sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [02ed02122e]:

To Artifact [a1903de2a1]:

   785    785   
   786    786   for n,v in pairs( do
   787    787   	if (v.core and #v.core > 0) or (v.mix and #v.mix > 0) then
   788    788   		local id = 'sorcery:grease_' .. n
   789    789   		potion_auto_recipe(id,v,{'farming:mixing_bowl'},'xdecor:bowl')
   790    790   	end
   791    791   end
          792  +
          793  +sorcery.lathe.register {
          794  +	output = 'basic_materials:steel_bar 2';
          795  +	input = 'default:steel_ingot';
          796  +	tech = 'cut';
          797  +	cost = 3;
          798  +}