Differences From
Artifact [e866e2741b]:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-10-21 03:35:35
on branch trunk
— add rune forges, runes, amulet frames, write sacrifice spell, touch up amulet graphics, enable enchantment of amulets (though spells cannot yet be cast), defuckulate syncresis core icon, unfuckitize sneaky leycalc bug that's probably been the cause of some long-standing wackiness, add item classes, add some more textures, disbungle various other asstastrophes, remove sneaky old debug code, improve library code, add utility for uploading merge requests
size: 7479)
[check-ins using]
52 52 };
53 53 })
54 54 end
55 55 if not gem.foreign_amulet then
56 56 local img = sorcery.lib.image
57 57 local img_stone = img('sorcery_amulet.png'):multiply(sorcery.lib.color(gem.tone))
58 58 local img_sparkle = img('sorcery_amulet_sparkle.png')
59 + local useamulet = function(stack,user,target)
60 + local sp = sorcery.amulet.getspell(stack)
61 + if not sp or not sp.cast then return nil end
62 + local stats = sorcery.amulet.stats(stack)
63 +
64 + local ctx = {
65 + caster = user;
66 + target = target;
67 + stats = stats;
68 + sound = "xdecor_enchanting"; --FIXME make own sounds
69 + sparkle = true;
70 + amulet = stack;
71 + meta = stack:get_meta(); -- avoid spell boilerplate
72 + color = sorcery.lib.color(sp.tone);
73 + }
74 + print('casting')
75 + local res = sp.cast(ctx)
76 +
77 + if res == nil or res == true then
78 + minetest.sound_play(ctx.sound, {
79 + pos = user:get_pos();
80 + gain = 1;
81 + })
82 + end
83 + if ctx.sparkle then
84 + sorcery.vfx.cast_sparkle(user, ctx.color, stats.power,0.5)
85 + end
86 + if res == nil then
87 + if not minetest.check_player_privs(user, 'sorcery:infinirune') then
88 + sorcery.amulet.setrune(stack)
89 + end
90 + end
91 +
92 + return ctx.amulet
93 + end;
59 94 minetest.register_craftitem(amuletname, {
60 95 description = sorcery.lib.str.capitalize(name) .. ' amulet';
61 96 inventory_image = img_sparkle:blit(img_stone):render();
62 97 wield_scale = { x = 0.6, y = 0.6, z = 0.6 };
63 98 groups = { sorcery_amulet = 1 };
99 + on_use = useamulet;
64 100 _sorcery = {
65 101 material = {
66 102 gem = true, id = name, data = gem;
67 103 value = (5 * shards_per_gem) + 4;
68 104 };
69 105 amulet = { base = name };
70 106 };
74 110 local framedid = string.format("%s_frame_%s", amuletname, metalid)
75 111 local img_frame = img(string.format('sorcery_amulet_frame_%s.png',metalid))
76 112 minetest.register_craftitem(framedid, {
77 113 description = string.format("%s-framed %s amulet",sorcery.lib.str.capitalize(metalid), name);
78 114 inventory_image = img_sparkle:blit(img_frame):blit(img_stone):render();
79 115 wield_scale = { x = 0.6, y = 0.6, z = 0.6 };
80 116 groups = { sorcery_amulet = 1 };
117 + on_use = useamulet;
81 118 _sorcery = {
82 119 amulet = { base = name, frame = metalid };
83 120 };
84 121 })
85 122 local frag = metal.parts.fragment
86 123 minetest.register_craft {
87 124 output = framedid;