sorcery  Artifact [044261e67c]

Artifact 044261e67c571c1224f5289555eaa13e1870e17477e65dda7ffcff4a2375476f:

  • File — part of check-in [3f6a913e4e] at 2020-09-29 12:40:28 on branch trunk — * remove former hacky registration system, replace with consistent and flexible API; rewrite metal/gem generation to take advantage of this new API; tweaks to init system to enable world-local tweaks to lore and sorcery behavior * initial documentation commit * initial steps towards calendar - add default date format, astrolabe; prepare infra for division/melding/transmutation spells, various tweaks and fixes (user: lexi, size: 513) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

sorcery default lore

while individual worlds can can modify, augment, or replace it, sorcery comes with a default 'lorepack' (set of data interpreted by the mod mechanics). this is a minimal guide designed to get you started exploring it, and for developers to give them a sense of how the lore data is interpreted and what is done with it. the lore itself is purposely not exhaustively documented, as figuring out what you can do and writing in-game books on the topic is meant to be a core social mechanic!