sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [0a84465667]:

To Artifact [91c2fdbd59]:

   179    179   	-- 	infusion = 'sorcery:grease_war';
   180    180   	-- 	basis = 'sorcery:potion_soft';
   181    181   	-- 	desc = 'Amplify the power of your blows and crack steel armor with the force of your bare hands';
   182    182   	-- };
   183    183   	resilient = {
   184    184   		name = 'Resilient';
   185    185   		color = {124,124,124}; style = 'dull';
          186  +		infusion = 'sorcery:liquid_sap_pine_bottle';
   186    187   		basis = 'sorcery:potion_soft';
   187    188   		desc = 'Withstand greater damage and hold your ground even in face of tremendous force';
   188    189   		quals = { force = true, duration = true };
   189    190   	};
   190    191   	hover = {
   191    192   		name = 'Hover';
   192    193   		color = {164,252,55}; style = 'sparkle';