sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [bdb226347b]:

To Artifact [151760f504]:

  • File data/spells.lua — part of check-in [96c5289a2a] at 2020-10-21 03:35:35 on branch trunk — add rune forges, runes, amulet frames, write sacrifice spell, touch up amulet graphics, enable enchantment of amulets (though spells cannot yet be cast), defuckulate syncresis core icon, unfuckitize sneaky leycalc bug that's probably been the cause of some long-standing wackiness, add item classes, add some more textures, disbungle various other asstastrophes, remove sneaky old debug code, improve library code, add utility for uploading merge requests (user: lexi, size: 28394) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

   278    278   		desc = 'Send up sparks of radia to indicate nearness or absence of the blocks whose presence the wand is attuned to';
   279    279   	};
   280    280   	verdant = {
   281    281   		name = 'verdant';
   282    282   		color = {16,29,255};
   283    283   		uses = 48;
   284    284   		leytype = 'imperic';
   285         -		desc = 'Pour life-energy into the soil, causing flowers and trees to spring up at your command';
          285  +		desc = 'Pour a fraction of your life-energy into the soil, causing flowers and trees to spring up at your command';
   286    286   		affinity = {'jungle','verdant'};
          287  +		-- rubies(?) make it draw life-energy from bottles of blood
          288  +		-- in inventory rather than your own bodily health points
          289  +		cast = function(ctx)
          290  +
          291  +		end
   287    292   	};
   288    293   	praxic        = anchorwand('praxic',       16, {'pine','shimmering','blazing'});
   289    294   	counterpraxic = anchorwand('counterpraxic',23, {'pine','shimmering','silent'});
   290    295   	entropic      = anchorwand('entropic',      8, {'jungle','dark'});
   291    296   	syncretic     = anchorwand('syncretic',    12, {'aspen','verdant','shimmering','blazing'});
   292    297   	cognic        = anchorwand('cognic',       32, {'acacia','verdant','dark'});
   293    298   	occlutic      = anchorwand('occlutic',     15, {'apple','silent','dark'});
   501    506   			enchantment_sparkle(ctx,sorcery.lib.color(255,12,0))
   502    507   			enchantment_sparkle(ctx,sorcery.lib.color(85,18,35))
   503    508   			enchantment_sparkle(ctx,sorcery.lib.color(0,0,0))
   504    509   		end
   505    510   	};
   506    511   	sacrifice = {
   507    512   		name = 'sacrifice';
   508         -		uses = 58;
          513  +		uses = 24;
   509    514   		color = {212,6,63};
   510    515   		affinity = {'aspen','blazing'};
   511    516   		leytype = 'syncretic';
   512         -		desc = 'Transform the matter of one to three items on an enchanter into energy and empower the item on the center of the enchanter with it. Useful to recharge wands in areas with weak leylines.';
          517  +		desc = 'Transform the matter of one to three items on an enchanter into energy and empower the item on the center of the enchanter with it. Useful to quickly recharge wands in areas with weak leylines or in emergencies.';
          518  +		cast = function(ctx)
          519  +			local bitch = function(err)
          520  +				sorcery.log('data/spells(sacrifice)', err)
          521  +				return false
          522  +			end
          523  +
          524  +			local e = get_enchanter(ctx)
          525  +			if not e then return false end
          526  +
          527  +			local scgroups = {
          528  +				sorcery_tech = 400;
          529  +				sorcery_magitech = 600;
          530  +				shovel = 100;
          531  +				sword = 200;
          532  +				pick = 300;
          533  +				axe = 250;
          534  +			}
          535  +
          536  +			local rechargee = e:get_stack('item',1)
          537  +			if rechargee:is_empty() then return false end
          538  +			local charge, maxcharge = sorcery.ley.getcharge(rechargee)
          539  +			if not charge then return false end
          540  +
          541  +			local getscval = function(stack)
          542  +				local name,def = stack:get_name(),stack:get_definition()
          543  +				local getitemval = function()
          544  +					if name == 'sorcery:ash' or name == 'new_campfire:ash' then
          545  +						return 0
          546  +					end
          547  +
          548  +					do local f = sorcery.itemclass.get(name, 'fuel')
          549  +						if f then return f.burntime * 3, f.leftover end
          550  +					end
          551  +
          552  +					if def._sorcery and def._sorcery.material then
          553  +						local m = def._sorcery.material
          554  +						if m.sacrifice_value then return m.sacrifice_value end
          555  +						if m.metal then
          556  +							return ( * 120) * (m.value or 1)
          557  +						end
          558  +						if m.mass then return m.mass*15 end
          559  +						if m.value then return m.value*25 end
          560  +					end
          561  +
          562  +					for g,v in pairs(scgroups) do
          563  +						if minetest.get_item_group(name,g) ~= 0 then return v end
          564  +					end
          565  +
          566  +					return 80
          567  +				end
          568  +				local v,l = getitemval()
          569  +				if l then l:set_count(stack:get_count()) end
          570  +				return v * stack:get_count(), l
          571  +			end
          572  +
          573  +			local newenergy = 0
          574  +			for i=1,e:get_size('foci') do
          575  +				local st = e:get_stack('foci',i)
          576  +				local val,leftover = getscval(st)
          577  +				if val > 0 and newenergy + val <= maxcharge then
          578  +					newenergy = newenergy + val
          579  +					e:set_stack('foci',i,leftover or ItemStack {
          580  +						name = 'sorcery:ash', count = st:get_count();
          581  +					})
          582  +				end
          583  +			end
          584  +			newenergy = math.min(maxcharge, newenergy * (ctx.stats.power or 1))
          585  +
          586  +			sorcery.ley.setcharge(rechargee,charge + newenergy)
          587  +			e:set_stack('item',1,rechargee)
          588  +
          589  +			enchantment_sparkle(ctx, sorcery.lib.color(212,6,63))
          590  +		end;
   513    591   	};
   514    592   	transfer = {
   515    593   		name = 'transfer';
   516    594   		uses = 65;
   517    595   		color = {6,212,121};
   518    596   		leytype = 'syncretic';
   519    597   		affinity = {'aspen','shimmering','silent'};
   520    598   		desc = 'Transfer ley-current from items on an enchanter into the item in the center, but at a 50% loss if they are of mismatched affinities. One third of maximum current is transferred, and when used on items with little power may destroy them or their enchantments';
   521    599   	};
   522    600   	transmute = {
   523    601   		name = 'transmutation';
   524         -		uses = 7;
          602  +		uses = 13;
   525    603   		color = {255,90,18};
   526    604   		leytype = 'imperic';
   527    605   		affinity = {'aspen','shimmering','dark','blazing'};
   528         -		desc = 'Transmute three ingots into one of a different metal, determined by chance, and influenced by configuration of the wand as well as the stars and the phase of the moon';
          606  +		desc = 'Transmute three parts of metal into one of a different metal, determined by chance, and influenced by configuration of the wand as well as the stars and the phase of the moon';
   529    607   		-- diamond = quantity varies between 1-3
   530    608   	};
   531    609   	disjoin = {
   532    610   		name = 'disjunction';
   533    611   		uses = 32;
   534    612   		color = {17,6,212};
   535    613   		leytype = 'occlutic';