sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [330ca92ebf]:

To Artifact [f5b9efd3d5]:

  • File init.lua — part of check-in [3f6a913e4e] at 2020-09-29 12:40:28 on branch trunk — * remove former hacky registration system, replace with consistent and flexible API; rewrite metal/gem generation to take advantage of this new API; tweaks to init system to enable world-local tweaks to lore and sorcery behavior * initial documentation commit * initial steps towards calendar - add default date format, astrolabe; prepare infra for division/melding/transmutation spells, various tweaks and fixes (user: lexi, size: 3736) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

     1      1   do
     2      2   	local path = minetest.get_modpath('sorcery');
     3      3   	local get = function(unit)
     4      4   		return dofile(path .. '/' .. unit .. '.lua')
     5      5   	end
            6  +	local test = function(file) -- :/
            7  +		local hnd =,'r')
            8  +		if hnd == nil then return false else
            9  +			hnd:close()
           10  +			return true
           11  +		end
           12  +	end
           13  +	local worldcfg = function(str)
           14  +		return minetest.get_worldpath() .. '/' .. str
           15  +	end
           16  +	local cfg = function(str) return worldcfg('sorcery/' .. str) end
           17  +	local selfname = minetest.get_current_modname()
           18  +	local stage = function(s,...)
           19  +		local f = sorcery.cfg(s .. '.lua')
           20  +		if test(f) then return loadfile(f)(...) or true end
           21  +		return false
           22  +	end
           23  +
     6     24   	sorcery = {
           25  +		self = selfname;
     7     26   		path = path;
     8     27   		load = function(name) get(name) end;
     9         -		unit = function(ns,sfx)
           28  +		worldcfg = worldcfg, cfg = cfg;
           29  +		stage = stage;
           30  +		log = function(module,text)
           31  +			if module then
           32  +				minetest.log('info',string.format('[%s :: %s] %s',selfname,module,text))
           33  +			else
           34  +				minetest.log('info',string.format('[%s] %s',selfname,text))
           35  +			end
           36  +		end;
           37  +		act = function(module,text)
           38  +			minetest.log('action',string.format('[%s :: %s] %s',selfname,module,text))
           39  +		end;
           40  +		unit = function(ns,sfx,override)
    10     41   			local target
    11     42   			if ns then
    12     43   				sorcery[ns] = {}
    13     44   				target = sorcery[ns]
    14     45   			else target = sorcery end
           46  +			if override == true then override = ''
           47  +				elseif override then override = override .. '-' end
           48  +			local loaded = {}
    15     49   			return function(lst)
    16         -				for i=1,#lst do
    17         -					target[lst[i]] = get(((ns and ns..'/') or '')..lst[i])
           50  +				for i,name in pairs(lst) do
           51  +					if not loaded[name] then
           52  +						loaded[name] = true
           53  +						local fpath = ((ns and ns..'/') or '')
           54  +						local extra = cfg(string.format('%s%s-extra.lua', override,name))
           55  +						local replace = cfg(string.format('%s%s.lua', override,name))
           56  +						local default = get(fpath)
           57  +						if override and test(replace) then
           58  +							sorcery.log(name,'loading local replacement for ' .. fpath .. ' from ' .. replace)
           59  +							target[name] = loadfile(replace)(default)
           60  +						else
           61  +							target[name] = default
           62  +							if override and test(extra) then
           63  +								sorcery.log(name,'loading local extras for ' .. fpath .. ' from ' .. extra)
           64  +								local extbl = loadfile(extra)(default)
           65  +								for k,v in pairs(extbl) do target[name][k] = v end
           66  +							end
           67  +						end
           68  +					end
    18     69   				end
    19     70   			end
    20     71   		end;
    21     72   	}
    22     73   end
    23     74   
    24     75   -- unfortunately we can't just iterate over the files
    25     76   -- and load them automatically, as interdependencies
    26     77   -- exist (especially with /lib) and we need to be very
    27     78   -- careful about the order they're loaded in
    28     79   
    29         -sorcery.unit('data') {'ui'}
           80  +local data = sorcery.unit('data',nil,'lore')
           81  +local root = sorcery.unit()
           82  +sorcery.stage('bootstrap',data,root)
           83  +
           84  +data {'ui'}
    30     85   sorcery.unit('lib') {
    31     86   	-- convenience
    32     87   	'str';
    33     88   	-- serialization
    34     89   	'marshal', 'json';
    35     90   	-- data structures
    36     91   	'tbl', 'class';
    37     92   	-- wrappers
    38     93   	'color', 'image', 'ui';
    39     94   	-- game
    40     95   	'node';
    41     96   }
    42     97   
    43         -sorcery.unit() { 'compat', 'matreg' }
    44         -sorcery.unit('data') {
    45         -	'compat';
    46         -	'affinities'; 'gods';
    47         -	'enchants', 'spells';
    48         -	'gems', 'metals';
    49         -	'potions', 'oils', 'greases',
    50         -		'draughts', 'elixirs',
    51         -		'philters', 'extracts';
    52         -	'register';
    53         -}
           98  +sorcery.stage('worldbuilding',data,root)
           99  +root {'compat','matreg'}
          100  +if not sorcery.stage('loadlore', data, root) then
          101  +	data {
          102  +		'compat';
          103  +		'affinities'; 'gods';
          104  +		'calendar', 'signs';
          105  +		'enchants', 'spells';
          106  +		'gems', 'metals';
          107  +		'potions', 'oils', 'greases',
          108  +			'draughts', 'elixirs',
          109  +			'philters', 'extracts';
          110  +	}
          111  +end
          112  +
          113  +sorcery.load('registration') do
          114  +	local exclude = {'compat','ui'}
          115  +	for k,v in pairs( do
          116  +		if not sorcery.lib.tbl.has(exclude,k) then
          117  +,v)
          118  +		end
          119  +	end
          120  +end
    54    121   
          122  +sorcery.stage('startup',data)
    55    123   for _,u in pairs {
    56    124   	'attunement'; 'context'; 'itemclass'; 'potions';
    57    125   	'metal', 'gems'; 'leylines'; 'infuser'; 'altar';
    58    126   	'wands'; 'tools', 'crafttools'; 'enchanter';
    59    127   	'harvester'; 'metallurgy-hot', 'metallurgy-cold';
    60    128   	'entities'; 'recipes'; 'coins'; 'interop';
    61    129   	'tnodes'; 'forcefield'; 'farcaster'; 'portal';
    62    130   	'cookbook', 'writing'; 'disassembly'; 'displacer';
    63         -	'gravitator';
          131  +	'gravitator'; 'precipitator'; 'astrolabe';
    64    132   
    65    133   	'admin';
    66    134   } do sorcery.load(u) end
          135  +sorcery.stage('finalize')
    67    136   
          137  +sorcery.registry.defercheck()