sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [5fb5b13994]:

To Artifact [78ebe4acb9]:

   324    324   					local cap = sorcery.ley.netcaps(pos,delta)
   325    325   					local jc = (constants.portal_jump_cost_local*delta)
   326    326   					if not user.dest and cap.freepower >= jc  then
   327    327   						user.dest = portal_pick_destination(dev,crc,partner)
   328    328   						sorcery.lib.node.preload(user.dest, u.object)
   329    329   					end
   330    330   					if not user.dest then goto skippad end
   331         -					local fac = (user.time / constants.portal_jump_time);
          331  +					local fac = math.min(1,(user.time / constants.portal_jump_time))
   332    332   					minetest.add_particlespawner {
   333    333   						time = 1, amount = 100 + (fac * 200);
   334    334   						minsize = 0.2 + fac*0.7, maxsize = 0.4 + fac*0.9;
   335    335   						minvel = {y = 0.2, x=0,z=0}, maxvel = {y = 0.5, x=0,z=0};
   336    336   						minacc = {y = 0.0, x=0,z=0}, maxacc = {y = 0.3, x=0,z=0};
   337    337   						minpos = vector.add(n.pad,{x = -0.5, y = 0.5, z = -0.5});
   338    338   						maxpos = vector.add(n.pad,{x =  0.5, y = 0.5, z =  0.5});
   362    362   							attached = u.object;
   363    363   							animation = {
   364    364   								type = 'vertical_frames', length = 2.1;
   365    365   								aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16;
   366    366   							};
   367    367   						}
   368    368   					end
   369         -					if user.time >= constants.portal_jump_time then
          369  +					-- hack to try and swat an unkillable fucking impossibug
          370  +					if user.time > constants.portal_jump_time * 2 then
          371  +						user.time = 0
          372  +					elseif user.time >= constants.portal_jump_time then
   370    373   						local dd = portal_disposition(portal_composition(user.dest))
   371    374   						if #dd.freepads > 0 then
   372    375   							local destpad = dd.freepads[math.random(#dd.freepads)].pad
   373    376   							local rng = function(min,max)
   374    377   								return (math.random() * (max - min)) + min
   375    378   							end
   376    379   							local oldpos = u.object:get_pos()
   392    395   									glow = 14;
   393    396   									animation = {
   394    397   										type = 'vertical_frames', length = life + 0.1;
   395    398   										aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16;
   396    399   									};
   397    400   								}
   398    401   							end
   399         -							u.object:set_pos(vector.add(destpad, {y=0.5,z=0,x=0}))
   400    402   							user.dest = nil
   401         -							portal_context[pname] = nil
          403  +							user.time = 0
          404  +							portal_context.users[pname] = nil
          405  +							u.object:set_pos(vector.add(destpad, {y=0.5,z=0,x=0}))
   402    406   						end
   403    407   					else
   404    408   						user.time = user.time + delta
   405    409   					end
   406    410   
   407    411   					break
   408    412   				end