sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [2352fa593a]:

To Artifact [5fb5b13994]:

   212    212   
   213    213   local portal_destination_evaluate = function(circuit,pos)
   214    214   	-- evaluation of the local network occurs before this function
   215    215   	-- is ever even called, so we only need to worry about the
   216    216   	-- farcaster-related transmission costs
   217    217   	for i,c in pairs(circuit) do
   218    218   		if vector.equals(c.pos,pos) then
   219         -			print('found destination in circuit table',i,dump(c))
   220    219   			-- the destination is listed in the circuit table
   221    220   			for j,r in pairs(c.route) do
   222    221   				local nc = sorcery.ley.netcaps(pos,1)
   223         -				print('checking route for sufficient energy to power farcasters', j, nc.freepower)
          222  +				-- print('checking route for sufficient energy to power farcasters', j, nc.freepower)
   224    223   				if nc.freepower < constants.portal_jump_cost_per_farcaster then
   225    224   					return false -- only one route to any given portal node
   226    225   					-- will be listed in the circuit table, so bail early
   227    226   					-- maybe in the future farcasters should charge up,
   228    227   					-- and power should be deducted when they are used?
   229    228   				end
   230    229   			end
   234    233   		end
   235    234   	end
   236    235   	return false
   237    236   end
   238    237   
   239    238   local portal_pick_destination = function(dev,circuit,partner)
   240    239   	if partner then
   241         -		print('paired: evaluating partner')
   242    240   		if portal_destination_evaluate(circuit,partner)
   243    241   			then return partner end
   244         -		print('partner failed eval')
   245    242   	end
   246    243   
   247    244   	local scrambled = sorcery.lib.tbl.scramble(circuit)
   248    245   	for i=1,#scrambled do
   249         -		print('evaluating destination',i,dump(scrambled[i]))
   250    246   		if portal_destination_evaluate(circuit,scrambled[i].pos)
   251    247   			then return scrambled[i].pos end
   252         -		print('eval failed')
   253    248   	end
   254         -	print('no viable destinations in net')
   255    249   end
   256    250   
   257    251   -- minetest.register_lbm {
   258    252   -- 	name = 'sorcery:activate_portals';
   259    253   -- 	label = 'activate portals';
   260    254   -- 	run_at_every_load = true;
   261    255   -- 	nodenames = { 'sorcery:portal_node' };
   292    286   					partner = tune.partner
   293    287   					break
   294    288   				end
   295    289   			end
   296    290   		end
   297    291   
   298    292   		if cap.self.minpower ~= cap.self.powerdraw then
   299         -			print("not enough power")
          293  +			-- print("not enough power")
   300    294   			return true
   301    295   		end
   302    296   
   303    297   		-- clean out user table
   304    298   		for name,user in pairs(portal_context.users) do
   305    299   			if user and vector.equals(user.portal, pos) then
   306    300   				local found = false
   327    321   						user.time = 0
   328    322   						user.portal = pos
   329    323   					end
   330    324   					local cap = sorcery.ley.netcaps(pos,delta)
   331    325   					local jc = (constants.portal_jump_cost_local*delta)
   332    326   					if not user.dest and cap.freepower >= jc  then
   333    327   						user.dest = portal_pick_destination(dev,crc,partner)
          328  +						sorcery.lib.node.preload(user.dest, u.object)
   334    329   					end
   335         -					if not user.dest then goto skippad else
   336         -						minetest.load_area(user.dest)
   337         -					end
          330  +					if not user.dest then goto skippad end
   338    331   					local fac = (user.time / constants.portal_jump_time);
   339    332   					minetest.add_particlespawner {
   340    333   						time = 1, amount = 100 + (fac * 200);
   341    334   						minsize = 0.2 + fac*0.7, maxsize = 0.4 + fac*0.9;
   342    335   						minvel = {y = 0.2, x=0,z=0}, maxvel = {y = 0.5, x=0,z=0};
   343    336   						minacc = {y = 0.0, x=0,z=0}, maxacc = {y = 0.3, x=0,z=0};
   344    337   						minpos = vector.add(n.pad,{x = -0.5, y = 0.5, z = -0.5});