sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [fd8a9ad01c]:

  • File leylines.lua — part of check-in [96c5289a2a] at 2020-10-21 03:35:35 on branch trunk — add rune forges, runes, amulet frames, write sacrifice spell, touch up amulet graphics, enable enchantment of amulets (though spells cannot yet be cast), defuckulate syncresis core icon, unfuckitize sneaky leycalc bug that's probably been the cause of some long-standing wackiness, add item classes, add some more textures, disbungle various other asstastrophes, remove sneaky old debug code, improve library code, add utility for uploading merge requests (user: lexi, size: 26857) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

To Artifact [a8ee2829a5]:

  • File leylines.lua — part of check-in [15f176a7fe] at 2020-10-31 19:49:49 on branch trunk — add background noise for condensers (temporary hack, need to write a proper environment sound framework as the fucking env_sounds module is completely impossible to extend), fix a couple of really stupid bugs, make higher-quality phials increase the chance of getting good runes so it's not a complete waste to burn iridium or levitanium powder on making them, add targeted disjunction and some other amulet spells (user: lexi, size: 27257) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

    10     10   sorcery.ley.estimate = function(pos)
    11     11   	local affs = {
    12     12   		'praxic'; 'counterpraxic'; 'cognic';
    13     13   		'mandatic'; 'occlutic'; 'imperic';
    14     14   		'syncretic'; 'entropic';
    15     15   	};
    16     16   	local forcemap = minetest.get_perlin(0xe9a01d, 3, 2, 150)
    17         -	local aff1map = minetest.get_perlin(0x10eb03, 3, 2, 300)
    18         -	local aff2map = minetest.get_perlin(0x491e12, 3, 2, 240)
    19         -	local txpos = { --- :( :( :( :(
           17  +	local aff1map  = minetest.get_perlin(0x10eb03, 3, 2, 300)
           18  +	local aff2map  = minetest.get_perlin(0x491e12, 3, 2, 240)
           19  +	local txpos = { 
    20     20   		x = pos.x;
    21         -		y = pos.z;
           21  +		y = pos.z; --- :( :( :( :(
    22     22   		z = pos.y;
    23     23   	}
    24     24   
    25     25   	local normalize = function(map)
    26     26   		local v = map:get_2d(txpos)
    27     27   		return (v + 6) / 12 -- seriously??
    28     28   	end
   367    367   				end;
   368    368   			};
   369    369   			recipe = {
   370    370   				note = 'Captures radiant force and suffuses it through distribution net. Energy production varies with local leyline strength.';
   371    371   			};
   372    372   		};
   373    373   	})
          374  +	
          375  +	minetest.register_abm {
          376  +		name = 'Condenser sound effects';
          377  +		nodenames = {'sorcery:condenser'};
          378  +		neighbors = {'group:sorcery_ley_device'};
          379  +		interval = 5.6, chance = 1, catch_up = false;
          380  +		action = function(pos)
          381  +			local force = sorcery.ley.estimate(pos).force
          382  +			minetest.sound_play('sorcery_condenser_bg', {
          383  +				pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 5 + 8*force, gain = force*0.3;
          384  +			})
          385  +		end;
          386  +	}
   374    387   end
   375    388   
   376    389   minetest.register_craft {
   377    390   	output = 'sorcery:condenser';
   378    391   	recipe = {
   379    392   		{'sorcery:accumulator'};
   380    393   		{'sorcery:conduit'};