sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [f4ffdfcd69]:

To Artifact [7b05938d1e]:

   370    370   regtech('valve','Valve', {metal = 1}, {
   371    371   	{'','default:bronze_ingot',''};
   372    372   	{'basic_materials:plastic_sheet','basic_materials:steel_bar','basic_materials:plastic_sheet'};
   373    373   	{'','default:bronze_ingot',''};
   374    374   },3,nil, mprop('bronze',2*4,1,2*4))
   375    375   regtech('pipe','Pipe', {metal = 1},nil, nil, nil, mprop('aluminum', 4))
   376    376   
   377         -sorcery.lathe.register {
   378         -	input = ingot('aluminum');
          377  +sorcery.lathe.register_metal {
          378  +	metal = 'aluminum';
   379    379   	output = 'sorcery:pipe';
   380    380   	tech = 'cut', cost = 8;
          381  +	mass = 4;
   381    382   }
   382    383   
   383    384   minetest.register_craft {
   384    385   	output = 'sorcery:trough';
   385    386   	recipe = {
   386         -		{ingot('aluminum'),'',ingot('aluminum')};
   387         -		{ingot('aluminum'),'',ingot('aluminum')};
   388         -		{ingot('aluminum'),ingot('aluminum'),ingot('aluminum')};
          387  +		{ingot 'aluminum','',ingot 'aluminum'};
          388  +		{ingot 'aluminum','',ingot 'aluminum'};
          389  +		{ingot 'aluminum',ingot 'aluminum',ingot 'aluminum'};
   389    390   	};
   390    391   }
   391    392   
   392    393   regtech('infuser_tube', 'Infusion Tube', {metal = 1}, {
   393    394   	{"basic_materials:copper_strip",'sorcery:infuser_concentrator', "basic_materials:copper_strip"};
   394    395   	{"", "basic_materials:copper_strip", "basic_materials:gold_wire"};
   395    396   	{"", "basic_materials:copper_strip", ""};
   788    789   for n,v in pairs( do
   789    790   	if (v.core and #v.core > 0) or (v.mix and #v.mix > 0) then
   790    791   		local id = 'sorcery:grease_' .. n
   791    792   		potion_auto_recipe(id,v,{'farming:mixing_bowl'},'xdecor:bowl')
   792    793   	end
   793    794   end
   794    795   
   795         -sorcery.lathe.register {
   796         -	output = 'basic_materials:steel_bar 2';
   797         -	input = 'default:steel_ingot';
          796  +sorcery.lathe.register_metal {
          797  +	metal = 'steel';
          798  +	output = 'basic_materials:steel_bar';
   798    799   	tech = 'cut', cost = 3;
   799         -}
   800         -sorcery.lathe.register {
   801         -	output = 'basic_materials:steel_bar 18';
   802         -	input = 'default:steelblock';
   803         -	tech = 'cut', cost = 3*9;
   804         -}
   805         -sorcery.lathe.register {
   806         -	output = 'basic_materials:steel_bar';
   807         -	input = 'default:steel_fragment', mass = 2;
   808         -	tech = 'cut', cost = 2;
          800  +	mass = 2;
   809    801   }