sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [b35b5eeee9]:

To Artifact [e661ef77a3]:

   207    207   end
   208    208   
   209    209   local wand_cast = function(stack, user, target)
   210    210   	local meta = stack:get_meta()
   211    211   	local wand = sorcery.wands.util.getproto(stack)
   212    212   	if meta:contains('sorcery_wand_spell') == false then return nil end
   213    213   	local spell = meta:get_string('sorcery_wand_spell')
   214         -	local castfn =[spell].cast
          214  +	local spelldata =[spell]
          215  +
          216  +	-- wands don't work in anti-magic fields
          217  +	local probe = sorcery.spell.probe(user:get_pos())
          218  +	if probe.disjunction and not spelldata.ignore_disjunction then return nil end
          219  +
          220  +	local castfn = spelldata.cast
   215    221   	if castfn == nil then return nil end
   216    222   	local matprops = sorcery.wands.util.matprops(wand)
   217    223   	if then
   218    224   		local userct, found = 0, false
   219    225   		for i=1, do
   220    226   			local prop = 'bound_user_' .. tostring(i)
   221    227   			if meta:contains(prop) then
   253    259   	local context = {
   254    260   		base = wand;
   255    261   		stats = matprops;
   256    262   		meta = meta;
   257    263   		item = stack;
   258    264   		caster = user;
   259    265   		target = target;
          266  +		probe = probe;
   260    267   		today = minetest.get_day_count();
   261    268   		heading = {
   262    269   			pos   = user:get_pos();
   263    270   			yaw   = user:get_look_dir();
   264    271   			pitch = user:get_look_vertical();
   265    272   			angle = user:get_look_horizontal();
   266    273   			eyeheight = uprops.eye_height;