sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [13f2ff2455]:

To Artifact [4d3cea5840]:

   312    312   		color = v[2];
   313    313   		measure = sorcery.liquid.units.pint;
   314    314   		containers = {
   315    315   			['vessels:glass_bottle'] = liqid;
   316    316   		};
   317    317   	}
   318    318   
   319         -	local add_alcohol = function(booze)
   320         -		minetest.register_craft {
   321         -			type = "shapeless";
   322         -			recipe = {
   323         -				booze;
   324         -				item, item, item;
   325         -				item, item, item;
   326         -				"farming:mortar_pestle";
   327         -			};
   328         -			output = 'sorcery:' .. name;
   329         -			replacements = {
   330         -				{"farming:mortar_pestle", "farming:mortar_pestle"};
   331         -			};
   332         -		}
   333         -	end
   334         -	-- need a relatively pure alcohol for this, tho other alcohols can be used
   335         -	-- for potionmaking in other ways
   336         -	add_alcohol('farming:bottle_ethanol')
   337         -	if minetest.get_modpath('wine') then
   338         -		add_alcohol('wine:glass_vodka')
   339         -	end
          319  +	-- the mortar and pestle are no longer used for crafting extracts
          320  +	-- now that the distiller is available
          321  +	-- 	local add_alcohol = function(booze)
          322  +	-- 		minetest.register_craft {
          323  +	-- 			type = "shapeless";
          324  +	-- 			recipe = {
          325  +	-- 				booze;
          326  +	-- 				item, item, item;
          327  +	-- 				item, item, item;
          328  +	-- 				"farming:mortar_pestle";
          329  +	-- 			};
          330  +	-- 			output = 'sorcery:' .. name;
          331  +	-- 			replacements = {
          332  +	-- 				{"farming:mortar_pestle", "farming:mortar_pestle"};
          333  +	-- 			};
          334  +	-- 		}
          335  +	-- 	end
          336  +	-- --need a relatively pure alcohol for this, tho other alcohols can be used
          337  +	-- --for potionmaking in other ways
          338  +	-- 	add_alcohol('farming:bottle_ethanol')
          339  +	-- 	if minetest.get_modpath('wine') then
          340  +	-- 		add_alcohol('wine:glass_vodka')
          341  +	-- 	end
   340    342   end)