local dstsq = (delta.x^2) + (delta.y^2) + (delta.z^2)
if dstsq < range^2 then
local dstfac = 1 - (dstsq / range^2)
ctx.sparks[#ctx.sparks+1] = {
color = sorcery.lib.color(colors[minetest.get_node(n).name]);
count = 100 * dstfac;
glitter = {
name = 'Glitter';
cost = 10;
tone = {255,50,60};
desc = 'dramatically improve your chances of finding gems while mining veins';
groups = {'pick','pickaxe'};
affinity = 'entropic';
recipe = {
{item = 'sorcery:oil_luck'};
{lens = 'amplifier', gem = 'diamond', dmg = 12};
{lens = 'rectifier', gem = 'sapphire', dmg = 9};
pierce = { -- faster mining speed
name = 'Pierce';
cost = 3;
tone = {113,240,251};
groups = digtools;
desc = 'rip through solid stone or wood like a hot knife through butter';
recipe = {
{lens = 'amplifier', gem = 'diamond', dmg = 4};
{lens = 'amplifier', gem = 'ruby', dmg = 4};
{item = 'default:flint'};
affinity = 'praxic';
apply = function(stack,power,base)
local caps = table.copy(stack:get_definition().tool_capabilities)
for g,v in pairs(caps.groupcaps) do
for i,t in pairs(v.times) do
local unit = base.groupcaps[g].times[i] * 0.15
caps.groupcaps[g].times[i] = math.max(0.01, t - unit*power)
return stack
rend = { -- more damage / mine higher level blocks
name = 'Rend';
affinity = 'praxic';
tone = {251,203,113};
groups = {'sword';'pick';'pickaxe';};
recipe = {
{lens = 'amplifier', gem = 'emerald', dmg = 7};
{item = 'flowers:flower_rose'};
{item = 'sorcery:powder_silver'};
cost = 5;
desc = 'cleave through sturdy ores and tear mortal flesh with fearsome ease';
apply = function(stack,power,base)
local caps = table.copy(stack:get_definition().tool_capabilities)
for g,v in pairs(caps.groupcaps) do
local unit = 2
caps.groupcaps[g].maxlevel = caps[g].maxlevel + math.floor(unit*power)
if caps.damage_groups and caps.damage_groups.fleshy then
caps.damage_groups.fleshy = caps.damage_groups.fleshy + power * 5;
return stack
-- multiply = {}; -- add a chance of receiving multiple drops of ore/coal
-- leech = {}; -- draw power from local leylines
-- shadowcloak = {}; -- make player briefly invisible after blows are struck, reappearing only momentarily after each blow
sanctify = {
desc = 'prolong the blessings of the heavens';
groups = {'sorcery_sanctify'};
affinity = 'entropic';
tone = {255,255,255};
cost = 7;
recipe = {
{item = 'sorcery:holy_water'};
{lens = 'amplifier', gem = 'ruby', dmg = 15};
{lens = 'amplifier', gem = 'ruby', dmg = 18};
bounty = { -- produce more crops when used to harvest
groups = farmtools;
cost = 8;
affinity = 'entropic';
desc = 'ensure a rich and bountiful harvest when next you take to the fields';
impel = { -- increase knockback
groups = striketools;
cost = 13;
affinity = 'praxic';
desc = 'cast your enemies aside with fearsome force, and leave their flailing mortal form to the tender mercy of blunt force impact';
bulwark = { -- increase armor dramatically
groups = armor;
affinity = 'counterpraxic';
cost = 4;
desc = 'shrug off the most ruthless of blows and endure impacts that should rend flesh and steel alike';
anchor = { -- resist knockback
groups = armor;
affinity = 'counterpraxic';
cost = 0; -- scales with knockback
desc = 'stand strong and hold your ground upon the field of battle, no matter how mighty the forces arrayed against you';