sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [b21e3fad50]:

To Artifact [3d99ab5529]:

   130    130   
   131    131   	is_clear = function(pos)
   132    132   		if not sorcery.lib.node.is_air(pos) then return false end
   133    133   		local ents = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos,0.5)
   134    134   		if #ents > 0 then return false end
   135    135   		return true
   136    136   	end;
          137  +
          138  +	insert = function(item, slot, npos, user, inv)
          139  +		inv = inv or minetest.get_meta(npos):get_inventory()
          140  +		if inv:room_for_item(slot,item) then
          141  +			inv:add_item(slot,item)
          142  +		else repeat
          143  +			if user then
          144  +				local ui = user:get_inventory()
          145  +				if ui:room_for_item('main', item) then
          146  +					ui:add_item('main', item)
          147  +					break
          148  +				end
          149  +			end
          150  +			minetest.add_item(npos, item)
          151  +		until true end
          152  +	end;
   137    153   
   138    154   	tree_is_live = function(pos, checklight) -- VERY EXPENSIVE FUNCTION
   139    155   		-- this is going to require some explanation.
   140    156   		--
   141    157   		-- for various purposes, we want to be able to tell the difference between
   142    158   		-- a tree that has grown naturally from the grown vs. a couple of trunk nodes
   143    159   		-- that the player has jammed together, even if she's built her own counterfeit