return {
-- survival
regen = {
name = 'Regeneration';
color = {243,106,44};
style = 'sparkle';
desc = "A potion that amps up your body's natural\nhealing abilities, causing you to heal rapidly\neven if you're starving";
infusion = 'sorcery:blood';
basis = 'sorcery:potion_luminous';
duration = function(self,meta)
return 10 + meta:get_int('duration')*2
effect = function(self, user, proto)
local meta = self:get_meta()
local force = 1 + meta:get_int('force')
late.new_effect(user, {
duration = proto:duration(meta);
raise = 4; fall = 4;
impacts = {
damage = {0-force, 0.5};
waterbreathing = {
name = 'Waterbreathing';
color = {79,228,243}; style = 'sparkle';
basis = 'sorcery:potion_luminous';
desc = "Conserve your precious supply of oxygen when diving down into the ocean's depths";
infusion = 'sorcery:extract_kelp';
duration = function(self,meta)
return 20 + meta:get_int('duration')*30
effect = function(self,user,proto)
local meta = self:get_meta()
local force = 1 + 2 * (meta:get_int('force'))
late.new_effect(user, {
duration = proto:duration(meta);
raise = 2; fall = 5;
impacts = {
breath = {1 * force, 5}
heal = {
name = 'Healing';
color = {243,44,58};
style = 'sparkle';
no_duration = true;
desc = 'This blood-red liquid glitters with an enchantment that rapidly knits torn flesh and broken bones';
infusion = 'sorcery:oil_sanguine';
basis = 'sorcery:potion_luminous';
effect = function(self, user)
local meta = self:get_meta()
user:set_hp(user:get_hp() + (2 * (2 + meta:get_int('force'))))
-- status effects
stealth = {
name = 'Stealth';
color = {184,106,224}; style = 'sparkle';
infusion = 'default:coal_lump';
basis = 'sorcery:potion_soft';
desc = 'Drinking this dark, swirling draught will shelter you from the power of mortal perception for a time, even rendering you entirely invisible at full strength.';
duration = function(self,meta)
return 30 + meta:get_int('duration')*30
effect = function(self,user,proto)
local meta = self:get_meta()
local force = 1 + 1 * (meta:get_int('force'))
local opacity = 1.0 - (1.0 * (force / 4))
late.new_effect(user, {
duration = proto:duration(meta);
raise = 10; fall = 15;
impacts = {
texture = { nil, opacity };
nametag = { nil, opacity };
nightsight = {
name = 'Nightsight';
color = {91,0,200}; style = 'sparkle';
desc = 'While this potion flows through your veins, your vision will be strengthened against the darkness of the night';
maxforce = 3;
infusion = 'sorcery:oil_dawn';
basis = 'sorcery:potion_soft';
duration = function(self,meta)
return 50 + meta:get_int('duration')*70
effect = function(self,user,proto)
--TODO ensure it can only be drunk at night
--TODO ensure it can't last more than one night
local meta = self:get_meta()
local force = 0.3 * (1+meta:get_int('force'))
late.new_effect(user, {
duration = proto:duration(meta);
raise = 15; fall = 30;
impacts = {
daylight = force;
antigravity = {
name = 'Antigravity';
color = {240,59,255}; style = 'sparkle';
desc = 'Loosen the crushing grip of the earth upon your tender mortal form with a few sips from this glittering phial';
infusion = 'sorcery:oil_stone';
basis = 'sorcery:potion_soft';
duration = function(self,meta)
return 20 + meta:get_int('duration')*25
effect = function(self,user,proto)
local meta = self:get_meta()
local force = 1 - 0.3 * (meta:get_int('force') + 1)
late.new_effect(user, {
duration = proto:duration(meta);
raise = 2; fall = 15;
impacts = {
gravity = force;
gale = {
name = 'Gale';
color = {187,176,203};
desc = 'Move and strike with the speed of a hurricane as this enchanted fluid courses through your veins';
infusion = 'sorcery:grease_storm';
basis = 'sorcery:potion_soft';
duration = function(self,meta)
return 10 + meta:get_int('duration')*15
effect = function(self,user,proto)
local meta = self:get_meta()
local force = 2 + 0.7 * (meta:get_int('force'))
late.new_effect(user, {
duration = proto:duration(meta);
raise = 5; fall = 5;
impacts = {
speed = force;
obsidian = {
name = 'Obsidian';
infusion = 'default:obsidian_shard';
color = {76,0,121}; style = 'sparkle';
desc = 'Walk untroubled through volleys of arrows and maelstroms of swinging blades, for all will batter uselessly against skin protected by spellwork mightier than the doughtiest armor';
infusion = 'default:obsidian_shard';
basis = 'sorcery:potion_luminous';
no_force = true;
duration = function(self,meta)
return 5 + meta:get_int('duration')*7
lavabreathing = {
name = 'Lavabreathing';
color = {243,118,79}; style = 'sparkle'; glow = 12;
basis = 'sorcery:potion_soft';
desc = "Wade through seas of roiling lava as easily as though it were but a babbling brook";
-- mighty = {
-- name = 'Mighty';
-- color = {255,0,119}; style = 'sparkle'; glow = 5;
-- infusion = 'sorcery:grease_war';
-- basis = 'sorcery:potion_soft';
-- desc = 'Amplify the power of your blows and crack steel armor with the force of your bare hands';
-- };
resilient = {
name = 'Resilient';
color = {124,124,124}; style = 'dull';
basis = 'sorcery:potion_soft';
desc = 'Withstand greater damage and hold your ground even in face of tremendous force';
hover = {
name = 'Hover';
color = {164,252,55}; style = 'sparkle';
desc = 'Rise into the air for a time and stay there until the potion wears off';
basis = 'sorcery:potion_soft';
flight = {
name = 'Flight';
color = {143,35,255}; style = 'sparkle';
desc = 'Free yourself totally from the shackles of gravity and soar through the air however you should will';
basis = 'sorcery:potion_soft';
infusion = 'sorcery:grease_lift';
no_force = true;
duration = function(self,meta)
return 40 + meta:get_int('duration')*55
effect = function(self,user,proto)
late.new_effect(user, {
duration = proto:duration(self:get_meta());
impacts = {
fly = 1;
leap = {
name = 'Leap';
color = {164,252,55};
desc = 'Soar high into the air each time you jump (but may risk damage if used without a Feather Potion)';
infusion = 'sorcery:oil_wind';
basis = 'sorcery:potion_soft';
duration = function(self,meta)
return 5 + meta:get_int('duration')*7
effect = function(self,user,proto)
local meta = self:get_meta()
local force = 2 + (0.5 * meta:get_int('force'))
late.new_effect(user, {
duration = proto:duration(meta);
fall = 3;
impacts = {
jump = force;