sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [f87e1ae861]:

To Artifact [2e6379fa76]:

     8      8   sorcery.register_potion = function(name,label,desc,color,imgvariant,glow,extra)
     9      9   	local image = 'sorcery_liquid_'..(imgvariant or 'dull')..'.png' .. 
    10     10   		'^[multiply:'..tostring(color)..
    11     11   		'^vessels_glass_bottle.png'
    12     12   
    13     13'sorcery:' .. name, 'vessels:glass_bottle')
    14     14   	local node = {
    15         -		description = color:darken(0.8):bg(
           15  +		description = --color:darken(0.8):bg(
    16     16   			sorcery.lib.ui.tooltip {
    17     17   				title = label;
    18     18   				desc = desc;
    19     19   				color = color:readable();
    20         -			}
           20  +			};
    21     21   			-- label .. (desc and ("\n" .. color:readable():fmt(desc)) or '')
    22         -		);
           22  +		--);
    23     23   		short_description = label;
    24     24   		drawtype = "plantlike";
    25     25   		tiles = {image};
    26     26   		inventory_image = image;
    27     27   		paramtype = "light";
    28     28   		is_ground_content = false;
    29     29   		light_source = glow and math.min(minetest.LIGHT_MAX,glow) or 0;