sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [2bce1083af]:

To Artifact [5670d710ce]:

    33     33   			return stack
    34     34   		end;
    35     35   	};
    36     36   	drain = {
    37     37   		groups = {'sword'};
    38     38   		cost = 4;
    39     39   	}; -- health vampirism
    40         -	glitter = { -- created prolonged light on digging
    41         -		name = 'Glitter';
           40  +	glimmer = { -- created prolonged light on digging
           41  +		name = 'Glimmer';
    42     42   		groups = digtools;
    43     43   		affinity = 'cognic';
    44     44   		cost = 1;
    45     45   		tone = {255,235,195};
    46     46   		desc = 'Leave a trail of light hanging in the air as you dig';
           47  +		recipe = {
           48  +			{lens = 'convex',    gem = 'sapphire', dmg = 2};
           49  +			{lens = 'concave',   gem = 'ruby',     dmg = 1};
           50  +			{lens = 'concave',   gem = 'sapphire', dmg = 1};
           51  +		};
           52  +		on_dig = function(ctx)
           53  +			local chance = 10 -- make dependent on power somehow?
           54  +			if math.random(chance) == 1 then
           55  +				local lightlevel = math.floor(math.min(minetest.LIGHT_MAX,4*ctx.power))
           56  +				-- spawn a light block
           57  +				minetest.set_node(ctx.pos, {
           58  +					name = 'sorcery:air_glimmer_' .. tostring(lightlevel);
           59  +				})
           60  +				local lm = minetest.get_meta(ctx.pos)
           61  +				lm:set_float('duration',45)
           62  +				lm:set_float('timeleft',45)
           63  +				lm:set_int('power',lightlevel)
           64  +			end
           65  +		end;
    47     66   	};
    48     67   	harvest = { -- kills or digging ore replenish durability
    49     68   		name = 'Harvest';
    50     69   		cost = 0; -- energy is only depleted when repair takes place
    51     70   		tone = {255,84,187};
    52     71   		affinity = 'syncretic';
    53     72   		groups = {
    59     78   			{lens = 'concave',   gem = 'sapphire', dmg = 1};
    60     79   		};
    61     80   		desc = 'some damage is repaired when used to mine ore or kill an attacker';
    62     81   		on_dig = function(ctx)
    63     82   			local orepfx = "stone_with_" -- }:<
    64     83   			-- local oredrop = ' lump'
    65     84   			local barename = string.sub(, string.find(, ':') + 1)
    66         -			if minetest.get_item_group(, 'ore') ~= 0 or
    67         -			   string.sub(barename,1,string.len(orepfx)) == orepfx 
    68         -			then
           85  +			if sorcery.itemclass.get(,'ore') then
    69     86   				ctx.tool:add_wear(-(sorcery.enchant.strength(ctx.tool,'harvest') * 2000))
    70     87   				ctx.cost = 3
    71     88   			end
    72     89   		end;
    73     90   	};
    74     91   	conserve = { -- use less magical energy
    75     92   		name = 'Conserve';
   125    142   						color = sorcery.lib.color(colors[minetest.get_node(n).name]);
   126    143   						count = 100 * dstfac;
   127    144   					}
   128    145   				end
   129    146   			end
   130    147   		end;
   131    148   	};
   132         -	glitter = { -- increase odds of finding gem
          149  +	glitter = { 
   133    150   		name = 'Glitter';
   134    151   		cost = 10;
   135    152   		tone = {255,50,60};
   136    153   		desc = 'dramatically improve your chances of finding gems while mining veins';
   137    154   		groups = {'pick','pickaxe'};
   138    155   		affinity = 'entropic';
   139    156   		recipe = {
   183    200   		desc = 'cleave through sturdy ores and tear mortal flesh with fearsome ease';
   184    201   		apply = function(stack,power,base)
   185    202   			local caps = table.copy(stack:get_definition().tool_capabilities)
   186    203   			for g,v in pairs(caps.groupcaps) do
   187    204   				local unit = 2
   188    205   				caps.groupcaps[g].maxlevel = caps[g].maxlevel + math.floor(unit*power)
   189    206   			end
          207  +			if caps.damage_groups and caps.damage_groups.fleshy then
          208  +				caps.damage_groups.fleshy = caps.damage_groups.fleshy + power * 5;
          209  +			end
   190    210   			stack:get_meta():set_tool_capabilities(caps)
   191    211   			return stack
   192    212   		end;
   193    213   	};
   194    214   	-- multiply = {}; --  add a chance of receiving multiple drops of ore/coal
   195    215   	-- leech = {}; -- draw power from local leylines
          216  +	-- shadowcloak = {}; -- make player briefly invisible after blows are struck, reappearing only momentarily after each blow
          217  +	sanctify = {
          218  +		desc = 'prolong the blessings of the heavens';
          219  +		groups = {'sorcery_sanctify'};
          220  +		affinity = 'entropic';
          221  +		tone = {255,255,255};
          222  +		cost = 7;
          223  +		recipe = {
          224  +			{lens = 'amplifier', gem = 'ruby', dmg = 13};
          225  +			{lens = 'amplifier', gem = 'ruby', dmg = 15};
          226  +			{lens = 'amplifier', gem = 'ruby', dmg = 18};
          227  +		};
          228  +	};
   196    229   }