sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [d0158e43bb]:

To Artifact [8567a33693]:

   116    116   sorcery.vfx.imbue = function(color, target, strength, height)
   117    117   	local tpos if target.get_pos then
   118    118   		tpos = target:get_pos()
   119    119   		if target.get_properties then
   120    120   			height = height or ((target:get_properties().eye_height or 1)*1.3)
   121    121   		end
   122    122   	else
   123         -		tpos = target
          123  +		tpos = vector.offset(target, 0,0.5,0)
   124    124   	end
   125    125   	height = height or 1
   126    126   	local scenter = vector.add(tpos, {x=0,y=height/2,z=0})
   127         -	for i=1,math.random(64*(strength or 1),128*(strength or 1)) do
          127  +	for i=1,math.random(24*(strength or 1),32*(strength or 1)) do
   128    128   		local high = (height+0.8)*math.random() - 0.8
   129    129   		local far = (high >= -0.5 and high <= height) and
   130    130   			(math.random() * 0.3 + 0.4) or
   131    131   			(math.random() * 0.5)
   132    132   		local yaw = {x=0, y = math.random()*(2*math.pi), z=0}
   133    133   		local po = vector.rotate({x=far,y=high,z=0}, yaw)
   134    134   		local ppos = vector.add(po,tpos)