sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [080406f8d2]:

To Artifact [7e265da854]:

    46     46   		local props = object:get_properties()
    47     47   		local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
    48     48   		props.wield_item = itemstring
    49     49   		object:set_properties(props)
    50     50   		object:set_yaw(math.pi*2 - node.param2*(math.pi / 2))
    51     51   	end
    52     52   end
           53  +
           54  +-- remove unknown gifts
           55  +minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function()
           56  +	for name, god in pairs( do
           57  +		local bad = {}
           58  +		for g in pairs( do
           59  +			-- can't mutate table while we're iterating it
           60  +			if not minetest.registered_nodes[g] then bad[#bad+1] = g end
           61  +		end
           62  +		for _, g in ipairs(bad) do[g] = nil end
           63  +	end
           64  +end)
    53     65   
    54     66   for name, god in pairs( do
    55     67   	local hitbox = {
    56     68   		0-(god.idol.width / 2.0), 0-(god.idol.height / 2.0), -0.15,
    57     69   		   god.idol.width / 2.0,     god.idol.height / 2.0,   0.15
    58     70   	} -- {xmin, ymin, zmin,
    59     71   	  -- xmax, ymax, zmax} in nodes from node center.
    60     72   	paramtype = "light";
    61         -	minetest.register_node('sorcery:idol_' .. name, {
           73  +	sorcery.lib.node.reg_autopreserve('sorcery:idol_' .. name, {
    62     74   		description = god.idol.desc;
    63     75   		drawtype = "mesh";
    64     76   		mesh = 'sorcery-idol-' .. name .. '.obj';
    65     77   		paramtype = 'light';
    66     78   		paramtype2 = 'facedir';
    67     79   		sunlight_propagates = true;
    68     80   		stack_max = 1;
    69     81   		tiles = god.idol.tex;
    70     82   		selection_box = { type = "fixed"; fixed = {hitbox}; };
    71     83   		collision_box = { type = "fixed"; fixed = {hitbox}; };
    72     84   		groups = { cracky = 2, sorcery_idol = 1, heavy = 1, sorcery_worship = 1};
    73     85   
    74         -		after_place_node = function(pos, placer, stack, pointat)
    75         -			local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
    76         -			local stackmeta = stack:get_meta()
    77         -			meta:set_int('favor', stackmeta:get_int('favor'))
    78         -			meta:set_string('last_sacrifice', stackmeta:get_string('last_sacrifice'))
    79         -
           86  +		on_construct = function(pos)
    80     87   			minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(1)
    81     88   		end;
    82     89   
    83         -		drop = {
    84         -			-- for some idiot reason this is necessary for
    85         -			-- preserve_metadata to work right
    86         -			max_items = 1;
    87         -			items = {
    88         -				{ items = {'sorcery:idol_' .. name} }
    89         -			};
    90         -		};
    91         -
    92         -		preserve_metadata = function(pos, node, meta, newstack)
    93         -			newstack[1]:get_meta():from_table(meta)
    94         -		end;
    95         -
    96     90   		on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
    97     91   			local altar = minetest.find_node_near(pos, 3, "sorcery:altar")
    98     92   			-- TODO even without an altar, an idol with high favor could still be the source of miracles
           93  +			-- refills nearby partly empty troughs at cost to favor?
    99     94   			if not altar then return true end
   100     95   
   101     96   			local altarmeta = minetest.get_meta(altar)
   102     97   			local inv = altarmeta:get_inventory()
   103     98   			local idolmeta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
   104     99   			local divine_favor = idolmeta:get_int('favor')
   105    100   			local bestow = function(item,color)
   234    229   							}
   235    230   						end
   236    231   						-- preserve wear
   237    232   						local gift
   238    233   						if type(tx) == 'string' then
   239    234   							gift = ItemStack(tx)
   240    235   						else gift = tx end
          236  +						if not gift:is_known() then goto skip end
   241    237   						local wear = stack:get_wear()
   242    238   						if wear > 0 then
   243    239   							gift:set_wear(wear)
   244    240   						end
   245    241   						-- preserve meta
   246    242   						local gm = gift:get_meta()
   247    243   						gm:from_table(
   264    260   						if divine_favor >= cost then
   265    261   							bestow(gift)
   266    262   							divine_favor = divine_favor - cost
   267    263   							log.act(, 'has consecrated', s, 'into', tx, 'for the cost of', cost, 'points of divine favor')
   268    264   							goto refresh
   269    265   						end
   270    266   					end
   271         -				end
          267  +				::skip::end
   272    268   			end
   273    269   
   274    270   			::refresh::
   275    271   			idolmeta:set_int('favor', divine_favor)
   276    272   			update_altar(altar,nil)
   277    273   			return true
   278    274   		end;