sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [1dfd3579b4]:

To Artifact [715b9ce25c]:

   114    114   	local glow = v.glow
   115    115   	local id = 'potion_' .. string.lower(n)
   116    116   	local desc = 'A ' .. ((glow and 'glowing ') or '') ..
   117    117   		'bottle of ' .. string.lower(n) .. 
   118    118   		((kind == 'sparkle' and ', fiercely bubbling') or '') ..
   119    119   		' liquid'
   120    120   	local fullname = n .. ' Potion'
   121         -'sorcery:', {
          121  +	sorcery.liquid.register{
          122  +		id = 'sorcery:';
   122    123   		name = fullname;
   123    124   		color = v.color;
   124    125   		proto = v;
   125    126   		kind = 'sorcery:potion';
   126    127   		measure = function(amt) return string.format('%s draughts', amt / 3) end;
   127    128   		containers = {
   128    129   			['vessels:glass_bottle'] = 'sorcery:' .. id;
   129    130   		};
   130         -	})
          131  +	}
   131    132   	v.kind = kind_potion;
   132    133   	sorcery.register_potion(id, fullname, desc, color, kind, glow, {
   133    134   		groups = {
   134    135   			sorcery_potion = 1;
   135    136   			sorcery_magical = 1;
   136    137   		};
   137    138   		_proto = v;
   295    296   				charge = 3;
   296    297   				has = liqid;
   297    298   				empty = 'vessels:glass_bottle';
   298    299   			};
   299    300   		};
   300    301   	})
   301    302   
   302         -, {
          303  +	sorcery.liquid.register {
          304  +		id = liqid;
   303    305   		name = desc;
   304    306   		kind = 'sorcery:extract';
   305    307   		proto = v;
          308  +		color = v[2];
   306    309   		containers = {
   307         -			['vessels:glass_bottle'] = name;
          310  +			['vessels:glass_bottle'] = liqid;
   308    311   		};
   309         -	})
          312  +	}
   310    313   
   311    314   	local add_alcohol = function(booze)
   312    315   		minetest.register_craft {
   313    316   			type = "shapeless";
   314    317   			recipe = {
   315    318   				booze;
   316    319   				item, item, item;